I'm Taking Everything

Jing Yan wasn't concerned about the attitude of those female warriors.

"Su Zixuan, don't say that we never give you any opportunities because you're a newbie. There's a client here right now, and it's up to you to see that the deal is sealed."

"Hmph, you've just been here for three days, and you're already getting the chance to do this personally. You really should be thankful."

The other receptionists were speaking quietly to the woman named Su Zixuan, who was wearing a green dress.

"Thank you, sisters." Su Zixuan flashed a brilliant smile at them.

She was indeed a newbie of the House of the Precious. Counting that day, she had only been working in the shop for three days.

Over the past three days, she hadn't taken care of a single client by herself. It wasn't that she was unwilling to do so; she had simply never gotten the chance.

Now, her first chance had finally presented itself.

Despite her excitement, she knew why she was getting this opportunity. All the others thought that Mr. Jing Yan, who had just come in the door moments ago, couldn't afford any item in the shop.

However, she didn't mind that. Even if Mr. Jing Yan didn't end up buying anything, she would feel that she had done her job regardless.

Su Zixuan had fair skin and big, round eyes. Dimples appeared on her face when she smiled.

She walked briskly over to Jing Yan.

"Mr. Jing Yan," Su Zixuan bowed slightly and said to him.

"You know me?" Jing Yan asked with a smile.

He was able to feel the honesty in her smile. This receptionist wasn't impatient in the slightest. It would have been extremely difficult to conceal any emotions suggesting impatience from someone like Jing Yan.

"I do know of you, sir. My name is Su Zixuan." Her open smile reached her eyes.

"Right." Jing Yan nodded.

"Mr. Jing Yan, so what kind of resource would you be looking for? I can provide detailed explanations of any merchandise you might be interested in," Su Zixuan said.

"Take me to where the Nine Yin Fruits are," Jing Yan said.

"Nine Yin Fruits?" Su Zixuan was slightly stunned.

There were very few clients out to purchase Nine Yin Fruits. Although she was a newbie, she was familiar with the various resources that were the most popular. She needed to know at least that much to do her job.

Su Zixuan wouldn't have felt surprised if Jing Yan turned out to be a potion maker, but he apparently wasn't.

Furthermore, Nine Yin Fruits were Third-grade spirit herbs, making them rather expensive. One Nine Yin Fruit would cost over 1000 Spiritual Stones.

"Mr. Jing Yan is here to buy Nine Yin Fruits?" she thought in confusion.

"Please come with me, Mr. Jing Yan." Su Zixuan was only dumbfounded for a brief moment before regaining her smile and requesting that Jing Yan walk with her.

"Heh... He's out to buy Nine Yin Fruits? Really? This is hilarious."

A female warrior snickered when Su Zixuan took Jing Yan inside.

"Good thing I'm not the one serving him. All that time and work for nothing. He sure is good-looking, no doubt, but without Spiritual Stones..." Yet another pouted. Her eyes were apparently filled with scorn.

"We hardly ever sell Nine Yin Fruits, yet Jing Yan asked to see them right away. Is he really going to buy any?" asked a female warrior dressed in red.

"Hmph, I'm not buying that a pauper like him could afford a Nine Yin Fruit. It might have been possible in the past, but isn't he down at the Third Heaven now? Where would he get all the Spiritual Stones needed to buy Nine Yin Fruits, eh? Furthermore, it's not like the fruits are going to be of any use to him. He can't need them for cultivation, anyway," declared a female warrior dressed in white, sounding very sure of herself.


"Mr. Jing Yan, here are the Nine Yin Fruits," Su Zixuan said as she brought Jing Yan to the deeper reaches of the House of the Precious.

The fruits were placed near the back of the store because they were difficult resources to sell.

"Eleven hundred Spiritual Stones each, eh?" Jing Yan saw the price tag on the front of the box containing the fruit.

"Indeed. The Nine Yin Fruits are Third-grade spirit herbs and an ingredient for crafting special healing potions. As such, they are quite expensive." Su Zixuan nodded and continued, "Mr. Jing Yan, if you intend to buy Nine Yin Fruits for the purpose of making healing potions, it might not be worthwhile."

"Oh?" Jing Yan's eyes flickered.

Other salespeople would only have been thinking of ways to get their clients to make purchases, yet Su Zixuan was advising against it instead.

"I'm telling the truth, Mr. Jing Yan." Su Zixuan blushed slightly after finding Jing Yan staring at her.

"Yeah, I know. I do have a bit of knowledge regarding the Nine Yin Fruit." Jing Yan nodded. "But still, I intend to purchase the fruit, as I'd really need them. I see five Nine Yin Fruit on display. I suppose you guys would have more in stock, right?" Jing Yan asked.

"Huh?" Su Zixuan's mouth opened slightly, feeling puzzled.

What did he mean?

Were five Nine Yin Fruit not enough?

One Nine Yin Fruit cost 1100 Spiritual Stones. Just the five in the box would cost 5500 Spiritual Stones!

"What does Mr. Jing Yan mean by what he just said? Is he intending to buy more than five Nine Yin Fruit?" Su Zixuan wondered.

Su Zixuan shook her head slightly at that thought. She was thinking too much about it.

Even very renowned potion makers wouldn't buy so many Nine Yin Fruit in a single transaction.

"We do have more stock. There are probably a lot of them in stock, actually," Su Zixuan answered quickly, returning her mind to his question.

Nine Yin Fruit were a type of spirit fruit that was comparatively easy to store. A place like the House of the Precious usually had a lot of stock, which prevented them from having to buy any for very long periods of time.

But then again, smaller trade organizations wouldn't keep too many of such expensive items, as it would have been too difficult to move the funds around.

That was the very reason why Jing Yan chose to come to the House of the Precious in the first place.

"How many of the fruit do you have in stock?" Jing Yan nodded and asked.

"I'm not sure, but I could check for you. Please hold on, Mr. Jing Yan," Su Zixuan said.

She doubted that Jing Yan would want to pay for a single fruit, let alone more than five, but she still went to check the shop's stock anyway.

Su Zixuan returned from the storehouse a few minutes later.

"Mr. Jing Yan, there are 45 Nine Yin Fruit left in the storehouse. With the five here added, we would have 50 of them in stock," Su Zixuan answered seriously.

She had made a detailed count of the fruits available in the storehouse.

"Alright then." Jing Yan nodded.

He fell silent and frowned for a bit, before blinking and loosening his frown. He had no actual idea how many Nine Yin Fruit he would need, but Senior Tian Shui said that he would need a huge number of Nine Yin Fruit to neutralize the power of the Soul Crystal stored in his body. Thinking of that, he made the decision to buy all 50 of the fruit that the shop had.

"I'll take all 50, then," Jing Yan said, turning back to Su Zixuan with a smile.

"Um, what?" Su Zixuan was stunned. She didn't know what to do with that statement.

By "take all 50," did he mean that he was going to buy all of them? Fifty Nine Yin Fruits would cost tens of thousands of Spiritual Stones. Was Mr. Jing Yan trying to buy them on credit? But the House of the Precious never allowed customers to purchase items on credit!