Lilli gets a surprise

Morrigan goes to see Aisling making sure that's it's around dinner time. Smelling the fragrance of fresh bread baking and fruit pies cooling always makes her warm inside. Morrigan smiles as she hears the children chatting while helping with dinner. Staying in the background she enjoys watching their shenanigans. 

So Lotus are you going to ask Uncle to take you to the Father daughter dance?" Alex asks his cousin. 

"I don't know, since it's for a club that Lilli is not a part of. I don't feel comfortable going without her. The girls said that since she isn't a part of our club that it would not be fair. I don't think i will go." Lotus sighs and moves towards the sink to hide her face from her sister. 

"You know you are twins but you still are individuals. You can have interest and lives outside of each other." Moll tells Lotus.