Going on a Blind Date

It took a while for the fans of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou to get over their shock. And when they saw what the netizens had said, they immediately flew into a rage from being so ashamed.

[It's not like we're hankering after it. Being rich is no big deal. Since she's so wealthy, why isn't she donating to the poor?]

[Do I really have to grab you a screenshot to show you how much money the Luo Corporation donates every year? Ignoramus!]

[I'm poor. What Sister Qiao has done is actually helping me. I love Sister Qiao forever!]

[Hahahaha! They're hopping mad, they're hopping mad, they're hopping mad, they're hopping mad…]

[I love seeing how they get so provoked by Luo Qiao and yet can't do anything to her.]

The fans of Tang Moqi and Ke Bozhou were livid but had nowhere to stand and no retorts to make. What could they say? They were beside themselves in anger.

And not too long after these people had proclaimed that they were not hankering after Luo Qiao's prize home, a marketing account suddenly came forward to expose a few top fans among them who were using their alternate accounts.

Some of the comments posted by these alternate accounts, owned by top fans who had in the past made nasty remarks about Luo Qiao:

[Ahhhhh… Daddy Luo has such a great figure, she's so fair-skinned and beautiful. She completely trashes all the other female celebrities! Please pick me!]

[Daddy Luo is beautiful like an immortal. Pick me! Pick me!]

[I love you, Luo Qiao, please pick me, pretty please!]

All the netizens: ????

[Hahahaha, look at them slap themselves!]

[Tang and Ke fans: Doesn't money smell so good!]

[Hilarious, these people have perfectly illustrated that their idols are nothing in the face of money!]

[In a nutshell, Daddy Luo is awesome!]

Of course Tang Moqi also saw the screenshot of her so-called fans' alternate accounts. She was so angry that she almost smashed her own cell phone.

"Luo Qiao is too much!"

Ke Bozhou, who had just walked out of the shower, hugged her from behind and lowered his head into her hair to kiss her. "Don't be mad, I'll teach her a lesson for you."

"Really?" Tang Moqi turned around at once.

Giving her an evil smirk, Ke Bozhou replied, "You don't believe me?"

It was only then that she felt a little better. She bit her lip and smiled as she allowed him to lift her off her feet, carrying her across both his arms. They headed towards the bedroom.

On the weekend, Luo Qiao got ready to go on her blind date as planned. She changed into her dress and walked over to Ming Siran's room to get a set of accessories.

Knock, knock. After some time, Ming Siran opened the door.

"What took you so long?" Luo Qiao said as she squeezed past him to enter the room.

Ming Siran's gaze wandered lazily onto her bare-backed dress. Then he felt his temple tightening. He strode over to the cloakroom and drawled, "Don't you feel you're wearing too little, Missy?"

Sweeping her gaze over the man, she simply replied, "Not at all."


Luo Qiao admired herself in the mirror for a moment after she had put on her accessories, and flashed a faint smile of satisfaction.

She turned and got ready to leave. Just as she was at the doorway, she heard Ming Siran trying to suppress a cough.

She stopped and turned around.

It was only then she realized the man was looking rather pale and listless. Frowning, she asked, "What's that matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"As if you care if I were to die."


"Didn't you say an ex-boyfriend is as good as dead?" he said unhurriedly.

"…" Angry and ashamed at this reminder, she humphed, "Well I won't care then!" She turned around and walked out.

The man looked at the doorway expressionlessly for a moment. As he was about to look away, she returned. She eyed him and finally said in an awkwardly arrogant manner, "Are you having gastric pains or are you down with a cold?"

After considering her apparent ambivalence, Ming Siran looked at her for a moment and let out a chuckle as he lowered his gaze.