Why it was a good plan...

Keiro explained her plan to everyone. She will help Hugo get to perform on stage in front of all those important guests. He can become famous overnight and his father can rest in peace.

Shimlee: "But Keiro, it's the student's council's event and you are not on good terms with the President."

Keiro: "Hahaha...Guess what? We made peace last night..."

Rusa: "What? How?" They all seemed to be surprised.

Keiro: "He must have calculated that I'll become an important person in the future, he seemed desperate to make peace with me..so, in the end, I gave in to his begging and let go of all the past events..."

Shimlee: "Very kind of you Keiro..." Shimlee looked at Keiro suspiciously. If they made peace, it is either because Keiro finally succumbed to the President's power or the President is trying to use her for something. It could not be that the great Moncee really wanted to become friends with Keiro...The reason could not be that simple...

Keiro took Hugo's hands and shook it.

Keiro: "Just worry about your piano practice Senior. I will take care of everything else and ...when you become famous one day....don't forget to remember who brought you first to the stage...."

Hugo seemed touched and nodded his head.

Hugo: "Then I'll leave it to you." He said before leaving them.

Afterward, Keiro happily made her way to the Student's council. For the first time in her life, she smiled at everyone there.

She went near Moncee and greeted him. He was sitting in his chair busy giving instructions on his phone regarding the design for the invitations for the charity party. He motioned her to sit and Keiro sat patiently waiting for him to finish the call.

Moncee: "So what's up?" He was a little curious as to why she had come. He was sure it was not for some idle chit chat.

Keiro: "I thought since we are all friends now, we should help each other out a bit. I know that you are going to hold a charity party. I want to contribute to it."

Moncee: "We are not expecting students to make a monetary contribution, we're already inviting some VIPs for that purpose but if you insist..."

Keiro: "Nope. I'm not talking about a monetary contribution but something better. It's only fair that you should arrange artists and musicians to entertain your guests, but I'll let somebody perform for you free of cost!"

Moncee: "And who is that somebody?"

Keiro: "It's none other than the greatest pianist of Moldi high...the future greatest pianist of the country...Pell King 2!" Keiro seemed very excited and Moncee looked at her suspiciously.

Moncee: "Are you referring to Pell Hugo?" He remembered seeing her hiding from Hugo a few days back. He had also seen her secretly following Hugo around that day. Could it be that she was interested in senior Hugo?

Moncee: "Why senior Hugo?" He asked with a short laugh

Keiro: "He is the hidden talent of our school. Not many people know him, but with this, he will become famous in our city and in the future I'll be known as the one who brought out his talent to the public....but of course, you can have a share in it too President...it's your charity event after all, so how about it? "

Moncee looked at Keiro's face carefully.Her eyes seemed to be twinkling with excitement. She did not look as if she was lying. It seemed like a win-win situation.

Moncee nodded in consent and Keiro jumped with joy. She shook his hands with glee and left the council room. Moncee watched her leave and smiled. The brat was useful after all. He had calculated right.