Ning Tongtong's Plan

Li Yan flipped over and pinned Qiao Mu down. " Whether you despise me or not, then prove it with your actions. "

Qiao Mu was speechless.


The next morning, Key Studio.

Amy cleaned Key's office as usual. Key was coming to the company soon, so she turned on the computer first.

As she was tidying up her keyboard, a notification popped up on her computer desktop. There was an unread email.

Initially, Amy did not pay much attention to it, but when she saw that the sender was Qiao Mu, she clicked on it out of the blue.

Then, he saw two emails.

The first email was a draft of two sets of clothes for a man and a woman, one suit and one wedding dress.

The second email was an original copy of the work, with a line of explanation:" Mr. Key, I sent the wrong draft. That was the draft I prepared for the finals. Please delete it after you read it. Don't leak it to the public. Thank you. "