How they found a solution

Keiro, Rusa, and Shimlee sat in the club room discussing the music club ghost. Pell Hugo had joined them. Roju was working on something in his lab as usual.

Hugo looked at Berthy who seemed to be snoring peacefully.

Hugo: "Does he always do that?"

Keiro: "It's because he studies all night..."

Hugo: "I see."

Keiro was worried about their club's reputation and their Mom's reputation, so she had made up that lie on the spur of the moment. These days she was becoming an expert at making instant lies.

Keiro: "So, did you guys find out anything last night?"

Hugo: "I did ask around about that Nocturne he was playing but none of his friends remember him playing the piece or even mentioning it. It is an old classic that most pianists can play with ease, there doesn't seem to be anything special about it."

Shimlee: "Was there something else about your father that they mentioned to you, like his hidden regret or an old enemy or something?"

Hugo: "As I told you before, my father was a simple man, he is not the type to hold a grudge...I just think that if I become a pianist, his soul would be able to rest at ease."

Keiro: "In other words, you should be able to get recognition as a pianist..."

Keiro thought about it.

Keiro: "How about we arrange a public performance for you?"

Hugo: "I am not at a level where I can have a public performance..."

Keiro: "Don't be so modest senior...We know how talented you are. You just need to come out to the public."

Hugo: "But..."

Keiro: "I'm sure your father was worried about your talents getting buried away...Think about it senior Hugo!"

Hugo: "When you put it that way, it makes sense...I'll do anything to put my father's soul at ease."

Keiro: "Is there any public event coming up?"

Rusa: "Well, we have got our summer exams coming up...though it is not a public event, I am sure the results would become public..."

That's when Keiro remembered that their exams were coming up! She had been too busy with club activities...She hadn't started her revision yet...She looked at Berthy.

Keiro: "Whenever I look at Berthy, I have a feeling that I am doing very well..."

Rusa: "Me too...The seniors have their exams earlier but look at him sleeping peacefully."

Shimlee: "But isn't that because he is studying all night every day?"

Keiro and Rusa looked at each other. To think Shimlee actually believed that...

Keiro gave Han Marsha a call.

Keiro: "Hey buddy, do we have any public event coming up?" She asked Marsha when the call got picked up.

Marsha: "Public event? There are none before summer vacation, but I heard that the student council is setting up a charity party...more like an event to increase popularity points for our already popular President..."

Keiro: "A charity party? Are there any special guests?"

Marsha: "I heard there is a big list of important people in the city among the guest list...Wait, why are you asking for this? Surely, you are not planning to mess up the event?"

Keiro: "No way. The President and I are not enemies anymore... You can add that to your list of new information." Keiro grinned and hung up. Nothing better than a charity event to help Pell Hugo reveal himself to the world...This was perfect!