How they made it to the newspapers again

Pell Hugo explained his problem. His father was a pianist and had passed away last month after a performance in a foreign country.

Keiro: "Your father was the piano maestro Pell King?"

Hugo nodded his head.

His father Pell Kingsly, otherwise known as Pell King, was a famous pianist. Keiro had read in the newspapers about his sudden passing away due to a heart attack. Keiro and Shimlee expressed their condolences.

Shimlee: "So, when did you first notice the ghost?"

Hugo: "I was practicing late into one night, when I noticed that the piano was playing on its own...It was close to midnight and It immediately occurred to me that it might be my father..."

If it were me, I would have fallen unconscious in that kind of situation, thought Keiro.

Keiro: "Could it be because he was that passionate about the piano, that he could not let go of it?"

Shimlee seemed to disagree.

Shimlee: "No. More than a passion it is a grudge or regret that makes them stay."

Hugo: "Dad wished for me to follow in his footsteps, so I thought if I joined the music club his soul could rest in peace. But looks like he hasn't passed on to the afterlife yet..."

Keiro: "Did your father have any personal regrets while he was alive?"

Hugo: "No. He was always gentle and soft, just like the music he made...He had no enemies and lived life without regrets."

Shimlee: "You told me the piano starts playing at midnight? If that's the case I'll personally confirm it tonight at the music club."

Hugo: "Thanks for taking me seriously. Honestly, I was afraid of being laughed at. You guys really are a huge help."

Hugo left the clubroom shortly after and Shimlee and Keiro sat discussing the case.

Keiro: "Now that I think of it, I personally did not see senior Hugo playing the piano, it must really have been his father's ghost. It sounded very professional."

Shimlee nodded her head.

Keiro: "Well, I'm sure of one thing, this senior has the looks and posture of a great pianist...I'm sure he would become as great as his father someday. He'll be called Pell King 2 or.... maybe Pell King junior"

Shimlee: "Woah,you've already started fangirling him. You better not let him know that you first thought he was a ghost."

Keiro: "Yeah.I'll keep it a secret." Keiro grinned.

She went into the storage room, which had now become their lab, to check on Roju...He seemed to be handling something that looked like a metal box. Keiro worriedly looked at what he was holding. When Roju saw Keiro his eyes lit up. He eagerly showed her his new invention.

Keiro: "What is it?" Keiro examined it by holding it at a distance.

Roju: "An antinerator"

Keiro: "Is it for getting rid of ants?" Keiro had a feeling that that was not the case.

Roju: "Naah...It's like an incinerator which uses antimatter beams to make things disappear..."

Keiro remembered that his antimatter beam had taken away half of the moon, now she looked at the metal box and gulped.

Roju: "You put anything into it and it disappears without a trace. The beams would not come out." He reassured her.

Keiro carefully placed the box in one corner of the lab and came back to Roju.

Keiro: "Hey Roju, can we stop playing with antimatter and move on to other areas of research? Like maybe a chicken wing cloning machine or something?"

Roju thought for a bit and nodded his head in excitement.

Roju: "I could do it."

Roju started jotting down the theory for his new experiments and Keiro left the lab proud of herself for killing two birds with one stone. It was her duty to set Roju on the right path. Also, she had solved the problem of supplying Marsha with chicken wings in the future.

Classes went on as usual that day and in the evening, Keiro was making her way to the club when she spotted the President standing outside his class talking to two kids who looked like his fans. Keiro went up to him when he finished his conversation.

Keiro: "Good evening, President! You promised to inspect our club room today."

Moncee: "I changed my mind, some other day Keiro."

Keiro felt that it was not fair, after all the pain they had taken to clear the goods...It would be better if the President got it over with so that he would not be able to bother them for at least one year in the name of inspection.

Keiro: "But you promised a visit, it would be our honor to receive you today.."

Moncee sighed, he knew that he would not find anything if he inspected their club room today, that's why Keiro was desperate to get him into the club room.

Keiro almost dragged Moncee into the ghost club room. Moncee followed reluctantly. Keiro pictured what was inside...There would be Berthy sleeping peacefully on the couch, there would be Shimlee reading something, and Roju doing his harmless chicken wings experiment...

But when she opened the door, she immediately regretted her decision to bring the President. The club room was in total chaos and all hell had broken loose.

For inside the club room, several chickens were running around in confusion. They were everywhere and there were at least a fifty of them. It looked like the inside of a poultry farm but worse because the birds were let loose and were on top of tables and chairs.

Berthy was standing on his couch, his face red with anger. There were a couple of chickens resting on his couch. Rusa was running around to catch the chickens. Shimlee was shrieking in one corner of the club, she did not seem to have adapted to the situation. Also, it seemed that the chickens were growing in number.

It was too late because Moncee had entered their club, now he looked at the scene in amusement.

Moncee: "Is this what you wanted to show me? You should have told me first.I might as well have brought in some reporters." he laughed

Keiro could very well guess what had happened. She made her way to Roju and closed the lab room door behind her. Roju seemed to be working on a machine from which the chickens were coming out one by one.

Keiro calmly asked him to stop the machine.

Roju: "But you asked me to clone chickens..."

Keiro: "I beg you to stop that cloning machine or whatever that you have made...."

Roju pouted.

Keiro: "I asked you to clone chicken wings...not live chickens!" Keiro had lost it.

Roju: "Isn't that the same thing.."

Roju shrugged his shoulders and turned it off.