The First Main Task

Eve sat on the divine seat He created in the space of His consciousness and smiled as He looked at these people He brought here.

Yes, the space of His consciousness.

Eve created everything here according to the celestial temple of the Mother of Nature in ancient times from the inheritance of the World Tree.

Eve was able to bring the players to the space of His consciousness, for He originally used the Internet to draw the players' consciousness from the blue planet. Berserker and Alice were His believers, so they could also be summoned by Him.

Although Eve was currently in a bad state and could not create an avatar, things were different in the space of His consciousness. Here, He could create everything through His own imagination. Everything He wanted would be there. This was the best place to fool people.

The discovery of divine blood crystals was related to Eve's further recovery, which was of great importance. If He could operate properly, it was very likely that Eve would have the opportunity to reverse the current unfavorable situation in one action. So He decided to do it in person this time.

In addition, Eve was also trying to imbue His existence among the players in order to make the players and believers want to fight for Him… ahem, to fight for the kingdom of elves. For He was trying to establish His leadership in the game.

After all, Eve's position was not only a GM behind the scenes, but also an important NPC guiding the players. If He really relied on the indigenous believers for everything, He would be no different from a background character.

The players would not care whether He was a god or a tree. They would not truly support Him unless He really participated in their game, benefitted them, and was recognized by them.

The way Eve chose to appear before them turned out to be good.

The four players were completely stunned, let alone Berserker and Alice who were touched to tears and were worshipping Him piously because they were summoned by Mother God.

Although they met once when the characters of the game were created, Eve at that time was a purely formal procedure He set in the game system. And the shock it gave the players was far less than that of this current instance.

There were magnificent galaxies, a spectacular temple, sacred and ethereal chanting, and… a perfect, flawless holy goddess whom nobody could have blasphemous thoughts about.

A true god! This was a true god!

This was the apex of The Kingdom of Elves, the real dominator!

When Demacia first entered the temple, he still had the idea of secretly casting a spell of identification. But when he really saw Eve, he gave up all these thoughts.

That was the instinctive awe of ordinary people when they saw an existence beyond their understanding!

At this moment, Demacia even forgot that he was in the game…

Now he had only one thought:

'Goddess, do you still accept believers?'

"Your Majesty, Mother God."

While Demacia was thinking wildly, the zealous voice of Berserker the oak guard sounded.

"I have already brought back your sacred object."

After these words were spoken, he got down on one knee, bent his head respectfully, and lifted the pale green divine blood crystal high.


At the sight of the crystal, Eve nodded slightly on the divine seat. His majestic voice was amiable and satisfied.

He stopped tapping the divine seat, raised His right hand and slightly waved. Then the pale green crystal in Berserker's hand flew up and melted into His body.

With the fusion of the divine blood crystal, the magnificent temple shook slightly. The holy light got brighter, the chants were more ethereal, the people in the temple felt that the goddess's power seemed to increase latently…

Eve was very pleasantly surprised when He felt His points of divine force instantly rising to 12.

"Congratulations to Mother God for being one step closer to your former glory."

Seeming to feel the joy of Mother God, Alice and Berserker congratulated Eve gleefully. Demacia and the other three players hurriedly followed them and congratulated the goddess.

After these words, the oak guard said again,

"Your Majesty, Mother God, thanks to these brave, righteous chosen ones, the recovery of the sacred object was smooth."

Thanks to them? How could it be… him?!

Alice could not help but turn to glance at Demacia. She found it incredible.

The highlight was coming!

On hearing Berserker's words, the players were shocked.

The grand temple fell silent.




Tapping softly, Eve said solemnly again,

"I already know the ins and outs of the matter. The chosen ones, thank you for your assistance."

With the thanks of the goddess, a new system box appeared before Demacia and the other three men's eyes.


[The main storyline has been triggered: The goddess's revival]

The plot was coming!

The plot was really coming!

And it was the main story!

They actually triggered the main plotline!

These players took heart and rejoiced instantly.

In recent days, the players in the pre-OBT had been discussing when and how the main storyline would start. But unexpectedly, it was triggered by the players.

Moreover, the four men seemed to win the honor of triggering the main plotline!

[In dialogue mode, please select a representative to communicate with the goddess]

The system box popped up again.

"Let me be the representative. I have played this kind of text dialogue game a lot and I have played thousands of characters strategically."

Demacia winked at the other three men and stepped forward slightly, his expression calm and proud.

However, the action of him rubbing his fingers revealed his inner unrest.

[Representative confirmed: Demacia]

After the players had decided on Demacia, Eve's holy, ethereal voice echoed in their ears again,

"The chosen ones, what reward do you want?"

In the meantime, three options appeared before Demacia's eyes.

[Answer A: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, thank you for your favor. The righteous, selfless chosen ones do not need a reward!]

[Answer B: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, it is our duty to serve you. We do not need a reward!]

[Answer C: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, can you talk about the sacred object?]

Demacia, "…"

Damn, the person who designed the dialogue options must have a problematic brain.

Demacia pouted from within but answered joyfully,

"Your Majesty, supreme goddess, can you talk about the sacred object?"

The goddess's expression seemed to be softer as she heard his words.

She nodded gently and said,

"This is one of the divine blood crystals of the World Tree, which were scattered all over the forest of elves after the War of Gods 1000 years ago. Now, Ullr is sending His minions--those evil goblins, to collect the divine blood crystals everywhere, for He wants to gain the power that belongs to me."

After these words, she paused for a while and continued to explain,

"Ullr is the God of Winter and Hunting. He is my enemy. 1000 years ago, He also participated in the War of Gods that destroyed the elf civilization."

Ullr the god of Winter and Hunting? Another god?

And the goddess clearly regarded Him as an enemy!

The players got excited as they knew that the main storyline would formally start.

After the goddess finished speaking, new options appeared before Demacia's eyes again.

[Answer A: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, can we do something for you?]

[Answer B: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, do you need our assistance?]

[Answer C: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, can we be your strength?]

Demacia, "…"

Were there any differences between these options?!

"Your Majesty, supreme goddess, can we do something for you?"

Demacia picked one option randomly and answered.

"Of course."

Eve's smile was even brighter.

"In order to destroy Ullr's devious schemes and for the sake of my further revival, I need your strength."

After these words, she raised her hand. A soft divine power poured out and transformed into a real scene in midair.

There were broken walls covered with plants. A large number of goblins were strongly entrenched there. They put up an altar to sacrifice while offering pale green divine blood crystals to the god…

"Once upon a time, that was the holy city of the kingdom of elves--Florence. But now, it has been reduced to ruins…"

There was a hint of sadness in the female voice.

"Now, it has become the goblins' lair. They are entrenched there, desecrating the glory of elves and stealing the power of the World Tree… Unfortunately, I have not recovered my strength at present. Thus, I cannot act in person lest I should attract Ullr's attention."

As she spoke, the goddess looked towards these men in anticipation.

"The chosen ones, are you willing to destroy these evil blasphemers on my behalf and take back the power that belongs to me?"

[Answer A: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, we are willing!]

[Answer B: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, we will do whatever it takes!]

[Answer C: Your Majesty, supreme goddess, we will do our best!]

Demacia, "…"

He had already become numb to options.

Nevertheless, as the goddess looked at him in anticipation, he would not change his answer even if there was no option.

Furthermore, it involved the main storyline.

"Your Majesty, supreme goddess, we are willing!"

Demacia replied.

After he replied, the voice of the system sounded again--


[Chapter 1: The main storyline starts--]

[Act 1: Ullr's plot]

[Activate the main task: The holy city of the past]

[The targets of the task: 1. Establish a stable teleportation circle in Florence; 2. Destroy the goblins that are entrenched in the holy city, Florence; 3. Retrieve the divine blood crystals belonging to the World Tree.]

[The time limit for the task: Unlimited]

[The number of people for the task: Unlimited]

[The level of the task: 9+]

[The reward of the task: You have the opportunity to gain experience points, a number of Perfect Resurrections and the degree of task contribution once you reach any target]

[Task Tip 1: Berserker has the map of the coordinates of Florence. You can obtain it from him.]

[Task Tip 2: Alice Gale is able to draw a teleportation circle. You can seek her assistance.]

[Task Tip 3: To unite is to be more powerful. There are too many goblins. Please party with other players.]

[Task Tip 4: The risk of death is extremely high in this task. Please try to ensure that you have obtained a Perfect Resurrection before entering a battle. The players with the perfect resurrection buff will be revived at the same level after they die. Each buff can be used to resurrect yourself once.]

Perfect Resurrection is Eve's revision of the resurrection mechanism.

In order to make the players fight more confidently and work harder, He specifically added a new mechanism of resurrection without punishment.

Anyway, for Eve, it was just the resurrection of the bodies, which did not cost many points of divine force. It was even far less than the consumption of creating the players' bodies.

Of course, if the players wanted to obtain more Perfect Resurrection, they must do tasks…

This was the first transcript!

The four players instantly grew excited when they got the information from the system.

They really started the main storyline! And it was the first transcript!

When they saw the reward, their eyes brightened.

"A Perfect Resurrection? It guarantees the same level after resurrection?!"

A treasure! A good treasure!

As a hapless man who had died several times before level five, Demacia almost cried when he saw this reward.

The other three players patted him on the shoulder in excitement,

"Brother! Good job! You have chosen all the right answers!"

Demacia, "…"

His lips twitched as he replied,

"You guys could have easily chosen all the right answers too."

While these men were excited, Eve's voice came again.

"Brave chosen ones, thank you for your support. In order to express my gratitude to you, I will give you an exclusive title and the reward you deserve."

There were even a title and a reward?

The players' eyes brightened.

Demacia smiled gleefully and patted his thigh.

"That's it! How can there be no reward for starting the script?"

"Long live the goddess!"

In the cheers of the players, Eve waved the right hand again…


[You get an exclusive title: Protector of the World Tree]

[You get a reward: Perfect Resurrection x Five]