The Most Shameless Player

Human beings were like this. When a group of people was leaderless, as long as a person with a little power came forward, everyone would respond.

The anchor Little Mu's name was considered famous in the gaming world. Additionally, he had published the first game evaluation post. Thus, everyone was willing to at least listen to him once.

Seeing the players quietening down, Demacia was very satisfied. He took a small step aside and gave the horn to Li Mu who came on stage.

Li Mu took the horn, coughed a few times, and then said,

"Be quiet, everyone. The task has not started yet. We cannot be so discoordinated. This game is different from what we have played before. Without sufficient preparation, we cannot hastily make our decisions…"

After listening to him, the players made a great commotion.

"Brother Mu, what do you mean?"

Someone asked him in doubt.

Li Mu continued,

"That is to say, although we have received the task, we know neither what the transcript exactly is nor the goblins' situation. If we act in an unorganized way, we will most probably fail. After all, except for Demacia and the other three, each of us has only three Perfect Resurrection."

As the player listened to his speech, their expressions gradually became serious.

Seeing everyone listening to him, Li Mu was very satisfied. He cleared his throat and continued,

"This is not the conventional exploration of a wasteland. We have no unlimited resurrection. After dying three times, we will have to start everything from the beginning. According to the description of the task, it is likely to be a protracted war. Therefore, before we set off, we must work out a detailed plan instead of dividing into countless parties and swarming them mindlessly."

"Uncle B also told us that Florence is 30 kilometers away from us, which is 20 kilometers beyond the safe zone. If we rush to get there in a hurry, the variables in our journey are too risky. We might even encounter danger on the way and expose ourselves to the goblins."

"Furthermore, we have only one teleportation circle. After we set up the teleportation circle, if we fail to maintain it under the goblins' counterattack, I'm afraid that we will still fall short of the targets of the task…"

Seeing the eloquent Li Mu, Berserker was a little surprised.

Oh Mother God, luckily, there seems to be wise people among these chosen ones.


"Who is Uncle B?"

Berserker was lost in thought.

"It's you!"

Eve, who peeped at everything from above, perceived His believer's doubt and secretly sighed from within.

"Brother Mu, do you have a plan?"

A player asked.

Li Mu smiled and said,

"Of course. I suggest that we form a special attack team, which is composed of the players who are good at stealth. They will first go to Florence with the materials of the teleportation circle, but they won't enter Florence. Instead, they will choose a safe place near Florence and set up the teleportation circle there."

Saying so, he curled his lips.

"There is no time limit for the task. It does not mean that we have to achieve Target 1 first. The materials of the teleportation circle are fixed. All we need to do is to place and activate it. Therefore, we can first establish a hidden teleportation circle outside the location of Florence. It can serve as a stronghold. And then, the teleportation circle will be used to teleport all the rest of us there. After finishing Target 2 and Target 3, we will then team up together, dismantle the teleportation circle, take the materials to Florence and set up a new one again."

"In this way, when we set up the teleportation circle, we have already recovered the holy city and the teleportation circle will naturally no longer be threatened by goblins. Moreover, it can ensure that everyone will get the reward for establishing the teleportation circle!"

Can this plan work?

The players' eyes brightened.

No wonder he was a senior BUG anchor.

Eve exclaimed slightly as He peeped.

"Additionally, after establishing the teleportation circle for the first time outside the city, we can first plan to lure some goblins out and test how powerful they are."

"If they are very weak, we will take the initiative to attack. If they are very powerful, we will use guerrilla tactics outside of Florence and slowly drain them of their power."

"I think that the hunting in the safe zone during this period of time has made everyone realize that the monsters in this game will not be resurrected. Instead, this game simulates the ecosystem in the real world. So goblins can be exterminated one by one. We absolutely can fight a protracted war!"

"If the enemy advances, we will retreat. If the enemy is stationed, we will disturb them. If the enemy is tired, we will fight them. If the enemy retreats, we will chase them!"

Li Mu kept talking.

"That is a good idea!"

The players all nodded.

"No wonder you are a senior anchor. Your ability to command and your insight are remarkable."

"Brother Mu, you are right! We will listen to you for this task!"

In the meantime, many people suddenly realized.

"No wonder there is no live game in the safe zone recently. In the past few days, we have been only eating some fruit. It turns out that the monsters cannot be resurrected."

"Wait, I was wondering why I smelt barbecue in the woods last time. Was it you guys?!"

"Sure, we can eat fruit every day. But barbecue is too good, especially with the kind of pheasant in the safe zone. The pheasant is purely organic without chemicals, making it extremely tender. If the saint little sister was not watching us in the camp, we would have held a barbecue party."


Alice was almost stunned by the players' words.

Mother God on high, this was actually the reason why the animals in the forest all disappeared?!

These… These…

She gritted her teeth, not knowing how to describe it in words.

The players continued their discussion.

"But Brother Mu, how do we lure the goblins?"

Someone asked.

Hearing the question, Li Mu frowned, thought for a while, and said with uncertainty,

"This is a problem indeed. I think that we can try to use food to lure them…"

"Wait! Wait! Brother Mu! Brother Mu! I have a good idea! I have a good idea!"

Before Li Mu could finish speaking, Demacia came near him in excitement,

"I have a wonderful idea! It absolutely can lure the goblins!"

Li Mu glanced at him in surprise and gave him the horn.

Demacia took the horn with his big hand and laughed vulgarly.

"Ha ha ha, this issue… Our female players should work hard."

"Female players?"

"Demacia, you have a vulgar idea again, don't you?"

The male players booed while the female players frowned slightly.

"No no…"

Demacia smiled awkwardly. Then his eyes rolled as he said with a smile,

"That… I think we have to start with the goblins' habits…"

"Ha ha ha, that… Do you still remember? As mentioned in the profiles of monsters in many games, there are no females among the goblin race. To reproduce, they use female humans and sub-human creatures as seedbeds for their offspring. Ha ha ha… Now it's spring, the season of mating for everything…"

He said triumphantly,

"You see, we elves look pretty good. Goblins are humanoid creatures and their aesthetic sense is actually similar to ours. So, girls could bait them with their sensuality…"

"What's it called? Honey trap? Of course, they will just lure them. Don't worry! Every safety measure will be taken!"

Demacia said triumphantly.

Alice, "…"

Berserker, "…"

All the players, "…"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Eve, who was watching everything from above, choked and could not help sighing.

"That guy is really the most shameless player in the game…"