Chapter 51 – Setting off once again  

Two months have gone by since my fight with Nat?!

I talked a bit more with Sir Hamish to learn about what happened during those two months.

Nothing major happened after the monster horde incident.

A strange group of people arrived in the city for a while, but they soon left after hunting in the south for a few days.

Other than that, everything was normal.

I bade farewell to Sir Hamish.

I gave him a helmet which I made similar to the arm guard.

He tried to refuse but I forced it onto him by convincing him that it holds a secret power that only the wielder of the arm guard could unlock.

It was a lie but a believable one considering how equipment I make with my mud can't be appraised and has a function to repair itself with mana.

He obviously wasn't going to give the arm guard away so he reluctantly accepted the helmet.

It serves as my thanks for unintentionally helping me out of my depression.

And also for something else…

During the time Sir Hamish was still talking and eating with me through Shasha, I had started heading over to my house to see how my classmates were doing.

But controlling two bodies at once gave me a massive headache.

I had to put Shasha on semi-autopilot just to be able to move decently with my main body.

I arrived at my house right when I heard through Shasha that it had been two months since I was last here.

My focus was divided between the two bodies so I was late to react when he mentioned it.

I nearly shouted out loud with my main body just like with Shasha but thankfully I was able to hold it in.

I entered my front door and put Shasha on autopilot to get here on his own.

Sadly, it seemed that my classmates had already left the city quite some time ago.

They had followed my instructions and hired a caretaker from the Workers Guild for my house.

The caretaker would be allowed to live in my house with their family as long as they follow some rules I set beforehand.

This was stated in the contract magic that the Workers Guild provided.

The caretaker's name was Marcy and her job was Housekeeper.

This made me realize that there really were a wide variety of jobs in this world where a job system was place.

Marcy greeted me and after verifying my identity, she handed me a letter that my classmates left for me.


Dear Ruby.

I can't believe you left without saying anything.

I thought we were friends. Humph.

We all decided to go to Strife City, the capital of Cloud Kingdom.

We have already become D-rank Adventurers and have gained sufficient strength so don't worry too much about us.

I know you can handle yourself but still, please be careful.

I hope to hear from you soon.


P.S. Writing letters is so outdated.


There was a lot more written but these were the key points.

"Well with their skills and modern knowledge, it makes sense that they level up quickly. However..."

{By the way, your friend Dawn joined our party in order to find her missing brother.}

This part in the letter made me worried.

On one hand, this means that Dawn wasn't involved with her brother's schemes.

On the other, it means that my classmates will constantly be at risk from Hugo Empire due to her presense.

The Hugo Empire was targeting Half-Humans like Dawn because of the assassination of their Royal Court Magician 3 years ago.

I was kind of a half-human before but not anymore.

Anyways, as long as Dawn doesn't lose Loki's Necklace, they should be safe.

I took out Loki's Mask that I stol- traded for with a helmet from Sir Hamish.

It has a similar magic circle engraved onto it like Loki's Necklace.

Even when Nat wore it, he still couldn't hide his status from me.

I memorized the engraved magic but I didn't try to equip it.

I stored it inside my mud body instead.

Since I no longer had flesh, I can no longer equip any gear due to the mana confliction.

If I had known that this would have happened, I would have tried to dissolve Blood Bane in order to try and get the skill from it.

But it was either lost or destroyed in my detonation along with all my other equipment.

"Haa. Maybe I should just dissolve this mask... I have no use for its effect anyways. But the word "Defective" attached to the item name is suspicious to me..."

In games, there was a thing called "set item".

These were equipment or accessories that gave bonus effects when two or more pieces of the set were equipped at the same time.

I figured that the necklace and the mask were part of a set which is why the "Defective" is shown on the item names.

"Hmmm. Or maybe they were originally a single piece of equipment that was just broken apart?"

I imagined the two magic circles from the Loki equipment.

Using [Mana Designing], I overlapped the circles.

They perfectly fit one another.

"Looks like my second theory is more likely to be the case for this. However, from what I can see now, this is only half of the complete magic circle."

If I could complete this magic, I wonder if I can get another cheat skill.

Maybe I could get a broken stealth skill and become like a certain protagonist whose ungodly stealth abilities made even God unable to perceive him.

Side quest added: Find the remaining pieces of Loki's equipment.

I made a mental note and reviewed my current plans.

My main goal is to find a way back home.

To achieve this, I'm going to go to the Beastman Kingdom's Magic Academy in order to study and research information related to magic.

But at the start of my journey, I encountered an unexpected problem and was delayed for two months.

Secondary goals are to find out who or what summoned my classmates and I to this world and for what reason.

I should also try to look for a way to turn back into a human.

Honestly though, I have given up on this.

I can still look and act like a human anyway in addition to becoming an immortal cultivator.

"… Now that I think about it, isn't it better to just stay like this?"

I thought more about it for a while before pushing it to the back of my head.

Since it's not a problem right now, I don't need to search for solutions.

I had a few more questions in mind that I wanted answers for but weren't as important like:

Why did Nat take care of Dawn in the first place?

Who was the person ordering him from behind the scenes?

Where is that bastard armor guy from the Royal Army?

*Ding Dong*

The city bell chimed signaling that it was now lunch time.

On that note, it was time for me to leave Lam City once and for all.

I left my home and rejoined Shasha.

Using [Stealth], I avoided attracting any attention at all and snuck out of the south gate.

I passed by the crater where I committed a terrorist attack.

I searched around and found the place where I buried my traveling stuff during my fight with Nat.

Half of the money I owned was kept inside my body so it was blown up along with my equipment.

Such a fricken waste.

Thankfully, I kept the other half inside a pouch in my bag so I was not completely broke.

With the retrieval of my things, I followed the main road towards Aqua Port City.


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 18

Age: 17

Race: ???

Class: Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 18

HP: 20 [100%]

MP: 20 [100%]

STR: 15 (+5)

DEF: 15 (+25)

INT: 22

WILL: 20

SPD: 15



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance



Novice Magic Caster

Poison Resistance

Sleep Resistance

Intermediate Weapon Master






Appraisal Analysis


Mana Designing

Mana Disturb






Tongue Enhancement

Sin of Sloth