The Man's Files - PROJECT: ABYSMA


Details: A bomb to be planted on any metal object. Activating this bomb will send the objects touching the metal object to the Void Way, which will lead to the Abyss.

Materials: 2 Chemical TIX, Duct Tape, 10 Wires, Timer, Blackus Sommunos.

The purpose of this project was to help Emilia not see the truth, as I have calculated over 500 outcomes of her finding the truth, and 499 of them will end up making her kill herself. The bomb will create minor damage but may cause some major injuries to the people who are extremely close to it, as the bomb will create a very, very, small rift.

My first prototype ended up killing 10 POWs which were provided by the Interuniversal Association. It created a huge rift that completely eradicated the 10 POWs from existence. I was able to close the rift, thankfully.

The second prototype showed some promise, but also ended up killing 10 POWs. However, the rift was smaller this time. The bomb also created another rift after I closed the first one. In the end, I had to throw it away in another universe.

The third and final prototype was a huge success. I decided that I will remake the third prototype and use it on the train. I only have 1 day left before I can stop Emilia from discovering the truth. I don't want to end up scarring her for life.

OUTCOME: Damn that Gamma brat! She disrupted my plans for god knows what reason. That bitch deserved her death! Now, Emilia will see the truth! I can't do anything in Limbasa due to my status... I'm sorry Emilia. I couldn't stop you.