A Date Between Two People (1)

Wei Qiao slept until the next morning.

She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the hotel room for a while before she remembered what had happened last night.

She seemed to be sleeping comfortably on Shen Yi's back!

Damn it! A rare night alone with him was wasted just like that.

Suddenly, she remembered that she had asked Shen Yi if he would like her last night. She vaguely heard Shen Yi answer her with a " yes ". She could not remember at all if it was real or if it was an illusion in her dream.

Thinking about it carefully, how could Shen Yi answer her question so frankly? She must be dreaming.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. A man's voice came from outside the door."Are you up?"

Qiao Wei opened the door and looked at Shen Yi, a little embarrassed. " I fell asleep last night. Thank you for bringing me back. "

Shen Yi smiled. " Go pack up. I'll bring you out to play later. "

"Where are we going?"

"Do you want to go to Disneyland?"