Chapter 30 – Adventurers Guild

"Hey Ruby. How come you don't wear any make-up? You already look great without it. Imagine how drop-dead gorgeous you would be with some on."

"I don't want to waste money on items that would only please others. I'd rather save up money to buy food or practical items."

"You mean like that gaming laptop you keep yapping on about?"

"It's portable, much better for playing games than my smartphone, and can even be used for school work. It's definitely worth it."

"Yeah, yeah. But you can't win over any boys with a gaming laptop."

"Pfft. You have no idea how the world works nowadays. If guys find out that I like playing games, they would pay money just for some of my bath water."


"Happy Birthday precious!"

"No fricken way! Dad! Is this the XXX gaming laptop?! I was saving up for this! Did one of my friends tell you about this? You shouldn't have."

"Nonsense. Any money I spend for you is money well spent. Just don't stay up all night using it yeah?"

"Of course! I love you, Daddy!"


"GGWP. Oh I finally ranked up hahaha. Today's a good day."


"What was that?...?! My laptop screen is cracked?! When?!"

I reached out my hand to feel the crack.

"What's wrong with my hand? Is- is it melting?! Dad! Help!"

I got up from my chair and was about to run out the door but something tripped me and I collapsed on the ground.

"?! My- my legs too?! Daaad! Dad! *sniffle* Please help!"

I started crying because of what was happening. I heard footsteps and my room door slammed open.

"Ruby wha-?! Y- you..."

"Dad! I don't know what's happening. I- I... "

I was horrified because I didn't understand what was happening to me.

"You're a monster..."

Scenes of pain filled my head. Blood was everywhere and countless corpses surrounded me. A hand formed from my melted body and started to drag me into the darkness.

"No! Dad! I'm not a monster! I- I just did what I had to! Please believe me! Dad!"

I begged and pleaded but my Dad only watched me as I was dragged below. His eyes were filled with contempt and hatred. It was an expression that I've never seen him make before. Before I was completely submerged in darkness, I heard him say...

"A monster..."



I got up from the couch drenched in sweat. If my shirt wasn't made of my mud, it would probably be sticking to my body.

I looked around and saw Danae and Fran sleeping on the bed near me. Thankfully, my shout didn't wake them.

I got up and walked to the only window of the room. Outside in the night sky was a plethora of stars and constellations I haven't seen before. Maybe it was due to the lack of pollution or light coming from the city, but the night sky was clearly visible. Two bright moons, one red and one white were peeking through some clouds.

This only emphasized the fact that I really am in another world.

"It was just a nightmare... I'm..."

I put my hands in front of me. I looked at my left hand. And then I looked at my right. I could still feel my heart beating and blood coursing through my veins.

"I'm not a monster... At least, not yet..."


I went downstairs to the dining hall when it was almost sunrise. I couldn't go back to sleep after I woke up so I just practiced with my mana control and mud body. I cleaned off my sweat at the well. I need to remember to look for toiletries in the city later.

"Good morning."

I saw the innkeeper already up and cleaning the tables at the dining hall so I greeted her.

"Good morning. You're quite the early bird ain't cha? You want breakfast now? My husband's already in the kitchen preparing for the day."

"No it's alright. I'll eat with my friends once they wake up. How about I help you and we can chat at the same time?"

She didn't refuse and handed me a mop to clean the floor with. The innkeeper, Maria, and her husband, Bosu, were the only employee's working in Alonia. She told me that they had a son who joined the army and a daughter who is working as a receptionist for the Adventurers Guild. Her name was Mirian and she had already left for work so I might meet her later when me and my classmates register.

*Ding Dong*

The city bell rang after a while and the people who were staying in the inn started to come down for breakfast. My classmates came down as well so we sat down together for breakfast.

While we were eating Danae showed me a picture she took with her phone of David and Jeff hugging each other while sleeping. It was her revenge for the picture of her and Jeff.

We finished breakfast and left the inn to head for the Adventurers Guild. Maria had told me how to get there. It was one of the few three storey buildings in the center of the city. There was an emblem of a sword in front of a shield hanging at the entrance of the guild. When we entered, what greeted us was a commotion as Adventurers grouped up in front of various boards. Looks like they were all trying to grab some quests early in the morning so that they could finish in time before dinner.

We passed by the hustle and went straight to the reception desk. There was currently only one receptionist girl at the desk who was handling paperwork. The other employees were dealing with the Adventurers at the request boards.

Name: Mirian

Job: Commoner Lv. 9

It was Maria's daughter who I heard about this earlier.

"Good morning. My friends and I would like to register to become Adventurers."

I didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

"Hello. Is this your first time applying to become an Adventurer?" Mirian put down her papers and showed a bright smile. She looked like a modern office worker from my world with her auburn hair styled in a ponytail.

"Yes it is. We would also like to apply for the training course." I replied.

Mirian looked surprised when I said that.

"Um. I'm sorry but the Adventurer training course that we offer is only allowed for people with low levels and have not yet taken their second job up. The four behind you can take it but unfortunately…"

So there were restrictions. I guess it's understandable. If this was back on Earth, what it looks like I am trying to do now is similar to a high schooler trying to enroll into elementary school. Even though I'm only level 13…

"That's okay. They can take the course to become Adventurers then but what about me?" I asked Mirian.

"You just need to take a test so we can evaluate your capabilities and give you an appropriate rank."

"Perfect. Let's go with that then."

I was worried for a moment there. I thought they wouldn't allow me to become an Adventurer because they couldn't use [Appraisal] to see my status.

"Then please fill out these forms. For the training course, trainees need to pay a fee of 5 small silver coins. If you don't have that amount, you can take a loan from the guild and it will show on your Adventurer cards. A portion of the rewards you earn from quests will be deducted to pay off the debt. For normal Adventurer applications, the fee is 1 large silver coin but the same loan can be applied."

Mirian kindly informed us of the procedures to follow to become Adventurers. Since we couldn't read or write yet we had to pay an additional fee to have it written for us. Apparently, it was normal for low ranking Adventurers to not be able to read or write because they don't have the money to pay for lessons here in this Kingdom. The Adventurers Guild didn't offer those kind of lessons.

"By the way Ms. Rim. May I know what job you have so that we can determine what type of test we need to prepare?" She asked me courteously.

"Oh I'm an Earth Magician."


She dropped her quill pen when I said that. Actually, the entire guild seemed to have gone silent.

"Eh? Did I say something wrong?"


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 13

Age: 17

Race: Half-Human?

Class: Half-Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 13

HP: 10 [32%]

MP: 15 [100%]

STR: 10 (+5)

DEF: 10 (+25)

INT: 17

WILL: 15

SPD: 10



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance

Weaponized Limbs



Mana Absorption



Body Enhancement

Mind Enhancement

Mana Release






Appraisal Analysis

Lesser Heal

Mana Coating


Tongue Enhancement