Chapter 31 – Guild Master

I wasn't using the robe form for clothes today because I didn't want to get a repeat of what happened at the south gate yesterday. I was only copying my normal uniform clothes. Is me saying that I have a magic type job bad?

"Hoh. An Earth Magician you say? Little girl, if you are going to lie then you should at least make it more believable. Isn't that right brother?"

Before I could explain myself, a voice sounded out coming from the stairs leading to the second floor of the building. A man in a gaudy blue robe walked down followed by another man in a similarly gaudy green robe.

"Indeed big brother. How can a little girl be such an advanced job? Even then, why would an Earth Magician come to a low level area like this place? Heh."

The two men in robes had similar facial features. The stopped in the middle of the stairs and looked down on me. They were already quite taller than me so staying on the stairs only made them look like a bunch of arrogant pricks.

"She probably just has some equipment on that lets her disguise her status or blocks [Appraisal] attempts. Let me, the great Water Mage Alfonso, administer her test." The man in blue robes arrogantly announced.

Earth Magician is an advanced job? I thought it would be on the same level as Water Mage. I didn't see anyone with a magic type job yet except healers. I couldn't use [Appraisal Analysis] on those army guys in the cave because I was still hiding at the time. I only got to see Albert and those two soldiers who came near to us and they were all Swordsman above level 20.

I used [Appraisal Analysis] on the two.

Name: Alfonso Lv. 12

Job: Water Mage

Race: Human

Name: Eduardo Lv. 18

Job: Wind Mage

Race: Human

"Alfonso, you don't get to decide matters for the Guild. I do. I called you two up here to warn you about all the trouble you keep making, and yet here you are making more trouble." A man who looked like he was in his forties with a stubble and dark red hair walked down the stairs. He had slightly pointy ears and currently had a hand on his face.

He walked passed the two brothers and stood in front of me. His dark black eyes started to glow which meant that he was appraising me.

"Well, if even I can't see your status then you must have a disguising equipment on. You'll need to remove it so that we can ascertain your status if you want to register."

I felt an immense pressure coming from the man as he looked down on me with his huge build of almost two meters tall.

Name: Argo Denosso Lv. 52

Job: Lycan Fighter

Race: Wolf Beastman

"Guild Master. There's no rule that-"

"I'll take over this one, Mirian. You can just handle her friends."

The man's, no the Guild Master's gaze didn't move away from me. It felt as if he could see right through me and that hiding anything from him was impossible.

The pressure caused me to sweat and almost made me lose control of my mud body. It was as if a giant beast's shadow was behind him and it was ready to jump at me at any time.

"*Gulp* I would like to show you… but unfortunately I can't."

The pressure increased when I said that. The shadow of the beast opened its mouth and I was trapped inside its gaping maw.

"The Adventurers Guild is a globally renowned organization that offers a high degree of freedom for its members. So long as they don't do anything to tarnish the status of an Adventurer, anyone is free to become one. As the Guild Master of the Adventurer Guild branch in Lam City, it is my duty to make sure that the Adventurer profession remains as a respectable and trustworthy one in the eyes of the people. If a person with an unknown background and of suspicious origin like yourself wanted to register, you should at least show your status to prove that you capable enough to handle the dangers of becoming an Adventurer."

The guild was silent. The pressure emanating from the man in front of me was affecting everybody around. Even the two arrogant brothers on the stairs had shaking legs. My mud body was close to collapsing and it was getting harder for me to maintain control. In this sort of situation, what was I supposed to do?

As much as I wanted to show my status, I had absolutely no idea how to. Something was also ringing in my head warning me that if anyone found out about my status and differing system, I would not see the light of another day. Could it be [Foresight]?

The jaws of the beast shadow started to close and the sharp teeth was getting dangerously close to me. My classmates and almost half of the people I could see were now on their knees. I used [Sensing] to see if I could break free somehow but there was no mana involved in what was happening right now. It was purely just the Guild Master's aura that was causing me to see the shadow of a beast. He was an absolute predator that I could do nothing against right now. The man in armor from the Royal Army cannot even compare to this man.

Since it has come to this, I had no other choice.

"Then I guess I won't become an Adventurer." I said as I did my best to resist the pressure of the Guild Master. I turned around and started to leave.

I could always find other ways to earn money. Though becoming an Adventurer was the best way to get information about this world and earn some money at the same time, I could not risk exposing myself. I still don't even know the reason why me and my classmates were transported here.

"Wait, Ru- Rim!"

Danae shouted out to try and stop me. I was amazed that she can stand up to the Guild Master's pressure.

"It's fine, Danae. You guys need to become Adventurers. You should know by now that I can handle being by myself and that I can't babysit you all forever. The Adventurer's Guild gives you the opportunity to learn how to survive here. I'll find some other way to earn money."

I told her as I walked away.

"Wait!" I heard the Guild Master yell but I ignored him and kept walking.

"I said WAIT!" Suddenly, he appeared in front of me as if he teleported. I didn't even feel any mana being used. He looked like he was trying to grab me so I quickly ducked and avoided his arms. I activated my buffs and jumped out the door nearly smashing it.

I ran as fast as I could towards the south gate.



The Guild Master, Argo, was surprised at the young looking girl's moves. He thought that he could easily catch her before she left but before he could react, she was already out the entrance. He wanted to go after her but stopped when he saw the four people who had come to register with her. They looked like kids who had just come of age and were still clueless about how the world worked. He was further shocked when he appraised their status and saw that they each had a magic skill.

"How familiar are you all with that girl?"

He couldn't help but ask about the mysterious girl who was able to dodge his grab and managed to flee at a ridiculous speed for someone with her build.

"She… was someone who we met after our village was destroyed by monsters. She helped us reach this city. Without her we would probably have died along the way."

David explained going with the background that they discussed about beforehand.

As someone who had been a Guild Master for almost twenty years, Argo could tell that these guys were hiding something. It was rare for people to have magic skills even before a job up in this kingdom. But now four, no five people with such a case have appeared. He has seen many people coming from all kinds of backgrounds with who knows what kind of secrets wanting to become Adventurers.

One of the selling points of becoming an Adventurer was the freedom that came with it. This world was full of monsters and dangers. Capable people were always in demand. Only the Adventurers Guild gave those capable people the chance to utilize their skills and earn large amounts of money without tying them down.

In fact, it wasn't required for someone to show their status in order to become an Adventurer. However, Argo's instincts were telling him that there was something wrong with that girl. The four in front of him can be considered a special case but she was a unique one.

"Mirian. Please handle the registration for these four."

"Yes, Guild Master." Mirian quickly brought the four into a room in the back to test their magical aptitudes and create their guild cards.

"Alfonso, Eduardo." Argo called out the two on the stairs who just regained their wits.

"I have a job for you two…"


I rushed out the gate and ran into the forest. I used [Sensing] to look for any living thing nearby.

Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 13

MP: 15 [7%] (+5)

My MP had drained a lot while I was facing the pressure of that Guild Master, Argo. It was further drained by my activation of my buffs. My head was bursting with pain as I ran through the forest looking for something to recover my MP with.

Just then, I sensed an herb nearby that radiated a decent amount of mana. Without hesitation I ran to it and quickly used [Dissolve] on it. My MP was refilled by a significant amount to my surprise. With that, my migraine dissipated and I could rest easy.

"Whew… Dammit I wanted to be an Adventurer so bad!"

It was normal in transmigration stories for the protagonist to become an Adventurer. I wanted to be like them, going on dungeon raids, killing huge amounts of monsters, getting stronger, finding treasures and discovering secrets of the world.

But my MP was draining too quickly back then. With the oncoming headache, I couldn't think straight. There might have been a better way to get through that situation, but I didn't have time to think. If I ran out of mana, I would have lost control of my mud body and my secret would have been exposed. I had to leave as soon as possible.

"*Sigh* How will I explain this to the others? Should I tell them the truth or…"

I was suddenly reminded of my nightmare last night. If they started to look at me like a monster, would they show the same face my Dad made in that dream? This thought frightened me. I almost had a mental breakdown from a dream. If it happened in reality…

"I need to find a way to restore my body before finding a way back home…"

I 'updated' my main quest goal. I leisurely walked back to the gate while killing and dissolving anything that could recover my mana. I ran quite the distance before I found that herb. I regret not using [Appraisal Analysis] on it. If I could find more like it, it probably would have sold for a decent amount.


While walking I heard the sounds of fighting in the distance. I decided to go closer to have a look and see what cliché was awaiting me.


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 13

Age: 17

Race: Half-Human?

Class: Half-Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 13

HP: 10 [32%]

MP: 15 [59%]

STR: 10 (+5)

DEF: 10 (+25)

INT: 17

WILL: 15

SPD: 10



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance

Weaponized Limbs



Mana Absorption



Body Enhancement

Mind Enhancement

Mana Release






Appraisal Analysis

Lesser Heal

Mana Coating


Tongue Enhancement