I Love Her!

[A rich and powerful fan of Daddy Ke like myself certainly has no interest in your prizes. You people can pass my message around instead: Two branded handbags and a set of skincare products that costs thousands. The draw will take place this afternoon!]

[Hahahahahaa, we, Tang Moqi's fans, are not hankering for it either. Do you really think that you'd have all the netizens boot-licking you just because you're cashed up? Dream on! Hahahaha!]

[Tang Moqi's fans are here for the draw too, all of you can take a look in the Hot Topic. We don't discriminate, so it's possible for anyone to win a prize.]

Perhaps provoked by the remark that those who had made any negative comments about Luo Qiao would not qualify, the fans of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou too, started their own lottery draws. Not only that, they turned their noses up at Luo Qiao's prizes and couldn't help making jabs at her in the meantime. And among these people were many from wealthy families, hence their prizes were highly varied and attractive, including things like skincare products, perfumes, lipsticks and even luxury items.

Because of this, the wealthy fans of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou drew countless remarks of envy on the Trending Topic Forum.

Fans of Ke Bozhou and Tang Moqi:

[Who doesn't know how to organize a lottery draw [sarcastic face]]

[This is how we'll deal with Luo Qiao in the future. Does she think we're from the slums!]

[New Skills. Done! Heehee.]

[Just like how we had ousted her from the entertainment industry back then, we still have no regard for her now. She's less than a fart to us, Ke fans!]


Luo Qiao did not see all these comments. After she had posted the message about the lottery draw, she had gone on to reply to someone's question on the sort of prizes she was giving away. "I have to think about it this evening."

Then she hung up.

By the next day, the lottery matter had stirred much interest and attention on the internet.

The fans of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou flaunted their lottery draw event by posting pictures of the event in Luo Qiao's Weibo comment zone. It was their way of spitting and taunting her, snubbing her lottery prizes.

At this point, Luo Qiao was finally back online. She slowly typed out a Weibo post:

'I've thought of what the prize should be. We'll give the winner a house.'

The moment the post was published, the comments zone fell silent.

Three seconds later.

Ke Bozhou's fans: ????

Tang Moqi's fans: ????

The onlookers: ???!!!!

When Luo Qiao saw all these question marks in the comments zone, she paused and scratched her head in consternation. Then she asked: 'Don't like it? I've already communicated this to the workers of the lottery platform, there's nothing to worry about where property rights are concerned.'

Netizens: This is beyond a question of liking it or otherwise!!!

[From now on Sister Qiao is my Daddy!]

[I don't recall that my own father ever bought me a house?]

[That's my Qiao. Giving away a house without batting an eye. AWESOME in caps.]

[Hahahahahaha! The fans of Ke Bozhou and Tang Moqi really crack me up. That's right, just continue to show-off your screenshots, why did you stop?]

[Oh, can you hear that? Ah, it's the sound of faces being slapped!]

It was no accident that this matter of Luo Qiao giving away a house made it to the top of the Hot Search. The netizens started to express their disbelief: ????

[What the?! Is she serious? Giving away a house?]

[F*ck my life!!!!]

[It's true. I've just checked out her Weibo to have a look, Luo Qiao is freaking awesome… argghhh!!]

[I'm crying because I'm so struck by her awesomeness. She's giving away a house just like that. Long live my fair, rich and pretty big boss.]

[Weren't the fans of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou posting screenshots in her comments zone and showing off just then? Freaking hilarious. They may be wealthy but Sister Qiao is in a different league altogether, there's just no comparison.]

[Hahahaha! Truly, no one is going to be able to do a one-up on our Sister Qiao!]

[As a fan, I've been comfortable all the way, just watching my opponent being so effortlessly defeated by our Qiao Qiao. What a pleasure.]

[Arghhhh… I'm just falling in love with her!!]

[Me too!!]

In addition, because of the manipulations of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou, the netizens opened up a new wave of mockery:

[The fans of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou, isn't it time you got down on your knees? If you so nicely call out Daddy Luo, perhaps she may allow you to participate in the lottery draw.]

[Remember, put in some sincerity!]

[What's a bit of dignity in exchange for a house. I know you guys think that way too, so just loosen up, call her Daddy, we won't laugh at you.]

[Hahahahahaha, I don't know about you, but to me, this is darn freaking funny as hell!]