Are These People Reliable?

As the men heard the voice of the system, they found a purple title below their green name: Protector of the World Tree.

The fancy font was very cool and the words came with flashing effects.

"Wow! An exclusive title!"

"Five Perfect Resurrection?"


The men were extremely excited.

"Brave chosen ones, please embark on a journey again with my blessing."

Looking at the four excited players, Eve smiled and waved to send their consciousness back to the real world of Sagas.

Only Alice and Berserker were left in the hall.

"Alice, Berserker, this matter is related to my revival. You guys should help them."

Eve urged the two again.

"Yes, Mother God."

The two indigenous believers answered reverently.

"Your Majesty, Mother God…"

Berserker the oak guard hesitated as if he had something difficult to say.

"Say it."

Eve nodded.

Berserker relaxed with the permission from the true god and then asked respectfully,

"Actually, you can directly let me convey the instructions. In fact… it is not necessary…"

"It is not necessary for me to direct the play in person and call them here?"

Eve smiled.

Berserker bent his head and answered yes in a deep voice.




Eve gently tapped the armrest of the divine seat, only the sound of tapping echoed in the temple.

A moment later, He chuckled and said,

"This is their own way of entertainment. You will understand it later."

After these words, He waved His hand again to send the two followers out of the space of His consciousness in the same way.

Demacia and the other three players were in a daze. Then they found themselves back in the Temple of Nature in the town.

But this time, they had an extra title above their heads and there was an extra line in their system bar, [Perfect Resurrection x Five]

The men looked at each other, let out a whoop of delight, and turned to rush out of the Temple of Nature.

"Ha ha ha ha! I want to share this news with everyone!"

"An exclusive title! Ha ha. Only the four of us have this exclusive title! It's out of print!"

"I recorded all the scenes just now. They are so wonderful. I will be the first to post a video!"

When the men pushed open the door of the temple, they found that the surrounding area was already crowded with players.

Looking at the bustling crowd, Demacia shouted in excitement,

"Brothers! Sisters! We have started the main story! There is a main task!"

At this moment however, the players in the town had already been in uproar.

"Let's team up to explore the wasteland! A transcript of Florence the holy city! A level ten player of the strength system is needed! We don't want you if you feel woozy with blood!"

"We need a magician!"

"Anybody can command?! Our team lacks a commander!"

Demacia: ? ? ?

The four players gawked at everyone who were busy partying up before they could share the news.


What happened?

The four players felt that the whole world knew how to start the transcript before they could announce it.

At this time, a player came and gave Demacia the thumbs up.

"Demacia, you are amazing. You really started the main plotline!"

"It was so great! I also want to talk to the goddess!"

On hearing the other person's words, Demacia slightly froze.

"You all know?"

The players nodded.

"Yes! When you guys were summoned by the goddess, we turned on the cutscenes from a bystander's perspective. We envy you guys so much…"

"Yes! The special effects of the cutscenes are great! Eve the goddess is gorgeous!"

"Ha ha, I also made a video recording. I have already uploaded the video to the Internet to make those who failed to gain the qualification for pre-OBT green with envy. Ha ha!"

Demacia, "…"

Yes, it was such a big thing to start a transcript. There must be an announcement about it.

Demacia patted his forehead, feeling a little depressed.

He had originally wanted to tell everyone about it in person.

Wait… Someone had made a video recording and uploaded it first?


At this time, someone approached and looked at his title with envy.

"How nice! Protector of the World Tree! Ah, who knows whether we will get the chance to have such a title in the future."

On hearing this, Demacia could not help but curl his lips. His melancholy immediately dissipated.

He said proudly with arms akimbo,

"Ha ha, you cannot have our title. This is our exclusive title!"

And then he said again,

"Hey hey, by the way, it is stated in the task tips that you'd better have a Perfect Resurrection. Be careful when you find your party members!"

While speaking, he moved and proudly showed the other person his status bar that read [Perfect Resurrection x Five].

On hearing Demacia's words, the other person smiled and also showed his own status bar.

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about it. After the main plotline started, all the players who chose to participate in the first task were given three Perfect Resurrection from the goddess."

Demacia, "…"

"Ahem… That's good."

He laughed drily and waved his hand,

"Let's stop here. I'm going to look for Brother Mu!"

After these words, Demacia turned his back to that person. He shook his head while sighing.

"Ah… My title of 'Protector of the World Tree' is really too dazzling, too dazzling…"

The main storyline of The Kingdom of Elves started! The first main task, [The Ancient Holy City], had already been released!

After finishing the task, the players would not only gain a considerable amount of experience points, but also get the chance to increase the number of Perfect Resurrection they had. Furthermore, they would obtain the contribution points that originally should have been given out after level 11!

Additionally, in order to let the players enjoy a better game experience, Eve Euktrahill the great Mother of Nature also gave three Perfect Resurrection to every player who participated in this task!

More pieces of news came after another, all the players above level nine made a great commotion.

Except for a small number of players, the majority were eager to try, so they started partying together.

The Kingdom of Elves did not limit the number of people in a party. Nevertheless, in order to develop everyone's potential, most players had formed a five-person party as if there was a prior agreement. A five-person party was also the common party composition in virtual reality online games.

In the latest strategies of The Kingdom of Elves, some bigwigs also analyzed that a five-person party was the most efficient way to attack wild monsters. For example, the five-person party led by "Box Meal" had cooperated in killing a powerful forest python.

In just a quarter of an hour, the players in the pre-OBT formed 21 teams with a total of 91 players. All these players were at level nine or above. Among them, 37 people had even reached level 10!

However, on the issue of establishing a teleportation circle, the players disagreed with each other…

"What? Little sister Alice can only make one set of materials for placing the teleportation circle?"

"It is said that magic raw materials are scarce these days…"

"That is to say… Only one team can finish Target 1?"

"How can it be… There is no way to divide the rewards!"

"How to decide? Shall we… draw lots?"

"To draw lots is not good. There is only one set of materials for the teleportation circle so that means there is only one chance to finish the task. In addition, it is necessary to ensure stable operation of the teleportation circle after the construction of it. After all, the enemies will definitely come to sabotage it. So, it will definitely need the players' protection…"

"I think let our fists talk. Let the teams compete with each other."

"How to compete? Shall we fight against each other?!"

"How to divide the rewards?! Is it possible to be fair?"

For a time, the players argued.

Seeing the noisy chosen ones, Berserker, who had been waiting for a long time, frowned.

When did elves become so disorganized and undisciplined? The task had not started yet, but they were already quarreling about a teleportation circle?

Don't they know of the elf's unity and modesty?

Are these undisciplined people really able to finish Mother God's task?

Although goblins were weak, Berserker still thought that goblins were more powerful than these noisy rookies.

Although the chosen ones surprised him with the construction of the town, the next step was to fight with real knives and swords!

Berserker still remembered Demacia and the other three players' cheeky appearances when he peeped at them in the forest…

Obviously, these chosen ones had not been exposed to real combat. Some of them would even get dizzy with blood!

Moreover, there were priests among the goblins, which meant that they had intelligent commanders.

But these chosen ones were noisy and chaotic. Nobody was willing to obey another. There was even no leader…

Additionally, none of them had upgraded to Iron.

In this case, could it really be smooth?

"Mother God, is your choice… really correct?"

Thinking of this, Berserker frowned even deeper.

Seeing Berserker's face darkening, Saint Alice casted him an empathetic look.

Vaguely, she felt the same way.

These rogues with elf appearances… had no noble elf characters at all. They were really like those mercenary human beings!

Wait, no, they had no human discipline either! They were extremely slack!

Ting! Ting! Ting--!

"Be quiet!"

While Berserker was pondering with a frown, a loud shout accompanied by a percussion sound overwhelmed the scene.

It attracted everyone' attention in an instant…

Standing on a pile of wood, Demacia held a wooden knife in one hand to hit the stone and a horn made with a huge folded leaf in the other hand.

"Stop! Stop! Brother Mu has something to say!"

Brother Mu? Li Mu?

On hearing Demacia's roar, the crowd gradually quieted down.