Lili gets a surprise 2

Astila and Lilli arrive at the hospital to see Shiro. Astila introduces himself to Shiro's Uncle. 

"I am Dr Astila People, my brother is Yona , the attorney working with your company. Hiroto told us about Shiro's illness and since I was coming to give a lecture, I thought I would stop by. " Astila smiles at Shiro. 

"Thank you for stopping to see us. I am Jiro , Shiro's uncle my brother's wife has not been feeling well since having their daughter. So I came with Shiro. He will be going home any day now , so we will be heading back to Japan next week. " Jiro tells Astila. He looks at the girl about Shiro's age standing next to him. Astila smiles and introduces Lilli.