Not a Servant

"Not enough," she replied, moving her head to the side. "I have two kids at home to feed. It is not easy."

He felt himself stiffen. "You have kids?" She looked her over. She looked like a young woman and she was definitely not married. She laughed.

"My brother was imprisoned for petty crimes, leaving his two kids with me. I take care of them."

He sobers quickly. "And how old are you?" he asks.

"Twenty, Young Master." She gazes at him curiously. Twenty and unmarried, he had questions. Surely she could find a husband and settle down. She seemed to have read his mind. "I have no family and connections. What husband would take in a compromised woman who raises two kids on her own?" She moved her head to the side, hiding from him.

"You must not hide from me, little bird." He paused. "Are you ashamed of what you do?"

"I only perform for money, there is no shame in what I do. But my virtue is measured by my association with this place. I do what I have to, I must survive for the sake of those kids." There is a need to survive in her which he admires. He sees his own wishes reflected in her eyes and he nods slowly. He wants her, so he decides to show her what he has to offer.

"You will no longer work here," he tells her without hesitation. Her eyes widen and she looks panicked for a second. "I have spoken to Li Jie, he has allowed you to come with me."

"To be a servant in your household?" she asks. She is ready to refuse the offer, he can see, so he quickly amends.

"No. Not as a servant." That is all he says. "After I talk to Li Jie, I will take you away with me."

She blinks in confusion but mutters an agreement.

She can always run away if she doesn't like what he proposes.

- - -

"I don't understand what is so special about Xin?" Li Jie comments as he counts the money he has made that day.

The truth was that Wang Yifeng didn't really know what was special about her himself. Or if there was anything that set her apart from other girls. He just knew that she met his standards and aroused his curiosity. Wasn't that enough for him to do what he was doing?

He couldn't imagine feeling the same arousal with Jia Lixue. One look at the girl and he knew that she wanted undying love- something he couldn't give her. Moreover, she was barely an adult, innocent and juvenile, not yet ready to take up the role of a consort. Also, he didn't find the girl attractive.

"There is just something..." he trailed off, unable to answer properly.

Li Jie nodded. "I know what you mean. Qian Yuan makes me feel the same way. Maybe I should buy her a home to call hers." He contemplated.

"I plan to do the same. I do not know how long she will arouse me, so, until that, I will keep her by my side." He reached into his sleeve and produced a piece of paper. "But first, I must know everything about her." He couldn't compromise his identity because he desired her. His ambition came before everything else.

"Xin, don't know her real name. Twenty years old and her family is from the capital, mostly deceased due to the disease that swept across the capital a few years ago. Her brother, his two children, and she survived but couldn't afford to live in the capital any longer. They moved here shortly after and her brother was the primary breadwinner until he was caught for some petty crimes."

Wang Yifeng raised a brow. "It was just theft, that too a small amount, but it was the second time he had been caught, so the magistrate sentenced him. He should be released in a couple of years," he smirked. "I hired her without a second thought because she is skilled and has the favour of many customers." He clucked his tongue, side-eyeing his friend who was still listening. "What a shame. She brought in so much money." He sighed.

"And I am paying you tenfold the earnings."

"I agree. It is a generous offer, which is why I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I am richer now… only if she agrees." He grinned.

Wang Yifeng pursed his lips. Of course, she would agree.

"Of course," he said as much.

"You're just a rich young master who is traveling to town. She doesn't know you are the highly esteemed qinwang. She must think she has a lot to lose," he taunted.

"You better worry about your own woman… What did you say her name was? Ah, Qian Yuan." He threw his friend a smirk and then left.

The eunuch bowed deeply when he saw the veiled woman the prince had brought to the house. He was stunned, but of course, couldn't let the prince know that this was a bad decision. If someone found out… wouldn't the prince's pristine reputation be tainted?

"You wish for me to be your mistress, don't you?" she asked as he led her to his room. He grinned and ushered her into the room. "I am flattered, young master." He raised a brow. She sounded a little insulted, but he wouldn't tell her that she knew. What was the use of acknowledging? He could just convince her to stay.

"I was hoping that you would be flattered." He looked at her carefully and saw the little smile in her eyes. Amused, was she? "Do you agree?" he asked, just in case.

"I am still contemplating," she tried to look indifferent. "May I call you Yifeng?" she asked boldly as if this would be the deciding factor.

He hadn't expected that, and it was not proper. But there was nothing proper about their relationship.

"Yifeng… you may, only in the throes of passion. Otherwise, just call me young master." He still had some rules to follow and he couldn't let his servants lax when they saw their master letting a woman do as she wished.

"I understand." She was unmoved. He looked deeply at her. He had almost given in. By the gods, she was a dangerous woman.