The Man's Files - Prototype Failures

I have begun planning a merger between Winston Industries, and Jameston Laboratories (my company). On the outside, we will say it's for experimentation purposes, but in reality, it's for me and Mr. Winston to start finding ways to eradicate Others.

I have begun setting the paperwork, the merger should be done in about the same month I have to check up if he is doing well. I hope he still hasn't forgotten about Emilia.

I've already created 5 prototypes for blasters against these entities. However, they're only one-time use. If they're used, then that's that. I really need to make sure that the future prototypes allow for longer usage.

Prototype 1 creates a laser that can slice up the Others, but the side effect is it will make the user dumb. Prototype 2 releases a huge ball, it is the strongest prototype, the side effect is that it has a 90% of killing the user, I found this out from 10 experiments. Prototype 3 fires smaller versions of the ball from Prototype 2, but repeatedly. It can shoot for 10 seconds. I haven't found out the side effect... yet. Prototype 4 ended up terribly, as it turns out, making the user do close-range combat using a short-range blaster will kill him.

Prototype 5 is the most successful yet. It was able to kill 10 of the Others within 2 minutes. It lasts for a long time, and kills a lot of them instantly. The thing is however, it curses the user with never-ending suffering for 100 years. I don't even want to describe how I figured that out.

Using artifacts from different universes is indeed useful.