
I awoke to the glare of the sun, it shined in all it's glory. I looked around in amazement as the forest seemed to finally come alive. The once dull black and grey forest has become an array of colors ranging from greens and browns to reds and blues. The world was alive, and for the first time in my life, I thought that this world is truly beautiful. I look at my self, and see my scales a vibrant green with a slight teal of azure and gold. This look seemed to be other worldly as I looked around I noticed something.

I was not the only otherworldly creature, everything was great. The birds feathers were that of the rainbow, ranging any where between. Even the most unsuspecting ant had a vibrant glow about it when inspected closely.

After getting used to this new found sight I looked at my surroundings. I was starving, I hadn't eaten in what felt like forever. I need food, and that meant it was time to hunt.

After a little while I find my self staring at a very large beetle. This beetle was at least to meters long and at least half a meter tall. The beetle was horrifyingly huge compared to me. The beetle was covered in a midnight black carapace and looked like it was traveling towards something. The beetle was large, but I bet I could take it. After I got my improved mana I can cast at least cast a spell 4 times even if I activated Mind Boost.

I activated Mind Boost and started to cast Mana Spike. The air gathered much quickly than before, and the spike looked a bit larger as well. The Spike than began it's journey as it soared through the air, whistling almost as it whizzed towards the beetle. Before the beetle could even fight back the spike struck it's shell. But surprisingly the Spike only managed to go about a couple centimetres in. The feeling of disappointment started to well up in side of me. The beetle turned around quickly as it opened it's mouth as a gush of acid shoots forward landing on my hide cutting into my skin.

I activate my dash skill as I pounce towards the beetle. I quickly latch on to it's carapace dealing little to know damage as the it was almost as hard as steel at this point. After realizing my mistake I dodge back trying to focus purely on defense as I ready up a mana spike trying to get it to get it to puncture the hard shell of the beetle. The acid keeps biting into my skin making it hard to concentrate and on top of that the beetle is making quite the effort to try and kill me. After about 4 minutes of this my spell is finally formed. After a little bit of control the spike launches outward.

The spike manages to hit the same spot as last time as I control the spell as much as possible. The system gives me a notification but I cant check it in battle as I watch what type of mayhem that spike just caused. The spike goes through the hole and goes much further than the previous one, seemingly effortlessly digging through it's shell. A shriek makes me shudder as a I realize that another beetle is coming to help this one. This is bad, I need to kill this one quickly or else I will be in a tricky situation.

A large gash has been made do to my spikes, after little to no thought I dash and bite into the flesh wiggling and seemingly digging almost into it's body as I let my poison kill it quite quickly. After that I quickly leave the body ignoring yet another system notification. Another smaller beetle is in front of me. The beetle seems to be looking at me as angrily as a beetle can look angry. The beetle looks at me and charges forward without hesitation.

The beetle doesn't get to hit me as I dodge him with my superior agility but comes quite close. I get yet another message from the system. I quickly dash to the side and then start casting my third magic spike. After a few minutes it is done, the acid seemed to lose effect pretty quickly and didn't bother this cast. The spike digs deep into the head of the beetle as the beetle slowly lies on the ground dead.

I then proceed to eat to my fill as I look over the system's notifications.

The EXP was nice, but man that was a tough fight for a little over 200 EXP. The level ups are always appreciated however. I glance over my status page, looking over my current abilities.

Name: Alex

Level: 3 (20/500)

Species : Adult Bloodline Snake (Tier 3)

HP 150/150

MP 40/40

SP 70/70

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Unknown Dragon 50% Unknown 50%

Strength: 7

Agility: 11

Endurance: 19

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20

Willpower: 20

AP: 2

Improved Infrared Vision: LV 1

Stealth: LV 3

Dash: LV 5 (max level, please spend 5 evolution points to evolve)

Climbing: LV 1

Venom Strike: LV 2

Improved Venom: LV 1

Iron Jaw: LV 1

Sharpened Teeth: LV 1

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

Tough Scales: LV 4

Energy Manipulation: LV 3

Meditation: LV 1

Mental Boost: LV 2

Mental Strength: LV 1

Mental Speed: LV 1

Lightning Magic: LV 1

Water Magic: LV 1

Wind Magic: LV 1

Forest Guardians Candidate: LV MAX

The Great Turtles Disciple: LV MAX

Evolution Points: 1

None have been chosen currently

I instantly slap the AP points into Endurance curios at what it would give me.

Though the Evolution point is currently useful, holy cow that stamina bonus is no joke. After finishing up my appetizing meal, I go to the Mana Pool to socialize with my newly gained Beast Speak skill. After arriving at the watering hole a strange feeling fills me as I see only a quarter of the grand amount of creatures there the last time I was here. I arrive at the huge ape that seems to change each time I see him. The ape is still covered with tiny monkeys climbing all around him.

After approaching him the Ape looks at me and smiles. I then attempt my first real sentence to the ape. "Hey err... Big Ape, how are you...?" The most awkward question ever was asked to the huge Ape. After hearing speech the ape stares at me for a second before communicating back. " Big Ape is Good" he solemnly beats his chest as he says this. 'oh no' are all animals this stupid. Does he think his name is Big Ape now? what have I done. The ape slowly speaks once more in my silent awkwardness. " Big Ape wonders How you are? " as he points a menacing finger at me. I answer quite quickly seeing the monkeys almost accusing finger " I am Doing Great ". The ape puts down the finger and smiles and nods " good ".

I leave the Mana Pool as quick as possible not trying to be any more awkward than I have to. Why do I have to be awkward the first time I have an actually decent conversation with someone. After awhile I head out to find a home. I find many small homes like my previous one, but I want an upgrade.

After much searching the sun starts to give out, but right as I was about to call it quits I find a cave. The walls are strangle formed, almost like something dug into it. But after going into the cave for a small distance I realize the cave is quite small. Though incomparably spacious compared to my previous home. The cave even has a small puddle of clean water that filters in from a hole at the ceiling of the cave, everything a snake needs. Except food of coarse.

After I rest for a little I decide it's time to head out and explore a little. But then my mind quickly goes to the completed quest. I go into the quest menu and ready up another quest as the system starts to send me a notification.

-Wretch killer ( turtles disciple quest)

Description: Wretches are everywhere and rampant, do your job and kill one.

Requirements: Kill one Wretch, the higher level the Wretch killed the more rewards you will gain

Rewards: ???

Penalty: Death (no time limit)

- Butterfly killer (do to previous actions)

Descriptions: The Bloodsucking Butterflies are something that shouldn't exist on this glorious world, kill them all.

Requirements: Kill 10 Blood sucking Butterflies.

Rewards: 1000 EXP and self satisfaction

Penalty: -2000 EXP and you lose self satisfaction

- Get a friend

Descriptions: You are quite lonely get someone to live life with you. fight with you. And die with you.

Requirement: get a friend.

Rewards: 2000 EXP and one friend as well as 10 Evolution Points

Penalty: -10 Evolution points. (time limit 2 weeks)