Chapter 16 The Knife Skills Entered the Room


Xia Yu didn't rush to leave after he washed his hands. He quietly took the rewards of making boeuf bourguignon.

He opened the system diary.

"Mission completed. [Things Happened at Business District 1]"

"Green recipe learnt. [Boeuf Bourguignon]."

The key was still the task. Xia Yu did not expect to get an unexpected task when he went out to eat a different kind of meal. This task was why he decided to come forward and help the western restaurant.

"System, what is my culinary level now?" he asked.


"Still haven't upgraded?"

Xia Yu felt a bit pitiful.

In fact, his cooking skills had become LV.5 a few days ago.

He successfully made a glowing Magic Mapo Tofu and directly upgraded his level by one and a half. Then, in the next two days, with the help of the system, he studied the cooking manual of the old man. He tried to practice various recipes and cook a variety of Chinese cuisines. The experience accumulated bit by bit, and finally broke through LV.5.

And the two talent points gained by the upgrade had already been evenly distributed between the two basic skills of 'knife skills' and 'heat control'.

"The host gains 10 fame," the system said suddenly.


"You can think of fame as a systematic coin. Spread your influence, use your cooking skill, and let more people enjoy your cooking. Fame will increase accordingly."


Xia Yu almost forgot. After being reminded by the system, he remembered… there was also a chef mall in the system.

"Fame...?" Xia Yu opened the personal panel.

"Host: Xia Yu."

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Fitness Level: LV.9 (Strength, Dexterity, Burst, Nerve Reflex, etc.)

Culinary Level: LV.5 [Rookie Start]

Fame: 10 (This item is related to the host 's popularity, exposure, and achievements. You can use the prestige to buy items in the system mall.) "

This… is only 10 points?

What the h*ll!

Xia Yu didn't even want to check the lists in the mall. What can you buy with only 10 fame?

"How did you make the beef so soft?" 

Chef Kasumigaoka stood behind him. The unexpected voice surprised Xia Yu. 

"And, why did you only roast it for 30 minutes? Boeuf bourguignon, without two or three hours of cooking time, is hard to soak the taste in, but..." The restaurant chef's face was confused. "Is that because of your knife skill?" 

"You can put it that way." 

Xia Yu patted his chest. 

"In fact, when I was processing beef, I cut the surface of the beef. This meat quality treatment method is actually very common, but well, I also just mastered it two days ago. This time I applied this new method smoothly on boeuf bourguignon. I did not expect it to work that well."

That well! 

Chef Kasumigaoka was shocked. 

It can also greatly improve the beef's softness and taste by cutting? Never heard of it! 

There was a little doubt in his heart, and it was crushed by the beef dishes with a strong fragrance.

Regardless of his doubts inside, the teenager completed a dish he couldn't reach under his eyes. Kasumigaoka thought of it and couldn't help but slump his shoulders. His face was dull, and he thought of what the 'Top Ten' once said to him when he was expelled from Togetsu.

"Cooking is an art."

"People without talents are like dust, which will make art dusty. So, get out of Togetsu. You don't have the talent of a chef!"

However, a strong color of belief replaced the shaken will in his eyes.

Kasumigaoka clenched his fist and took two breaths to stabilize his emotions before making a solemn request to Xia Yu. "Could you show me your knife skill again? Please!"

"You want to see?"

"My knife skills are very fast. I can't slow down. I have yet to reach the level of 'weightless' to slow down... Um, forget it, I will show you."

Xia Yu just washed his hands and intended to refuse. However, he glanced at the firm expression on the face of the middle-aged chef and he couldn't help changing his tone.

"Thank you."

He bowed deeply at ninety degrees. Kasumigaoka fetched a large piece of beef and put it on the chopping board.

"Look carefully!" Xia Yu held a kitchen knife and he saw that Kasumigaoka turned over his pocket to find a mobile phone. The camera of the mobile phone was pointed over, and he started to record.

Xia Yu looked confused.

Uncle, can you hold on? My camera fee is very high!

Xia Yu immediately discarded the unnecessary distractions when he held the knife, and his face became serious.

The knife moved without warning. Dong, dong, dong! Up and down, the knife collided with the chopping board. The sound was not noisy. On the contrary it was very pleasant, forming an incredible melody.

Kasumigaoka couldn't see the knife's trajectory. What appeared to him every time was just the flash of the knife's light. The combination of dynamic and static made people amazed.

Too smooth!

After a while, Xia Yu put down the knife to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

This knife skill was learned from the old man's cooking manual. It took only two days to 'enter the room', and it gave a heavy burden on the body muscles.

In other words, he needed to exercise more.

Strong and powerful arms were a must-have for a master chef.

"Chef Kasumigaoka, please. I'll go out to eat beef stew first." Xia Yu washed the kitchen knife and his hands and left kitchen without looking back.

Chef Kasumigaoka didn't even notice that Xia Yu had left. He kept playing the video he had just recorded.

In the picture, the young chef turned his back to the camera, holding a kitchen knife, like a world-renown chef.

He slowed down the video and analysed it step by step. Kasumigaoka couldn't help but feel terrified. He muttered, "He is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he is similar to my daughter's age. Why does he have this skill? It is not the skills that students at this grade should have."

Kasumigaoka felt ashamed. He couldn't help but walk to the kitchen counter and turned over the cut beef.

At first glance, the beef seemed to have just been taken out of the freezer, but with both hands, the beef curled up with a fine cut, almost forming a honeycomb shape, spreading over the surface of the beef.

Each cut was not long, but very deep, which was why it was difficult to notice.

"No wonder they can cook so quickly."

"With this treatment, without sacrificing the quality of the meat, it is natural that the taste and texture are better," Kasumigaoka said to himself. His face showed admiration.

He seemed to have met a remarkable young chef.

Western restaurant.

The two young Chinese girls were dining, and a young boy suddenly smiled and asked, "How is it? The taste is not bad?"

The round-faced female tourist wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin and raised her thumb towards the teenager sitting opposite them. "This is definitely the best western food I have ever eaten!"

"Is it?" 

Xia Yu couldn't help grinning. 

Every chef wanted to hear the heartfelt praise of customers, so the tired feeling of cooking in the kitchen can be suddenly swept away. 

"What do you think of it? Young lady?" Xia Yu spoke to another Chinese tourist who looked like a goddess. 


The young lady who wore fashionable dresses was more reserved. She answered in a whisper and swallowed the beef in her mouth. Her beautiful eyes immediately showed a layer of enjoyment of the aftertaste. This expression couldn't be fake.