I Can’t!

"What?" Jing Chunyu said, close to roaring.

He got up from the chair at once, scowling at Jing Tianying.

Jing Chengye's eyes were also bulging. His aura even felt different.

The fact that a warrior had reached the Sixth Heaven wouldn't be enough to shock Jing Chunyu and Jing Chengye. The amazing thing was the rate at which Jing Yan had progressed; he was only at the Third Heaven the month before, yet he had risen to the Sixth Heaven within a month?

How could that be?

That was beyond impossible! Even at the height of his power, Jing Yan had never done something so surreal. Leveling up one rank in a month would already be quite impressive, not to mention moving up three levels in a row.

"Fourth Elder, are you sure about this?" Jing Chengye asked quietly as he took a deep breath.

Although he asked for confirmation, he was already certain that it had really happened. There was no way Jing Tianying would lie to him about it. Moreover, Jing Tianying wasn't the only host for the abilities test. There's also the Sixth Elder, Jing Mingzhi.

On top of that, there must have been a lot of Jing Clan disciples who witnessed the whole process in the Martial Arts Performing Stadium.

He was just having difficulty wrapping his mind around it.

"I'm very certain of it!" Jing Tianying was pleased to see the sour expression on Jing Chunyu's face. "Patriarch, although Jing Yan's rank has only risen to the Sixth Heaven, his real strength seems to be far stronger than his rank would suggest."

"What do you mean by that?" Jing Chengye looked puzzled.

"There's a High-ranking warrior in our Jing Clan called Jing Lucheng. I believe the First Elder knows about him, too, correct?" Jing Tianying turned his gaze to Jing Chunyu.

Of course, Jing Chunyu knew about Jing Lucheng.

Jing Yuqin was Jing Chunyu's daughter. Although Jing Lucheng wasn't the First Elder's grandson, Jing Yuqin and Jing Lucheng were very close.

"What are you trying to say, Fourth Elder?" Jing Chunyu growled. He took several deep breaths to finally suppress the feeling of shock. He focused his gaze on Jing Tianying.

"Today, Jing Lucheng challenged Jing Yan to a fight in the Martial Arts Performing Stadium. However, he lost to Jing Yan. Jing Lucheng's rank is the Seventh Heaven," Jing Tianying said with a smile.

Jing Chengye and Jing Chunyu were both shaken again.

"That's impossible!" Jing Chunyu shouted, baring his teeth in a snarl. "Jing Lucheng's at the Seventh Heaven. Even if Jing Yan's rank has returned to the Sixth Heaven, there's no way he could beat Jing Lucheng. Are you talking nonsense now, Fourth Elder? The only way that could happen is if Jing Lucheng artificially lowered his rank."

"Hehe. At first, Jing Lucheng actually did promise that he would limit his rank to the Sixth Heaven. But in the middle of the fight, he stopped doing that. Despite that, Jing Yan still defeated him," Jing Tianying said, eyes glistening with satisfaction.

Every time he remembered how Jing Yan had performed the Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves, Jing Tianying got a little more fired up.

Improving martial systems wasn't something regular warriors were capable of, let alone those below the Precelestial rank. Even many Precelestial warriors might not refine or improve a single martial system in their lifetime.

Jing Tianying was more than 90 percent sure that Jing Yan had improved the Low-grade martial system, Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves. Otherwise, there was no way that the skill could be used so powerfully.

"Patriarch!" Jing Tianying's face grew determined. He cupped his hands to Jing Chengye. "The martial system Jing Yan used to defeat Jing Lucheng was the Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves. Jing Lucheng was using the Dancing Dragon Spear Technique. I watched the fight between them, and I can confirm that the version of the Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves used by Jing Yan has been improved. It's become significantly stronger, and it was no weaker than a Middle-grade martial system. Well, I feel safe to say that it's actually even better."

Jing Tianying was talking very fast as he explained what had happened.

"Fourth Elder, are you saying that Jing Yan was the one who improved the Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves?" Jing Chengye was shaken by the news. Something stirred up in his heart.

If this were true, it would be beyond reason.

In fact, although Low-grade martial arts were quite valuable, they were still easy to purchase in Dong Lin City. Buying Middle-grade martial systems, however, wasn't so easy. One would need some luck.

Of course, if Jing Yan really had improved the Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves and it was now as strong as the Fourth Elder claimed, it would mean a lot more than just adding another Middle-grade martial system to the Jing Clan's armory.

Low-grade martial systems were a lot easier to practice and cultivate than Middle-grade ones. If the Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves had been improved, then many Jing Clan disciples who hadn't reached a high enough level to cultivate Middle-grade martial systems would now make incredible progress just by cultivating the Stance of Autumn Wind and Falling Leaves.

Pondering what he had just been told, Jing Chengye quickly ran through the possibilities in his head.

"That should be the case, though I'm not 100 percent sure it was Jing Yan who refined and improved this martial system," Jing Tianying said, eyes gleaming with excitement.

Jing Chengye turned and raised his voice. "Guards!"

"Yes, Patriarch!" A guard instantly walked in and greeted Jing Chengye.

"Could you go get Jing Yan?" Jing Chengye couldn't wait to see Jing Yan now. He needed to talk to him.


At the Ru Yi Pavilion of the Western Area Business Zone.

Jing Lucheng arrived at the Ru Yi Pavilion, looking miserable.

He had come to see Jing Yuqin.

Although Jing Yuqin had been suspended by the Ru Yi Pavilion, she hadn't been expelled yet. So most of the time during the day, she still stayed at the Ru Yi Pavilion.

"Lucheng!" Jing Yuqin said warmly as soon as she saw Jing Lucheng.

She knew it was the day for the Jing Clan's monthly abilities test for the disciples. She also knew that Jing Lucheng had planned to provoke Jing Yan on the spot.

She was the one who had instigated the fight. She simply wanted to make Jing Yan's life harder by humiliating him terribly in front of all the Jing Clan members.

"How did it go? Did Jing Yan have the guts to fight you?" Jing Yuqin had a radiant smile on her face.

"Yes, we did fight," Jing Lucheng said. He was as expressionless as a puppet.

Jing Yuqin's eyebrows furrowed slightly. She could tell that Jing Lucheng wasn't quite himself.

But no matter what, she would never have imagined that Jing Lucheng could lose to Jing Yan.

In fact, probably nobody would have expected Jing Lucheng to lose to Jing Yan in a fight.

"What happened? Did you get scolded by an Elder? You didn't kill Jing Yan, did you?" Jing Yuqin's knitted brows relaxed slightly. "Lucheng, as long as you didn't kill Jing Yan, everything is alright. Don't worry, the Elders in the family can't do anything about it."

Jing Yuqin wasn't bluffing when she said that. Her father was the First Elder, Jing Chunyu. With his protection, even if there were some minor issues that had happened during the fight between Jing Lucheng and Jing Yan, all she needed was a word from her dad to get things handled. Of course, it would still be very troublesome if Jing Lucheng actually killed Jing Yan. After all, he was the old Patriarch's grandson. In the Jing Clan, some senior members still treated Jing Yan with respect.

"No, I didn't kill Jing Yan. I… I couldn't!" Jing Lucheng whispered, gazing up at Jing Yuqin.