He Liked Everything She Had

Shen Yi looked at her calmly. " Why do you look so guilty when you're chatting with your elders? "

"I didn't! I'm just worried about wasting my phone bill. International roaming is very expensive!" Wei Qiao argued without blinking.

Shen Yi raised his eyebrows and stared at Qiao Wei, making her feel even more guilty.

Finally, Shen Yi shifted his gaze to Lin Hao who was driving. " Lin Hao, charge her phone later. "

Wei Qiao heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he did not hear the contents of the call.

Just then, Shen Yi received a message on his phone. ""Son, where are you now? Is he in Los Angeles?"

Shen Yi took a look but did not reply. Then, he sent another message."You don't want to say it? If you don't tell me, I'll go to Los Angeles to play with my daughter-in-law."

"Mom, don't mess around," Shen Yi replied helplessly.