Why they had to learn Shakespeare...

Berthy woke up from his slumber. He thought that it was unusually quiet in the clubroom. He turned around on his couch and saw Keiro and Roju sitting together in one corner of the clubroom, studying. Oh, it was exam season for the juniors.No wonder. Poor them! Thank God he had completed his exams last week. Now he could properly sleep! He decided to go back to sleep when they suddenly started speaking. They seemed to be discussing Shakespeare.

Keiro: "Don't sigh so much Roju! I know that you do very well in science and math but barely manage to pass in literature and language."

Roju: "Isn't it enough that I sit through all those boring literature classes? Are you telling me that I should read these chapters again?"

Of course, Roju would consider physics and math class more interesting than literature. It was the reverse for Keiro though.

Keiro: "Then let me quiz you and see how much you have grasped Shakespeare. Who was Caesar's wife?"

Roju: "Brutus."

Berthy rolled his eyes and Keiro fell down laughing.

Keiro: "Why do you think it is Brutus, Roju? Hahaha..."

Roju: "Coz when he was about to die Caesar said Brutus's name...."

Keiro: "You thought he was calling his wife's name in the last minute, our Roju is unexpectedly romantic."

Roju: "Thank you."

Keiro: "It's not Brutus you fool, his wife was Cassius!" Keiro said matter of factly.

Two idiots are teaching each other literature, thought Berthy.He got up from his couch and came up to them.

Berthy: "Cassius was the one who led the conspiracy to kill Caesar."

Keiro: "Wait, so his wife was the one who planned to kill him?"

Roju: "Was it because Caesar was in a relationship with Brutus?"

Keiro: "Don't turn this into a BL, Roju!"

Berthy: "You are the one who turned this into a BL. Caesar's wife was Calpurnia. Cassius was a man who hated Caesar."

Roju: "Then who was Brutus?"

Berthy: "Brutus was his best friend."

Keiro: "So, he said his best friend's name instead of his wife's name at the last moment, no wonder his wife wanted to kill him..."

Berthy: "For one last time, his wife was not the one who-"

Roju: "But I thought his best friend was Mark Antony..."

Keiro: "But Mark Antony was Cleopatra's lover..."

Berthy: "I thought Cleopatra was Caesar's lover...Wait a minute, why are you guys confusing me?"

Roju: "Caesar already had a wife. How can he have another lover?"

Keiro: "Our Roju is surprisingly innocent in these matters. Don't ever change okay?" She patted him on the head.

Berthy: "So who is who in this story?"

Keiro: "I get it. Caesar had a wife but he loved Cleopatra, but Antony also loved her, so Antony decided to kill him and as he was about to get killed, Caesar called Brutus and Cassius for help, right?"

Berthy: "Woah, Shakespeare would be proud of you! You guys better study hard or our club's average marks would go down and our activities would get suspended."

Berthy then sat down and began to teach them everything he studied last year. Just then Shimlee came in running.

Shimlee: "The second year results are out!" She said panting.