Twins arrive

Crystal is excited to meet her new siblings while Alex not do much. Sitting by himself in the corner he is dumbfounded by a problem. William noticing this walk over and sits with him. 

"Hey bro what's wrong?" William asks 

""I'm not sure , I tried throughout the pregnancy to try vibe the twins no luck. Almost as if they were not there. I sensed them at first but then later nothing. I am worried something is wrong. " Alex tells him. 

" I Vibed your mom this morning and knew they were coming today, could it be that you can't vibe them because you don't want them. You have been really giving your mom a hard time over them. " William tells him. Alex shrugs and just sighs . It's not long before his Dad comes in and tells them that the twins have arrived. They have a Gloria and a Conor. He motions for Alex and  Crystal to come with him. They go back to see their new siblings. Crystal gushes at them while Alex says nothing.