Chapter 47 Miyoko Hojo

After hearing the words, Xia Yu could not help shaking his head with heaviness hidden in his eyes. 

Morita had given him a big surprise. It sounded easy from the way she said it, but she tried it for a week until she made achievements. It was obvious see the details in the cooking and how much effort she had put into it.

'Hibiscus Crab Egg' was made into a pizza by her, but it was not a real pizza. 

The base of the 'pizza' was baked with high-gluten flour, which was generally very hard. 

Xia Yu took another pair of clean chopsticks and lightly poked a piece of egg pancake on the plate. He didn't use any force with his hand and only pressed it slightly. The golden egg pancake was like a sponge and sunk in. The egg pancake changed back to its original condition after he moved away the chopsticks. 

The flexibility was amazing! 

Xia Yu could not help but reveal a trace of amazement. 

So, this was not a pizza. It was more appropriate to call it a crab flavoured cake. Xia Yu reminisced about the taste between his lips and teeth. He was about to use the chopsticks, but two pairs of chopsticks were faster and clamped the remaining pancakes on the plate. 

"What the f*ck!"

Xia Yu was slightly annoyed whilst glancing back at An Ya and Mu Xiaoyue who behaved like thieves.

It would be fine if it were just ordinary cuisine, but when it was delicious food, it was stolen by others. Xia Yu was too nice to use any violence. This cooking system gave a high score of 70 points! 

At that time, Morita used her hand to cover her mouth and laughed. She took off the upper layer of the food box out to reveal the second layer. There was still a plate of Hibiscus Crab Egg! 


"Smart and nice!"

His eyes lit up, and Xia Yu took the whole food box and started to eat whilst blocking An Ya and Mu Xiaoyue with his body.

"Oh..." He finally touched his belly, then drank half a cup of hot tea. Xia Yu looked comfortable.

Pastry, tea. A leisurely life should be like this. 

"We are not full yet!" Mu Xiaoyue's protest broke the atmosphere. 

"Yes, not full!" An Ya seconded. 

Seeing that Xia Yu was sitting there leisurely and not moving at all, Mu Xiaoyue used the big killer relationship card. She cried, "Our plane is at two o'clock in the afternoon. Are you going to make us go home hungry? Wu."

"There will be a meal on the plane." Xia Yu looked down like an old monk sitting in meditation, too lazy to move. 

Mu Xiaoyue wiped her tears and revealed her fierce teeth. "Do you believe that I will write articles and talk sh*t about you? An Ya and I have helped you work hard for a week. It is fine that you don't pay us a salary, now you don't even feed us! Blacklisted shop! I will absolutely write a complain!"


Xia Yu knew that Mu Xiaoyue was joking. He was also amused by this funny young lady. And he got up and said, "Your acting skill is pretty good. Can't I just cook for you?" 

"What do you want to eat?" he asked while walking toward the kitchen. 

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes seemed to be shifty. " Hibiscus Crab Egg! I still want to eat it. It was not enough!" 

Is this a test? 

Xia Yu stopped at the kitchen door. He turned his back to the three women at the counter. "Sure!"

At the same time. 

There was a girl with short purple hair carrying a backpack standing in front of Xia's small restaurant.

This was a young girl with an outstanding figure. She was not very mature, but the fullness of a woman was reflected in her uniform and dress. 

In front of the white shirt, there was a pair of raised and inflated round balls, as if they would break the buttons. Under the short skirt, there was a pair of slender and fit thighs, and no fat could be seen. 

Semi-short purple hair and strong eyes made her look very imposing. 

"Is this the store?" Miyoko Hojo glanced at the door and went inside. 

Mu Xiaoyue was still thinking about Morita's food, constantly praising her in English and giving a thumbs up while Maki Morita just smiled and looked quiet. 

"Ah, there is a guest." 

"Leave it to me!" 

Maki Morita took the initiative to stand up. 

"Guest, are you going to dine in?" Maki Morita asked. 

"I want to try your dishes..." 

"Sorry, we will only provide tea and snacks before the official business hour which is at 6 pm." Maki Morita bowed and apologized.

The purple-haired girl frowned. She came to Tokyo mainly to participate in the IGO one-star assessment. Since the assessment had passed, she did not plan to stay longer in Tokyo. 

In that case, she would just save time and use the rough method.

"Then ask your chef to come out, I want to fight a Food War with him!"

"Food War?"

Maki was sacred, and she looked closely at the uniform skirt worn by the purple hair girl. She was surprised. "Are you a student of Togetsu?"

"Yes, I will be promoted from the middle school to the high school in April." The purple-haired girl glanced at her and said with a strong voice, "According to the rules of the food industry, I have the right to launch the challenge!

An Ya and Mu Xiaoyue couldn't understand, but they could feel the sudden tension in the store.

The girl with purple hair shouted so loudly. Xia Yu had just entered the kitchen and he could hear it as he hadn't start to cook.

"Who is it?" He opened the kitchen door and came out. Eh, he was stunned.

"...Miyoko Hojo?"

"Do you know me?" The purple-haired girl crossed her arms.

Xia Yu smiled.

Miyoko Hojo was one of the debut characters of the Food Wars. She was the daughter of the chef of Yokohama Senior Chinese Restaurant, specializing in various Chinese dishes.

This was the basic information of Hojo Miyoko. 

The Hojo Building of Chinatown in Yokohama was also regarded as a well-known Chinese restaurant, which had lasted for fifty years. Hojo Miyoko, regarded as her father's successor, had been discriminated against in relatively more traditional Chinese restaurants. 

There was no other way as Chinese cuisine had a requirement for physical fitness. For example, the cooking technique of 'dipoon', by turning the ingredients to ensure the control of seasoning and fire, was necessary for the chef to lift the heavy metal pan away from the stove. 

Ordinary 'dipoon' was not too bad. It didn't require too much of force. If it was a large spoon, it required to shake the metal pan greatly so that the ingredients would fly high, and the whole pan would turn... How long could a female chef persist on this? 

However, Hojo Miyoko was different. 

She was strong and her wrists were extraordinary. Her favorite sport was basketball. Her favorite trick was 'backhand dunk'. She could make a group of male students unable to lift their heads. 

"I am the head chef of this restaurant and the manager." Xia Yu pointed to himself. 


Her eyes were fixed on him. Hojo Miyoko frowned. "I don't know you. You are definitely not a student of Togetsu!"

"Yes, who said I was a student of Togetsu?" Xia Yu spread his hands.

After hearing that, Miyoko Hojo stared at him deeply.

"Not from Togetsu? At this age, you have confidence to be a chef?" Hojo Miyoko said in a deep voice, "Let me try your cooking skills to see if you have the qualification to open a Chinese restaurant!"

After knowing that the chef was at the same age as her, Hojo Miyoko was more aggressive.

Xia Yu got really angry.

What the h*ll! Not a student in Togetsu, so I can't you open a restaurant by myself?

Rina questioned him this way, as did Miyoko Hojo. 

What could Xia Yu say? 

Togetsu did have a decisive position in the food industry of Japan. It was not an exaggeration to call it a food empire. IGO organizations must seek cooperation with Togetsu, but this did not mean that all chefs in the food industry must rely on Togetsu.

Moreover, Hojo Miyoko had a strong personality, and if he refused, he would be considered timid and a culinary loser. And she demanded it seriously.

Let it be war!

Xia Yu suddenly became interested as this was the first time he had waged a food war with someone else since he became a chef?

"System, do I have tasks?"

"Host, please win the food war!" The system was just cheering, but the latter half of the sentence poured him with cold water. "If you lose, the host's cooking level will be cleared. Please start over." 

Is this cheering or threatening? Xia Yu took back his joking attitude and set his attitude properly. 

"Do you know the rules of Food Wars outside the school? This is not Togetsu," he asked. 


Myoko Hojo took out her one-star chef certification and smacked it on the counter. "I just passed the assessment yesterday, and I am already a one-star chef of the IGO institution! I have the right to initiate a war to any chef outside the school!"