Chapter 1073-Still Not Cruel Enough

Qiao Mu paused for a moment before continuing, "" Regarding your question just now, I feel that I still have to tell you. Qiao Jiannan is my father, and you should know that my mother abandoned me. To me, this person is dispensable and meaningless. "

Qiao Mu said these words so righteously and so heartbreakingly. Her mother no longer existed.

After Shu Xinyu heard Qiao Mu's words, her expression shifted slightly, and she seemed to heave a sigh of relief. " I really don't understand. You clearly have parents, yet an orphan has to appear in an orphanage. How laughable. I don't have any objections to you having such a hobby. I just want to confirm it. "

Shu Xinyu turned around and walked out. When she reached the door, she turned around and glanced at Qiao Mu. " Qiao Mu, you're really amazing with what happened to Tongtong the last time. Although you let Tongtong off, you let Li Yan destroy my company! "