Outside Green Sun Garden!
Green Sun Garden, where Jing Yan currently resides, but since entering Dao Yi Academy, Jing Yan had never actually lived in the small courtyard that belonged to him inside Green Sun Garden.
"I wonder how Sister Zhang Min is doing now." Jing Yan's thoughts churned.
"Jing Yan?"
As Jing Yan just arrived outside Green Sun Garden, a voice reached him.
Jing Yan narrowed his eyes toward the source, his brows slightly raised—it was Hua Kaizhi, the Garden Director of Green Sun Garden.
The day Zhang Min had brought him to Green Sun Garden, it was Hua Kaizhi who had personally arranged his residence.
"Garden Director?" Jing Yan quickly approached him and greeted him with a bow.
"Jing Yan, I heard you went to the Alchemist Association, why have you returned?" Hua Kaizhi inquired.
In his voice, there seemed to be a trace of anxiety, as if he did not wish for Jing Yan to return to Dao Yi Academy.
Jing Yan frowned at Hua Kaizhi.