Chapter 45:New and Old Whirlpool

Rina pointed to the black crowd in front of the block and opened her mouth.

"Are you sure?!"


Feisha had an anxious look. When Xia Yu and Rina made a bet that day, she was a witness. It could only be said that the situation was very bad, and Feisha had already prayed for Rina.


Rina pushed open the door hurriedly and got out of the car. Feisha locked the car and caught up to her.

They did not crowd together with the people but stood on the side street.

Looking outside the car, Rina's vision suddenly widened. The crowd was indeed like a long dragon. It was crooked, extending from a low store with a dim light.

There were guests who could not wait and chose to leave.

"Hey! It's late today!" A young man sighed to his companion.

"I just want to know what the menu is today. If we can enter it, you order three dishes, I order three dishes..." the companion said and wiped his saliva.

"Wake up, boy!" The young man looked up and sighed. "Tomorrow is a new menu. Six completely different Chinese dishes... I hope I can eat it every day!"

There were also satisfied guests who just came out from the restaurant that enjoyed the food.

Several young female cosplayers dressed in costumes of anime characters. They were wearing colourful wigs, lining up in front of Rina and Feisha. Apparently, they had come straight to the old shopping street after the convention.

"That sugar taro, my god. I still have a mouthful of taro flavor... Is this Chinese cuisine?" A younger female cosplayer jumped with excitement.

"After eating steamed fish head with peppers, my body was sweating all over, but I feel so good." A cosplayer fiddled with the wig that had been blown up.

"No matter what you say, I still think the refreshments before serving are delicious!"

This group of female cosplayers chatted up a storm.

"Let's go."

Rina's face was not good. She crossed her arms, turned around, and walked into the car. But unexpectedly, she bumped into a girl who just ran out of the shop behind her.

"I'm so sorry." The black-haired girl bowed to Rina and trotted away. A middle-aged man chased her out of the shop, wearing a samurai uniform and clogs. He shook his head helplessly at the girl's back at the store door.

"There are so many things in the family, but she wants to help that stinky kid!"

The muscular middle-aged man with a buzz cut witnessed the grand queue in front of the block and was also stupefied. "Mr. Xia Qing has returned to China, but I didn't expect the restaurant to be run by the kid. Strange, strange."

Talking to himself, the middle-aged man turned back to the shop.


Rina and Feisha both felt that they were transparent. They had no sense of existence. No matter the young diners passing by, or the owners of the shopping street, they completely ignored them.

At that moment, both of them had a feeling that the Chinese restaurant was the protagonist of the old shopping street. No matter who was here, the light overshadowed them.

"Morita's Pastry Shop?"

Looking up and glancing at the old signboard of the shop next to her, Rina returned silently to the back seat of the car.

Feisha sat in the driver's seat, carefully observing the gloomy face of the Tongue of God from the rear-view mirror. She said softly, "Miss Rina, you can't let his business go on like this. You will lose..."

Rina gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, I will lose!"

"Do you want..." Feisha had other thoughts.

"Don't need it!" Rina said in a deep voice, "Losers should be upright!"

Then she slightly curled her lips, her eyes full of sarcasm.

"And, who said I would lose?"

Feisha was stunned.

"Feisha, have you visited the forum of Togetsu Academy recently?" Rina calmed her anger well and smiled.

Uh? Feisha opened her eyes slightly.

In these two days of the Togetsu internal forum, there were actually a few posts about the Xia's Chinese restaurant. The poster was a Togetsu student and had not received low attention.

Togetsu students were mostly onlookers. It was not too much to watch with excitement. However, there were certainly students who minded the 'authentic' sign posted on this Chinese restaurant.

For example, the leader of Togetsu Chinese Cuisine Research Association, the eighth seat of 'Togetsu's Top Ten', Teru Kuga.

Teru Kuga was good at Chuan cuisine. He believed that spicy was the orthodox of Chinese cuisine. He deliberately amplified Chuan cuisine and used violent spices to control diners.

Of course, other Togetsu students who specialized in Chinese cuisine were more or less uncomfortable that such a Chinese restaurant that had risen overnight with its reputation increasing greatly. Many students may have the idea of ​​looking for the chef to compete. 

Feisha was not stupid. She glanced at the rear-view mirror of Rina's face that was leisurely. She was surprised and said, "Someone deliberately spread the news on the forum in Togetsu Academy and is provoking conflict?"

"But who can manipulate Togetsu students?" Feisha frowned.

Rina sneered. She looked at the front of the car, and then at the back of the car. "Feisha, don't you think this shopping street, new and old, the dividing line is too obvious?"

Feisha knew something.

"Developers certainly don't want old antiques that are about to step into the coffins of the old shopping streets to rejuvenate." Rina sat up on her legs. "A restaurant that has been quiet for a long time suddenly became hot. The developer must be anxious."

"Miss Rina, do you mean that a developer entrusted our students from Togetsu to suppress that restaurant?" Feisha covered her mouth.

"Let's wait and see."

Rina's blonde hair was on her shoulder, looking relaxed.

She obviously knew who the developer's client was.

Yokomari, Chinatown.

A high-end restaurant specializing in Chinese cuisine was hot and busy when night fell.


In the restaurant kitchen, the head chef of the restaurant, Hojo, showed a satisfied smile to a young girl with short purple hair. "You have worked hard tonight. The IGO jury has just left, and our restaurant has passed the six-star certification!"

There was a hint of excitement in the middle-aged man's voice.

"Father, I'm going to Tokyo." The girl with a good figure spoke suddenly with sharp eyes.

"Going to Tokyo?"

"Yes, there is a Chinese restaurant on the Internet suddenly getting hot these days. I want to taste it by myself." Speaking of this, the girl gave a clear laugh. "I plan to study there. But if it is just a fake name, I'm sorry... I will start a Food War, win, and smash their sign!"

The middle-aged head chef frowned.

"Miyoko, since you're going to Tokyo, then you should stop by the IGO Japan Headquarters for a one-star chef assessment and certification."

"Father, I will pass the one-star assessment!"

The girl's beautiful face was full of confidence.