Don't Fight With Me

Wei Qiao pouted. " How would I know! "

Shen Yi felt a little helpless. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her. " Qiao Wei, if you're unhappy, just say it. I'm willing to accept it. Just don't make things difficult for me. "

Wei Qiao looked at the man's serious expression and did not know how to react.

His tone was so gentle that it made her lose all her temper.

She mumbled softly, " I'm not being awkward! "

Shen Yi's lips curled up. " You didn't argue? Then don't blame me for not giving you a chance to say it. "

Seeing the man's expression change immediately, Wei Qiao raised her head and glared at him. " If I say my dissatisfaction, will you change? "

Shen Yi nodded.

Wei Qiao raised her chin and said straightforwardly," I have a lot of complaints about you. You abuse your power and always occupy my free time. Just like now, class is clearly over. Why are you still pestering me? "