The Music club ghost

When Keiro saw the red light from the detector, she ran for her life. Rusa felt tempted to stay but then she remembered that they had to take the boxes with the banned goods and dump them in the garbage box. After finishing this task, both of them went back to their respective dorm rooms.

When Keiro reached her room her heart was thumping loudly. She went to Shimlee's bed and woke her up.

Shimlee: "What now?"

Shimlee saw that Keiro's eyes were filled with horror.

Shimlee: "Did Moncee catch you guys on the way?" She asked concerned.

Keiro: "I saw it."

Shimlee: "Saw what?"

When Keiro did not reply, Shimlee nodded her head and sighed.

Shimlee: "You watched the R18 stuff eh? They are R18 for a reason Keiro!"

Keiro: "That's not it...I saw a ghost."

Shimlee: "You did? Where?"

Keiro: "It was in the music club, playing the piano...It was quite handsome too...I never would have thought...." Keiro shook a little at the recollection.

Shimlee: "Wait... you said it was handsome? Even I with my ability, only see them as shadows...Can you describe what you saw?'

Keiro: "He was lean with blond hair and slender arms and-"

Shimlee: "Wait a minute, you saw in such detail? I cannot even say the gender of a ghost when I see one...."

Keiro: "I can't believe I saw one...It looked like a real human , if not for Rusa's detector, I might have dropped in to say hello..." Keiro cringed at the thought.

Shimlee pondered about it. She had never heard of anyone seeing a ghost in such detail. Ghosts are not supposed to have a physical form in the first place...

She patted Keiro in the back and asked her to go to bed. A good night's sleep would help her friend erase the horror of her first encounter with a ghost.


Moldi high

7.30 am

The next day, Keiro had woken up and tried to convince herself that what she had seen last night was but a dream. Shimlee also took care not to mention it.

When Keiro was walking towards her class, she saw someone coming opposite to her. She couldn't believe what she saw...It was the ghost from last night !!! The ghost had worn their uniform and was casually walking through the corridor in broad daylight!

Keiro in her horror quickly grabbed something next to her, which turned out to be Moncee's coat, because Moncee was at that moment passing by her.Keiro instinctively hid behind Moncee.The ghost could first deal with him before taking care of her!

Moncee: "What the.."

Keiro: "Sssh...." Keiro begged him to keep quiet.

Moncee looked at what Keiro was looking at.He saw the guy coming in their direction.

Moncee: "It's the new pianist from the music club. Why are you hiding from him?"

Keiro looked at Moncee in surprise.

Keiro: "You can see it too?"

Moncee: "See what? The music club guy?" Moncee looked at the guy again. Was there something wrong with him?

The ghost soon passed by them. As it passed it greeted Moncee.

Music club Ghost: "Good morning President!"

Moncee: "Good morning!"

Keiro looked at Moncee. What the hell...Moncee was recognized as President even by them ghosts?

Moncee: "Did you do something to him?" Moncee chuckled.

Keiro: "Why the hell would I ..." Keiro let go of Moncee's coat and began to follow the ghost at a distance.The ghost was greeting other students...even Mr.Furoy, their homeroom teacher.Fury also wished him back. Keiro could only come into one conclusion...This was an established ghost of Moldi high....or maybe this ghost appeared so real that everyone thought of him as an actual student of Moldi high! And only Keiro and Rusa knew the truth about him...

The ghost now went into the school canteen and had breakfast. Keiro saw him gulping down sandwiches and some milk. This ghost sure was health-conscious, not skipping breakfast and all. When the ghost came out of the canteen it came up to her. Keiro froze.

Music club ghost: "Do you know where the ghost club room is?"

Keiro: "On the third floor, second room from left."

Music club ghost: "Thanks."

Keiro: "No problem..."

Keiro gulped. She had an actual conversation with it! Keiro felt some of the blood coming back to her face. This ghost was polite and handsome. Also, it was searching for the ghost club. Did it think it was a club for ghosts? Or maybe it wanted to treat itself, poor thing! Keiro again followed the ghost at a distance until they reached the ghost club. Berthy and Shimlee seemed to be inside; Berthy on his couch sleeping, Shimlee on the table writing something.

Keiro went ahead and opened the door for the ghost. So what if it was a ghost? She should not discriminate...Also, this was a rare milestone for their club...Even ghosts were coming in to seek their help...

Shimlee looked up from her book at the newcomer. Keiro went to her and whispered in her ear. "This was the one I mentioned last night."

Shimlee took one look at the ghost and burst out laughing.

Keiro: "Hey, don't hurt its feelings!"

Shimlee: "You thought he was a ghost?" Shimlee giggled

Keiro: "He isn't?"

Shimlee: "He is our senior from year 3."

Music Club ghost(?): "Sorry, I did not introduce myself, I'm Pell Hugo, I'm the new pianist of the music club."

Keiro looked at the guy. He was indeed wearing the purple tie that only third-year students wore.

Shimlee: "I'm Gara Shimlee, this is my friend Jan Keiro and that is ...our club leader... forget him... How can we be of service to you, senior?"

Keiro took another look at this senior. He was talking and acting normally. Then why had the detector turned red? A malfunction?

Pell Hugo: "I heard that you guys specialize in..umm..ghost cases."

Shimlee nodded her head.

Pell Hugo: "It's my father, he died last month and....his ghost is attached piano."

Hugo worried that they would not believe him. Shimlee and Keiro looked at each other and smiled. So that's what it was all about!

Keiro shook hands with Hugo.

Keiro: "Welcome to the ghost club! We'll help you solve your case."