Will You Like Me?

Following that, no matter what Shen Yi asked, Qiao Wei would reply with an ignorant look, " I don't understand, " " I don't understand, " and " I don't know. "

Shen Yi did not know what this girl wanted to do and continued, "" Our flight is tomorrow night. Where do you want to go during the day? "

"I don't know." Wei Qiao shook her head innocently.

Shen Yi looked down at her. " What do you know? "

Wei Qiao thought about it seriously and shook her head. " Sorry, I'm actually a little silly. "

Shen Yi was speechless.

He looked at the little girl who had ulterior motives. " She's quite silly. "

After laying the foundation for a long time, Wei Qiao finally got to the main point and secretly rejoiced in her heart.

Didn't he like silly people? Did he meet his standards now?

However, this was not enough. She looked at the steps in front of her and slowly walked over. Then, she successfully tripped on the steps.