A Man Who Protects His Wife Like His Life

Upon hearing this, Qiao Mu felt like crying and laughing at the same time. Her nose turned sour, and her eyes reddened.

How could he be so shameless? It wasn't his fault. How could he apologize to her so easily? It wasn't worth it to apologize to her for such a thing!

She shook her head. " I don't want to leave. We haven't eaten yet. Why should we leave? I still want to eat a big meal!"

Li Yan curled his lips. This was his little woman.

He rubbed her head. " You can walk on your own? "

"Of course!" Qiao Mu held Li Yan's arm and intimately stuck close to him as they walked into the private room.

Sometimes, she felt that the man beside her had a power that she could not see. In front of him, all her negative emotions would disappear. As long as he was around, all her unhappiness was not worth mentioning.