What brought him there

Meanwhile, in a cabin not far away, sat Matt Moncee looking through the huge glass walls facing the ocean. Near a table next to him sat his cousin, Dinaker Ivan, a bespectacled guy who looked like a diligent college student. This person had light brown curly hair on a fine tanned head. He was sitting examining a piece of rock. Presently he put done the rock and turned to his cousin.

"So what brings you here?"

Moncee: "I wanted to visit you of course."

Ivan: "You want me to believe that? You must have fallen out with your father again." said the cousin shaking his head and going back to his rock examination.

"What about you? What kind of archaeological mystery has brought you to Leblue?" Moncee asked changing the topic.

Ivan: "Have you heard of the treasure of Leblue bay? Don't laugh at me, but my old professor used to be obsessed with it in his younger days, so the old boy pushed it onto my head for the individual project!"

Moncee: "The treasure of Leblue bay?" Moncee yawned.It was true that he had come there to escape going to his own house for the vacation. Too bad he was not in the mood to surf or swim, he should just stay in his cousin's seaside cabin listening to his boring stories.

Ivan: "It's said that the sixth queen of the last dynasty smuggled a huge amount of gold from the imperial treasury and buried it here."

Moncee: "Was she beheaded?"

Ivan: "She sure was, but they never found where she buried the treasure, then there is a theory that says the king cooked up the story to get rid of the evil queen and explain the economic downfall during his reign."

Moncee: "Two birds with one stone...This king is somewhat like me.." Moncee grinned.

Ivan: "Haha...you have no shame."

Moncee: "Wait...Why Leblue bay...if the king cooked up the story why would he choose Leblue bay as the place for the treasure?"

Ivan: "It must be to mess with the queen's family..Leblue bay was in her original province.... But dude, why are you not considering the possibility that there really is a treasure, I mean the queen really was a powerful figure then, and had lots of contacts..."

Moncee stood up and stretched his arms.

Moncee: "You can run behind the treasure all you want, I would like to spend my days doing nothing for a change."

Ivan: "Come on man, now that you are here already, help me a little will ya... I mean it's not like I have to find a real treasure, I just need to run around a little and make a report of it to convince my old proff."

Moncee: "Naah I'll pass, I'm gonna go take a walk...need to meet up with an old friend."