Overwhelming Negative News

Ning Jian looked at Ning Tongtong. " Who do you want to mess with this time? "

"Brother, what do you think I am? It's not me who's messing with others, it's others who's messing with me! You also know that a contestant is suspected of plagiarizing my work. The competition is about to start. You can't watch your sister be bullied by others, right?"

"Alright, what do you want me to do?"

Ning Tongtong smiled. " It's very simple. As long as…"


Qiao Mu buried herself in her work for the next few days. When she was resting, she would use her phone to surf the Internet. Then, she saw a piece of news-" Li Yan and his fiancée attend a banquet! "

Qiao Mu's first reaction was that she had been exposed? However, when she looked at the picture, she realized that the so-called fiancée of Li Yan was Ji Lan!