Chapter 50 – Changes

I already saw my race and class.

But for the first time ever, both my HP and MP have reached 100 percent at the same time.

"I guess I'm recognized as fully recovered in this state... Haha..."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

"No. I gotta accept it. At least, for now..."

What's done is done.

At least I'm not some mindless monster like I've always been afraid of in my nightmares.

Looking back on how I became like this, I had no other choice.

I can't think of a better way of how I could have handled the previous situation.

Turning myself into a suicide bomber is better than just going down without a fight.

"Yup. Past is in the past. Keep moving forward."

I noticed that I also leveled up 3 whole times.

Considering how difficult it is for me to level up, this was great news.

I've found that I'm unlike the usual leveling system that others on this world have, where they level up as they kill living beings.

My level rises when I reach a certain amount of stats.

And the best way I can get stats is to use [Dissolve] and [Assimilate] on stuff.

This time, I managed to level up three times by blowing myself up.

"That... doesn't sound as great as I thought."

I'm not sure if I can still level up this way, but I'm definitely not going to try anytime soon.

I saw the boosts in my stats.

INT is still my best stat.

It takes a lot of mind power to manipulate my mud body after all.

I continued to look at the changes in my status and saw a certain new skill.

"... Forgive me Father for I have sinned..."

I'm not a religious person.

Praying and relying on some unknown existence is not my style.

I'd rather believe in my own effort or the effort of others, like my Dad, instead.

My Dad never had the time to take me to church anyways.

I never once thought that church was a bad thing though.

But in this world a church called the Church of Light exists.

They praise the heroes and teach people how to become the healer job, while also providing healing services.

Because of my current state, I kept my distance from them.

I don't know what they would do to someone like me but I had a feeling that it wouldn't be nice.

Was it because of [Foresight]?

Anyway, I said this because of the skill that showed up on my status.

[Sin of Sloth]: Have you ever been so lazy that you could not even be bothered to die?


This is the first time a skill had its own description.

But I didn't like it at all.

"Why is the description so sassy?"

I'd rather have made my own description!

Why is it an extra skill?!

Based on the skills that disappeared and combined into the [Sin of Sloth] skill, it's related to how my HP and MP have become full in a short amount of time.

Constant regeneration?

I tested it out by fully expending my MP.

I started to generate tons of mud and compressed it into my clothing.

It took a long time to deplete my MP.

The amount of mud I condensed caused my clothes to become a pseudo suit of armor.

During the time I was using my mana, it continuously recovered.

When I stopped manipulating mana altogether, the regen speed accelerated dramatically.

It was like I was constantly dissolving magic crystals while inside a dungeon.

"So in short, my HP and MP regen is now amazing. When I stop moving and rest, my HP and MP regen becomes insane. Isn't this a cheat skill?!"

As expected of a skill that's named after one of the seven deadly sins.

"If extra skills are cheats like this, then what the hell does that make [Tongue Enhancement]?"

This skill has been on my status for the longest time, yet I don't know what it does or how to activate it.

Just then, I noticed Sir Hamish about to enter the boss room alone through sense sharing with my arm guard.

"What the?! This idiot!"

Even if you are determined, there's only a fine line between courage and foolhardiness.

This guy doesn't understand his limits!

He stood in front of the Cockroach Queen cocoon waiting for it to hatch.

"To become stronger, I must-"


I morphed and controlled my arm guard to hit Sir Hamish on the head to knock him out.

As he fell to floor, the Cockroach Queen popped out.


I used my mud to drag Sir Hamish towards the entrance but the Cockroach Queen chased after him.

It got closer while spawning minions.


"Shut up!"

I used a burst of mana to make my mud lunge towards the boss monster.

It got taken by surprise as the prey it was chasing had suddenly launched an attack towards it.

With no time to react, my mud became an enhanced spear and pierced through the Cockroach Queen's head killing it instantly.

I recalled a time before when I threw a rock at the Queen just like what I did now.

I didn't do much damage back then, but now I can one-shot this boss even without [Detonate].

I quickly started to encase the Queen to dissolve it.

With [Sin of Sloth], I barely lost any mana from doing all this.

Even though it usually costs more mana to control distant mud made with [Cloning], I can now do so without worries.

Of course, there is a distance limit.

I converted the dissolved Queen into mud and morphed it into Shasha's Lizardman mode.

"Hmm. On second thought, using a Lizardman form wouldn't be a good idea."

There are numerous Adventurers outside this dungeon.

If they saw a Lizardman holding onto an unconscious person, it's obvious what they would think and they would undoubtedly try to rescue him.

I changed Shasha into a different form.

Soon, a human dressed in leather armor made its appearance.

Shasha now looked like William Hall, the first human I ever killed.

Even though it costs less mana to [Shapeshift] into a form I have assimilated before, I never tried turning into another human before.

There wasn't any particular reason.

I just felt an aversion towards doing this.

But now I feel like it isn't so bad.

I don't know why I avoided doing this before.

"I should change the face a little bit in case someone recognizes him though."

I combined the facial features of William and Billy, another person I killed and assimilated.

Honestly, the resulting face looked less handsome than the original William but whatever.

With Shasha's new human form, nobody paid attention to her, now him, as he piggy-backed Sir Hamish to the south gate.

"Halt. You have to wait in li- Captain Hamish!"

I controlled Shasha to put him down when the guard noticed who he was.

"I found him unconscious in the Cockroach Cave dungeon." I explained through Shasha.

It was fun to play as Shasha.

I felt like I was playing a Virtual Reality (VR) game.

"Please follow me to the guard station to explain what happened."

I did as I was told and assisted him in carrying Sir Hamish to the station.

After half an hour of questioning, Sir Hamish woke up.

He wanted to treat Shasha to a meal in the city as thanks.

With his help "I" safely entered the city.

"Why did you do something so reckless?"

I questioned Sir Hamish through Shasha while pretending to eat the food in front of me.

We were currently at Alonia, the inn I stayed at before at Sir Hamish's recommendation.

"Well you see… I am weak. I wanted to become stronger so that I can protect this city that I love."

He said while looking at and holding onto the arm guard that I had recreated.

"Then you shouldn't rush headfirst into dangerous places!" I firmly told him. "Being courageous and not giving up when facing difficult odds is admirable, but you should know your limits. What you did earlier was just stupid. How can you protect your beloved city if you died?"

Sir Hamish looked like he fell into deep thought after hearing what I said.

"… Yes. You are absolutely correct. My apologies Mr. Shasha. I will remember your words by engraving it into my heart."

Sir Hamish looked down at first, but now he was brimming with motivation.

"You know… you remind me of a certain person who saved this city a while ago. It's a shame she already left two months ago. I'm sure that you two would have gotten along quite well."

Is this guy trying to set me up with myself?

We technically just met and he's already acting like my wingman.

Maybe it's because he can't see my status similar to what happened when he first met me.

"Oh really? Who is… TWO MONTHS?!"


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 18

Age: 17

Race: ???

Class: Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 18

HP: 20 [100%]

MP: 20 [100%]

STR: 15 (+5)

DEF: 15 (+25)

INT: 22

WILL: 20

SPD: 15



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance



Novice Magic Caster

Poison Resistance

Sleep Resistance

Intermediate Weapon Master






Appraisal Analysis


Mana Designing

Mana Disturb






Tongue Enhancement

Sin of Sloth