Shiro’s visit 2

Shiro gets his turn to shoot, his heart is racing with anxiety not wanting to embarrass his uncle. He pulls back and lets it go. He hears Lilli giggle, turning towards her he asks. 

" well you did hit a bullseye but you hit the babies bullseye. If you want to shoot farther you need to calm yourself and open your eyes. Try again and this time keep your eyes open. No one here cares how well you do. This is just for fun, the only time it counts is when you are hunting or in a fight and need to take someone out with an arrow. So just have fun. " Lilli tells Shiro reassuring him. He takes aim and tries again this time he hits the same target that Lilli hit earlier just not in the center. Everyone claps for him encouragingly. Shiro blushes at the attention as he starts to be at ease. 

the adults take a turn next and Jiro goes first. He tries for Crystal's target but misses completely. He hits it on the second try on the outer edge. Turning to Astila he asks.