Why Are You Hiding From Me?

The " snowman " smiled and nodded. " I'm in my fourth year. I saw your debate at the debate competition last time and recognized your voice immediately. I really didn't expect that the popular anchor of our Breeze Radio Station would be my schoolmate. "

Qiao Wei was not used to meeting an online host. She smiled politely and said, " Senior, you flatter me. I didn't expect such a coincidence. "

" It's weird for you to call me senior sister. My name is Chen Xue. You can just call me Little Xue. " Chen Xue laughed heartily. " But what surprised me was that the legendary Liuyue is actually a great beauty. You're too low-key. Previously, someone on the website said that you didn't dare to expose your photos because you're ugly, but you're still able to keep your cool. I'm so impressed by you. "

Wei Qiao didn't think much of it. " After all, the Internet is virtual. We won't have any interactions for the rest of our lives. I don't care what other people think. "