Ruin Your Life for Ripping me off

"Come, I shall show you around the place." And he did. Hand in hand, they walked across the tall library and plethora of rooms. He would willingly give her this house once he left.

"This is where you shall share my bed." He pointed at the grand bed in the room. "I am usually in the study or taking care of business, so you will only see me at night or during meals if I am free." She stepped into the room, not at all ashamed, and appraised it.

She turned to him and looked at him with a critical look. "What is expected of me, if you don't mind me asking, young master." She smiled. "And what do I get in return?"

He paused and looked her over once.

"Aside from my body," she laughed, throwing her head back.

"Can you cook?" he asked, clearing his throat.

He rarely had the time to eat proper meals despite the kitchen sending him food every meal. All he wanted was a nice meal cooked by the hands of a woman who was intimate with him like those commoners enjoyed.

She gave him a weird look. "Does the Young Master not have kitchen staff?"

"I do." So she couldn't cook.

"Then yes, I can cook. But I am not sure if my dishes will be to your taste." She had a lot of fire in her, he liked that.

He grinned broadly and held his hands behind him, stopping himself from ravaging her.

"Apologies," he said politely. "I don't ask for much. Just you and meals cooked by you a couple of times a week. And commitment, of course." She was not allowed to see other men. No. There was no way.

He would probably kill anyone who laid their finger on her.

"You may work at the Youth Hall, but only when I am there and you are available to me at all times. No more dancing." It was too enticing. He paused.

Then what was she supposed to do there? She thought bitterly.

"In return, I will give you everything your heart desires-"

She cut him short. "This has nothing to do with my heart, young master." She shook her head. "I want to be taken care of, but my heart shall have nothing to do with this?"

This was the first time he had heard of a woman who wouldn't allow herself to love a man she was sleeping with. It sounded fair. He couldn't give his heart to her, anyway, so there would be no problem. This relationship wasn't about feelings.

Though this was the case, he couldn't deny the pang of disappointment.

"The house will be yours when I leave. I will ensure that your niece and nephew are provided for and you receive clothes, money, food, and jewelry that you wish for. You may spend as much as you wish..."

She nodded slowly, eyes downcast. "And when this doesn't go according to plan?"

He narrowed his eyes. "'If' it doesn't work, you may walk away, but this house and the money I give you will be yours to keep."

She raised her eyebrows. "And if I wish to leave next week?" Good, she was clever. But he had drunk the water of a lot of rivers before this.

"I will ruin your life for ripping me off," he told her bluntly. The warning was clear. She may not know who he was, but she knew how much money he had.

"Then I must refuse. I do not wish to be on the losing end, either. Should we get this in writing?" she challenged. He laughed through his nose.

"Oh? You want our illicit relationship to have proof? Do you not fear what society will say?" She scoffed.

"They already think me a loose woman with no morals. Being a mistress is better than sleeping with several men a day in the eyes of society."

"You have a wicked mouth on you," he laughed, both amused and impressed. "Fair enough. Do you have witnesses?" he challenged.

"Yes," she smiled smugly. "I am close to Qing Yuan." Ah, so she was really cunning. By involving the woman Li Jie cared for, she had established the contract as infallible. He couldn't hurt the girl his friend cared for because it would only cause a rift.

"Your friend Qing Yuan will sign. Any other conditions?"

"I will not reveal my face to you." He frowned.

"Once you accept, your body and soul will be mine. I have the right to see your face."

"Then we will not sign the contract. It is my bottom line. You must choose: my company or the opportunity to see my face." She looked at his furious expression. "In return, I will not ask you any questions about your whereabouts or who you are."

Because that was a privilege wives had, and she sure was no wife of his.

He clenched his jaw.

"Hao." He could live with that. As long as she didn't come prying in his business. He would just have to find a way to make her want to show him her face.

The smile on her face was sweeter than sugar. He shook his head and guided her out of the room.