Chapter 44:Interesting Recipes

After having breakfast, Xia Yu sent the two Chinese ladies to continue cleaning, then he returned to the kitchen with an empty steamer.

"I am back…"

Maki Morita was breathless as she pulled a box from her pastry shop.

She opened the box outside the kitchen. Inside the box were full of colorful pastry tools and materials.

"The title is still egg. Using eggs as the main ingredient, make a dish for me. No matter what, just fill up my stomach." Xia Yu cleaned the steamer and gave it back to her.

This time, Morita took a little longer and still used the oven.

"Egg tart."

Seeing the pastry served by Maki Morita, Xia Yu was slightly surprised, but he still shook his head after trying it. "It's so-so. It's still a little worse than the qualification level of Togetsu's Higher Department."

Maki Morita bit her lower lip.

If it happened before the steamed buns that was made by Xia Yu, Morita may have questioned it and been unwilling.

However, Morita had been shocked. She no longer thought of herself as a former girlfriend but looked like a student listening to a tutor's teachings.

"Egg pudding? It's almost like that."

When Maki Morita presented the work for the third time, Xia Yu sighed.

For the fourth time, egg biscuits, Xia Yu shook his head at Morita's eyes that were full of hope.

"They are all ordinary recipes. Even if the details are perfect, can you exceed the upper limit?"

Trying several kinds of pastries constantly, Xia Yu had an idea about Morita's cooking skills.

It was not that Morita did not do well, but that she was doing too well. She was meticulous and exerted the delicate thoughts of female chefs. 

However, too much pursuit of details had lost her innovation.

Simply described, it was a conservative monarch. He worked diligently on that one-third of an acre and kept himself in a small circle.

On the other hand, the 'egg' dish that Yukihira Soma made… He used his creativity to make a special 'transformation' raw egg bibimbap at the Togetsu's assessment for transfer students.

The dish that surprised people was chicken wing aspic.

The refreshing and salty taste of the meat jelly, and the softness and sweetness of the eggs set off against each other, immediately sublimating a common dish. This let the Tongue of God set foot on a taste that the world that had never experienced before.

So, the dish transformed into raw egg bibimbap and was named by Yukihira Soma. It was an original dish shining with wisdom.

Xia Yu discovered Morita's shortcomings.

Meticulous and conservative was her culinary style. Especially 'conservative'. How could it differ from her bold and confessing personality?

Fortunately, Xia Yu had a solution.

The recipe was not good enough, right?

There was no need to break through the upper limit of the original recipes to create her own dishes. That was too sophisticated and required flashes of ideas.

In an easier way, they could directly use the ready-made advanced recipes to crush the past!

"System, screen the blue recipes that have the main ingredient of eggs."

"Eligible recipes, a total of 1,131 copies. View?"

"Wait..." Xia Yu was frightened by the numbers. "Add another filter and sort by price!"

Then the system lists the recipes:

"Golden Fried Rice (Blue). Price 500 fame points."

"Beef Noodles with Egg Flower Stuffing (Blue). Price 500 fame points."

"Hibiscus Crab Egg (Blue). Price 550 fame points."

After browsing, Xia Yu also saw some dim sum recipes, but he finally decided to buy 'Hibiscus Crab Egg'!

"The purchase is successful."

"Consumed 550 fame points. 790 fame points remaining."


The blue recipe in the inventory turned into a stream of information and was stuffed into his head. Xia Yu nodded secretly.

'Hibiscus Crab Egg' seemed to be the most ordinary one in those recipes because it was so common that any chef could do it. However, Xia Yu did not care how easy it was to get started with. What he valued was ​​change and creation!

That was right!

Hibiscus Crab Egg. The final cooking form could be ever-changing.

It could be made into Crab Roll with Omelette.

It could be made into scrambled eggs.

However, the most authentic way was to make a mixture of hibiscus, omelette and crab meat.

Xia Yu pondered the information in his mind. Inspiration continued to emerge, then he felt itchy and unbearable.

Experiencing four failures, this time, Morita did not rush to make the fifth attempt. She stood in front of the kitchen counter. Her head was slightly lowered as she pondered. Xia Yu could see the serious look on her delicate face.

Sorting out the recipes that he had in mind, Xia Yu found paper and pen. He wrote them out, and then patted Morita's shoulder. "Take it!"


Morita took the paper filled with words and looked at it roughly. She covered her mouth and asked with surprise, "Is this a recipe?"


"Hibiscus Crab Egg."

"It's an interesting recipe. You can turn it into your own thing. Pay attention to your specialty," Xia Yu said, and shook his hand. "That's enough for today. Go back and study the recipe. Come here when you are done." 

Xia Yu turned away.

Watching his figure disappeared up the stairs, Morita looked at the recipe carefully from beginning to the end. She took a cool breath. Her eyes showed that she was a little touched, and there was a trace of excitement.

This recipe... It was so interesting!

Morita shouted involuntarily.

Inspiration was like having found an exit and turning it into a torrent. Morita hurriedly packed up the tools and materials, dragging her heavy suitcase. She walked out of Xia's restaurant. 

She looked back at the window of the bedroom on the second floor on the street, and murmured, "...Thank you. I will work hard, Ah Yu!"

Xia Yu did not spend a leisurely time in the Chef God Space. As the restaurant became famous in the ACG circle, young guests came to ask after 10 am. When they found out that it was only open at 6 pm, most of the guests left in disappointment. The rest of the guests sat in the restaurant, waiting for Xia Yu to get them a cup of tea.

If you had tea, you must have snacks. Otherwise, drinking tea with an empty stomach would damage your stomach and body. 

Xia Yu did not bother to make pastries. He went to the neighboring Morita Pastry Shop and bought some freshly baked pastries. They were served with his own fried green tea. Each set meal was 1,000 yen.

This price was not expensive, but it was not cheap either.

So, from the morning to six in the evening, Xia's restaurant was more like a tea house. Now that the weather was not hot in March, a group of young otaku guests were chatting in the store. The atmosphere was pretty good.

Getting up the next day, the system business data was refreshed.

Due to the addition of tea and snacks, the capital investment of the restaurant was even better. From 200,000 yen on the first day to 400,000 yen the next day, it had achieved multiple growth.

On the third day, perhaps the restaurant had initially built a reputation in the ACG circle. The 'Tongue of God', Rina, could not sit still when she heard the news. In the evening, she asked her secretary, Feisha, to drive her to the restaurant.

"The road is blocked..."

The car could only be parked outside the block. Rina sat in the rear seat, anxiously changing her overlapping legs. She frowned. "Feisha, go and see what's going on!"

Feisha opened the door and walked out of the car. She soon trotted back. Her face was full of incredible colors.

"Miss Rina, people are lining up. It seems that they are all guests of Xia's Chinese restaurant!"