Chapter 17:Terrible Price


After eating a large plate of delicious food clean, round-faced girl discovered that the troublemakers had left.

She glared her round eyes and said, "Those hooligans just left?"

"What are they going to do if they don't leave?" Xia Yu was also full. Although his boeuf bourguignon passed the evaluation of 60 points in the system, he had a good time.

This was also the first western dish he cooked after he came to this world.

The research experience of the previous life combined with the hands-on ability to hold a knife when he was 3 years old. The originally impetuous heart suddenly settled down, and there was a kind of emotion called a sense of stability. 

"Don't they want to blackmail?" The round face girl was surprised.

"After eating my food, if they have a little IQ, they will go back." Xia Yu shrugged. "Otherwise, if I call the Food Association, they are the unlucky ones."

They used pure Mandarin to communicate, and when she heard about the Nihon Food Association, she had no surprise. Her taut face nodded seriously.

"Are you Chinese?" the goddess girl asked.

"Yes, Chinese. Although my primary school, middle school and the coming high school are in Nihon, I'm really a Chinese. There's no need to question it. Just listen to my standard Mandarin!" Xia Yu said with a smile.

"Waiter, check please."

Xia Yu was full and planned to go back to the shop early to continue his studies. Xia Yu beckoned to a waitress. The waitress immediately came over and bowed with respect. "Guest, Mrs. Kasumigaoka has ordered us. Your table is free."

"Mrs. Kasumigaoka?"

Xia Yu was surprised and looked up at the restaurant. He found that there was a housewife standing at the cash register. Looking at her back, she had a graceful posture with the unique charm of a mature woman.

After the waiter explained, Xia Yu suddenly realized.

It turned out that Head Chef Kasumigaoka was the owner of this Starlight Revolving Western Restaurant. He served as the head chef, and even bought the multi-storey building on the shopping street and the shop floor. It seemed he was very rich.

"Thank you."

Soon, Mrs. Kasumigaoka stood in front of Xia Yu and bowed to him. Her dignified and beautiful face was filled with helplessness.

"Although my husband used to be a student of Togetsu, Starlight Revolving Western Restaurant is his first food-related industry. At the same time, it is also his first time being the restaurant's head chef. Prior to this, his cooking had been abandoned for twenty years..."


Xia Yu was relieved.

No wonder Chef Kasumigaoka was stumped by several food gangsters and almost lost his mind. It turned out that he was not experienced

However, investing in a restaurant and being a chef himself meant that Kasumigaoka had never forgotten about cooking. It could be said he was a head chef with dream. After all, it has been 20 years since he dropped out of school in Togetsu, and the cooking skills of Kasumigaoka had not fallen. Instead, it had risen from a student level and initially had the level of a master chef. This was the most valuable part.

Dropping out of school in Togetsu, many were very likely to be eliminated in a brutal competition. Some people were so weak that they gave up being professional chefs. But some people like Kasumigaoka, even though he was a successful person, did not give up cooking.

Talent? Xia Yu scoffed at this statement.

Most people had not reached the point where they had to compete with talents. 

Effort and perseverance were the basic qualities of a chef.

No matter what, Xia Yu though highly of Kasumigaoka.

Xia Yu left the Starlight Revolving Western Restaurant in the grateful eyes of the Kasumigaoka couple and a group of chefs and waiters.

Xia Yu got a lifetime free card for the restaurant, and at the same time, there were two more followers with him.

"Why are you following me?"

Putting the card in his pocket, Xia Yu put his hands in his pockets and glanced silently at the two Chinese ladies.

"We need a gourmet guide, so please take us!" The round-faced young lady smiled and said, "How about 10,000 yen per day?" 

Xia Yu looked at them like he was looking at fools and said, "This young lady, are you coaxing me because I'm young?"

"Ten thousand yen, even if you work for eight hours, it's 1,250 yen per hour. You don't know, but some time ago, low-income earners in Tokyo just went out on the street, asking for the minimum wage of 1,500 yen per hour…"

The girl with a round face blushed.

"Besides, with how tired the tour guide is, my family also has its own shop. If I go out to work as a child laborer, the old man will tear me apart." Xia Yu's mouth twitched.

"Small shop? What shop?"

"Chinese restaurant..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Yu stopped talking and regretted it.

As expected, the young lady with the round face immediately exclaimed, "Chinese restaurant? Is it delicious? I'm not full in the Western restaurant. Hurry and take us to..."

"How much can you eat!"

So, when he returned to his shop, there were two more Chinese female guests. He hadn't greeted a regular Chinese diner for a long time.

The old man rested in the backyard and did not appear. Xia Yu went into the back kitchen and changed into clean cook clothes. Standing behind the counter, he pointed to the wooden sign hanging on the left wall of the storefront. "The menu and the price are written on it. Take a look first."

"It looks shabby outside, but it's antique inside. I'm looking forward to the food here!" Miss Round Face whispered and dragged her girlfriend to the left wall.

A two-finger wide wooden sign with the name of the dish was written using a traditional brush and the price was on the bottom.

Today's meals:

"Sichuan cuisine-boiled fish, beef lungs in chili sauce, kung pao chicken."

"Cantonese cuisine-stewed pork with taro, stewed sirloin with radish, fried hibiscus egg."

"Lu cuisine-braised intestines in brown sauce, steamed tofu stuffed with vegetables, sweet and sour pork."

"Su cuisine-braised dongpo pork, Yangzhou fried rice, squirrel-shipped bass." 

Looking at the name of the dishes, they were all very traditional Chinese cuisines. However, after looking at the price under each dish, the two female tourists opened their eyes and rubbed their eyes, thinking that they saw wrong.

Boiled fish, 4000 yen.

Stewed pork with taro, 3500 yen.

Braised dongpo pork, 3500 yen.

Roughly looking down, the round-faced female tourist took a cold breath and said, "The cheapest is the Yangzhou fried rice, and it actually costs 3000 yen... Daylight robbery!"

The current Chinese yuan to yen was 1,000 yen for roughly 60 yuan. The fried rice was 3000 yen. That was 180 yuan!

Comparing the price level in Tokyo, people at the bottom of society in Nihon usually ate a set meal that cost 400-800 yen, which was more than 20 to 50 yuan.

Therefore, ordering a small dish or fried rice in Xia's Chinese restaurant was worth the food of a normal person's entire day. This price could only be said to be very expensive!

"Do you still want to eat?" Xia Yu stood behind the counter; his arms folded. He shrugged his shoulders. He had expected the reaction of the two Chinese ladies.

To be honest, he and his grandfather were so good at cooking. The small restaurant should not be so desolate.

The reason was the price!

Xia Yu asked the old man more than once about the shop's black price, but the old man's response was all a faint 'huh'. What else could he say? 

But he had a good time because there were few guests.