Gauntlet Thrown Down


The second Jing Yan showed up, Jing Yuqin and the others all turned their gazes toward him.

"Jing Yan!" Jing Yuqin's eyes narrowed as soon as she saw him, blazing with anger.

She looked ready to bite someone's head off!

"Piss off!" When she saw that the guards were still in her way, Jing Yuqin's Vital Qi surged out of her body.

The two personal guards of the Fourth Elder could stop normal intruders by force, but they couldn't do much against people like Jing Yuqin or Jing Tianlong.

Besides, even if they wanted to stop the two intruders by force, they simply didn't have the strength.

Jing Tianlong was a strong Precelestial warrior. If this became a physical confrontation, the two Ninth Heaven guards would be tossed aside in a moment.

"Gentlemen, please let them in," Jing Yan said. He didn't want to give the guards a hard time.

The guards really couldn't do anything about the situation, anyway.

If Jin Yuqin and the others had come to his place acting so aggressively, it was obvious that they were here to make trouble. But he didn't believe that they would actually start a fight on the spot. Even someone like Jing Tianlong had to obey the family's rules.

The guards exchanged glances after they heard Jing Yan's words. Then they backed up, shaking their heads slightly. One of them quickly left. He would undoubtedly let the Fourth Elder know that Jing Yan was in trouble.

As he watched the group entering his little courtyard, Jing Yan only gave Jing Chuanling a brief glance. Such a disappointment! He was following Jing Tianlong like a puppy with his tongue out. Jing Yan secretly let out a sigh. Why did he have to act like such a miserable wretch!

In reality, Jing Chuanling had his own conflicts with Jing Tianlong and some other members of his immediate bloodline. But for now...

"Can I do something for you?" Jing Yan asked, his voice wary.

"Jing Yan, you fought with Lucheng at the Martial Arts Performing Stadium today, didn't you?" Jing Yuqin asked in an interrogative tone.

"Yep. Jing Lucheng challenged me and lost." Jing Yan nodded.

Jing Lucheng stood next to Jing Chuanling with his head down. He didn't look like he had gotten the traumatizing fight out of his head yet.

"How dare you, Jing Yan? How dare you hurt Lucheng? Now you tell me, how do you plan to make up for this?!" Jing Yuqin stomped and pointed her finger in Jing Yan's face.

Jing Yan snorted when he heard Jing Yuqin's words. She was too annoying.

During that fight, Jing Yan hadn't injured Jing Lucheng at all.

Besides, even if Jing Lucheng had gotten hurt, Jing Yan wouldn't be held responsible.

By coming to his place and making a scene, Jing Yuqin was being totally unreasonable. She simply didn't care about rationality or facts. She also knew very well that it was Jing Lucheng who had provoked and challenged Jing Yan.

"Jing Yan, it's been a while since we met, hasn't it?" Jing Tianlong said. He'd been silent the whole time until that moment.

As soon as Jing Tianlong started talking, Jing Yuqin shut her mouth. Although she was Jing Tianlong's aunt, everyone knew that she would follow any order that Jing Tianlong gave.

The reason was simple: Jing Tianlong was a mighty Precelestial warrior who was also a strong candidate to become the next Patriarch. Even though she had seniority in the family, she would still follow Jing Tianlong's lead.

"That's true." Jing Yan nodded to Jing Tianlong.

"Your grandfather was the old Patriarch. I always admired and respected him."

"Jing Yan, you were known as the No. 1 genius of our Jing Clan over the last decade. Ten years ago, I used to be the No. 1 genius of the Jing Clan. We both have been the center of the Jing Clan's attention."

"Today, I came to throw down the gauntlet!"

"If you aren't afraid to bring shame to your late grandfather, you can say no. I won't force you to fight."

"But there's one thing you probably should know. I promise not to kill you in the fight, so you don't have to worry about dying by my hand."

Jing Tianlong didn't raise his voice at all, but every single word coming out his mouth was as heavy as a massive rock slamming into Jing Yan's heart.

Jing Yan's face darkened as he listened to Jing Tianlong's words, his Qi focused, all the muscles in his body tight.

This man was giving him no choice!

Normally, he could have declined the challenge. Some of the Jing Clan members would talk behind his back, sure, but that was nothing that he couldn't handle. If he turned down the challenge now, however, that would bring shame to his late grandfather.

Jing Yan would do anything to avoid damaging his late grandfather's reputation.

"Jing Yan, do you dare to accept the challenge or not? Hah… If you don't, that's fine. All you need to do is to kneel to us and apologize for your wrongdoings. We won't force you to do anything. Tomorrow at this time, the whole Jing Clan will know that you, Jing Yan, are a coward without any courage or pride. I believe that many people will not only talk about you, but also about your grandfather. When he was alive, he had an outstanding reputation. But having such a spineless grandson would probably disappoint his spirit," Jing Yuqin said.

Such a despicable tone!

"Brother Tianlong, I don't think Jing Yan has the guts to accept. When I challenged him earlier, he was too much of a coward to even fight me, not to mention someone like you. In my opinion, we might as well make him kneel." Jing Chuanling stared at Jing Yan with hatred in his defiant eyes.

"What a disappointment!"

"The No. 1 genius of Dong Lin City no longer exists." Jing Tianlong shook his head mournfully.

"So you want to challenge me, Jing Tianlong?" Jing Yan suddenly spoke.

"What?" Jing Tianlong and others all paused.

"I will accept. But I do have one condition." Jing Yan's eyes lit up.

Jing Yan wasn't stupid. He knew very well that with his current abilities, it would be suicidal to fight Jing Tianlong. He probably couldn't even withstand one of Jing Tianlong's strikes. There was just too big a gap between their ranks. But saying no wasn't an option.

"Go ahead." Jing Tianlong was a little surprised, but he still let Jing Yan finish.

"Jing Tianlong, the two of us were the top geniuses of the Jing Clan over the past two decades, so the fight between us should take place in front of all the family's disciples. The Jing Clan hosts the Great Competition every five years, and it will begin only three months from now. That's when our fight should take place so that the whole Jing Clan can witness it," Jing Yan said calmly, suppressing his rage.

He would have three months to grow stronger.

Three months wasn't long, but it would mean hope for him. After all, he was once a Precelestial.

"That's what you want?" Jing Tianlong pulled the corner of his lips into a crooked smile. His eyes locked on Jing Yan's. "Fine. At the Jing Clan's Great Competition three months from now, we will fight it out. We will find out then who the No. 1 genius of the Jing Clan is."

Three months would fly by. Especially for warriors, it was a very short time. Jing Tianlong didn't think Jing Yan could level up far enough to have any chance of winning.

So he agreed to give Jing Yan the three months.

"Let's get out of here!" Jing Tianlong gave Jing Yan a last glance and turned around to leave.

Everyone else in the little group also followed Jing Tianlong and left Jing Yan's yard.