Chapter 46:Two-Stars Mission

Early morning.

Xia Yu got up at 8 am. He checked the business data of last night while washing his face.

One week had passed unknowingly, and the turnover of the restaurant every night had gradually stabilized in these two days. It was no longer an explosive growth.

The reason was very simple. The Xia's restaurant was too small and had poor reception capacity. During the period from 6pm to 12 o'clock every night, it could only accommodate up to 30 people at a time.

If a table of guests ordered six dishes, the serving time was almost half an hour. If the time for eating and chatting was included, it would take an hour to send away a table of guests. In other words, each table seated four people could serve five to six batch of guests one night. 

In fact, this was only a rough calculation method. There were only five tables for four people in Xia's restaurant, and the other positions were scattered single seats, such as the ramen bar, or around the counter and walls.

Calculated this way, if the guests were full, Xia's restaurant could receive about 150 people per night. The turnover was stable at over one million yen.

On the surface, Xia's restaurant was booming. Everything was developing in a good direction, but as an operator, Xia Yu knew that there were still many areas for improvement in the restaurant.

First was the dining environment.

It was now March. During winter and spring, the weather was still very cool. If it was in summer, Tokyo became to a stove. If the restaurant was full again, the indoor environment… Xia Yu could not even bear to think about it.

Air conditioner? How could such a thing exist? Xia Yu forgot whether the big fan on the storefront ceiling was good or bad because it seemed to have never been turned on in his memory.

Precautions were necessary. The storefront was already narrow. Xia Yu intended to consult the Chef God System about the space layout.

As for service, Xia Yu had given up.

Love it or not…

He was the manager as well as the head chef. He fought every day from six o'clock to midnight. After one dish was cooked, he had to wash the pot to start the next dish.

Cleaning and dealing with the ingredients, including all kinds of cooking, was done by him alone. It was better in recent days; Maki Morita came to help cut vegetables and hand him the dishes. Therefore, Xia Yu was not too busy to the point of being dizzy.

Xia Yu was very doubtful. If he were not fortunate some time ago and obtained the [Physical Enhancement Crystal] to raise his physical strength from LV.9 to LV.20, after working so hard this week, would his body collapse? 

Fortunately, that flagpole was still as strong as it was every morning. Xia Yu was relieved. 

"Di. Host has a new mission."

As he was washing his face and brushing his teeth, Xia Yu received a prompt.

New task?

Hanging the towel on the hook, Xia Yu opened the task panel.

"Task one: [Become A Two-Star Chef]."

"Tip: Host has mastered three blue glowing dishes (Fried Spoon Cabbage, Hibiscus Crab Eggs, Magic Mapo Tofu). Host can try to participate in the IGO two-star chef assessment."

"Reward: Advanced Knife Skill 'Raptor Bull and Blue Dragon Slash'."

"Task two: [Become A Two-Star Restaurant]."

"Tip: Your restaurant finally has a little reputation in the gourmet world. If your restaurant becomes an IGO certified two-star restaurant, maybe the restaurant can attract diners outside of the ACG circle."

"Bonus: 10 chef talent points."

Raptor Bull and Blue Dragon Slash?

Oh my god, this was a stunt in Little Chinese Master Chef. You could 'powder the cow' with a knife. The process did not shed a drop of blood or a drop of juice.

This stunt was basically the most terrifying knife technique that Xia Yu knew when dealing with meat ingredients. It belonged to the fantasy level.

Xia Yu was a little dumbfounded. His whole person was excited when he thought of the opportunity to master such a dark stunt. The Raptor Bull and Blue Dragon Slash was not just about dismembering a bull as a butcher. It was good practice to dismember living sheep and pigs.

Similarly, [Become A Two Star Restaurant] was also full of temptations.

10 chef talent points, which was equivalent to upgrading 10 levels.

Every cooking talent was precious.

Having said that, this week, Xia Yu's culinary level had slowed down a lot. He cooked so many dishes every day… The level had already risen, but in fact, after LV.10, the green home cooking recipes, as well as the processing of ordinary and green ingredients, had been unable to provide him with any experience.

He upgraded from LV.10 to LV.11 successfully because he cooked a glowing Fried Spoon Cabbage and Hibiscus Crab Eggs to raise the level up.

"[Chef's Heart] (5)…"

The Chef's Heart had 5 talent points. This big pit needed a lot of talent points to fill. From the basic to the god level, it was a long road that one could not see the end of. Xia Yu took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror. He had to fight again!

He opened the restaurant!

Walking out of the bathroom, as expected, there was cleaning movement on the first floor.

Xia Yu went downstairs with hands in his trousers and said hello to An Ya and Mu Xiaoyue. He was about to enter the kitchen, but he found that there were two large suitcases at the staircase which were inflated and swelled.

"Our flight is in the afternoon..."

Mu Xiaoyue brought a basin of dirty water that had just been used to wipe the tables and chairs and walked to the bathroom on the first floor. She told that to Xia Yu when he passed by.

It was very sudden, but of course.

"Return home? That's great." Xia Yu smiled and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Knock, knock!

He had just entered the kitchen with his front foot. Maki Morita came on the back foot. She sat at the counter, knocking on the table with smile. Xia Yu thought she was a guest and went out after hearing the sound. She was holding a delicate food box in her hand like she was presenting a treasure.

"Yu, I've made a Hibiscus Crab Egg. Do you want to try it?" Morita's delicate face naturally showed a trace of tension.

"It's been a week, and it should be done."

Xia Yu simply did not make breakfast anymore. He put a pot of water on the stove and went across the counter, sitting across from Maki Morita.

There was a square white plate inside after opening the lid of the food container.

A pizza-like dish, cut into pieces, was placed on a plate. It had a golden color, and when the lid was opened, there was a strong umami of crab meat.

Grunt. Stomach acid was secreted sharply. Xia Yu did not hold back. He took the chopsticks and picked up a large piece of cake-shaped food and sent it to his mouth.

He opened his eyes immediately.

The moment the food entered his mouth, the crispy egg and the deliciousness of the crab meat were mixed at the tip of the tongue, and the taste buds were thoroughly washed away.

As he was chewing, the deliciousness of the crab meat further covered the flavor of the egg. It felt like an egg dropped into a boiling sea of water, but the egg's taste did not disappear in the sea. Instead, it was half covered in the umami, letting the tip of tongue unconsciously chase it, which maximized Xia Yu's desire to detect it.

Picking up the second piece and swallowing, Xia Yu closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

"How is it?" Maki Morita clasped her hands together tightly and stared at him.

"Very good!"

Xia Yu smiled. "This dish allows me to see your flash point... Can the original taste be controlled in this way? How did you do it?"

Morita said, "Actually, I tried many methods, and finally, I decided to make this dish into pizza. I used the method of making pastries. With eggs as the main ingredients, I mixed it with flour, and initially made a pizza base, then sprinkled the crushed crab meat, added the ingredients, and baked it a second time. After that, this dish is done!"