Treaty Broken

From what I can understand from the previous quest unlock is that the lower the reward, the easier the mission. The higher the reward the higher the risk of the mission. So why the f*** is getting a friend so rewarding?!

I immediately pick the quest "Get A Friend", the rewards are just broken. Ten Evolution points is just to good to pass up. Plus I already have a friend in mind. After waking up I get ready and go outside to the water hole, a ways away from my new home but still not far.

After a 30 minute walk to the Mana pool, I am greeted by a familiar face, Big Ape. After I arrive the Big Ape notices me and beckons me towards him. After slithering through the many animals surrounding the pool I arrive at the monkeys small spot. He quickly greets me and says " Big Ape wonders How you are? " a feeling of familiarity fills me, as this is what he said after I greeted him previously. I quickly reply " I'm doing great Big Ape, what about you ". He replies with a simple gesture pointing to his chest then saying " Big Ape is doing good ".

I then slowly open up my question hoping he understands what it even means. " Hey Big Ape would you be my friend? " The question seems to confuse the big guy as I look at him anxiously. He then speaks rather slowly " You want Big Ape to be your friend? ". He seems rather confused by the question, but understands the premise. At this point I notice a creature watching me and the ape rather intensely. A group of Bears seem to be watching us with a hungry glare in there eyes. After noticing this I quickly reply to the Ape, "Yes, would you be my friend mister Big Ape?". After a little hesitation big ape smiles with gusto as he says " If I am friend with Small Snake then you have to be friends with Big Apes brothers" he gestures to the many apes clinging to his body.

After no time I immediately agree shaking my head vigorously as the Bears slowly start to pick themselves up and walk towards our direction. The Ape looks ecstatic and says enthusiastically " Then Big Ape and Small Snake are now friends, as well as Big Apes Brothers." He starts banging his large fists on his chest as the other monkeys, though not understanding what we are saying, start to go wild hitting there chests and jumping up and down.

The sweet notification of the system appears in my ears as I accomplish the mission.

After the relief of the mission takes place, I realize the bears are mere meters away from us. It was at this moment that I knew that this strange mana pool was in no way safe from the conflicts of the fierce jungle. The three Bears pounce at me and the big ape, revealing savage roars as I activate my Mind Boost. A ding from the system is heard as I ready myself for combat. The pool seems to be going crazy after they see us fighting. The crocodiles and hippopotamuses shred into each other, the panthers and lions start eating each other with out mercy.

I dash to the side after screaming one word at the ape, "Duck". The strange look from the ape is one that will be etched in my mind forever as the Ape dives to the ground with a look of utter confusion on his face. The bears fly past us as they land behind us as they turn around ready to fight. I started to ready up a Mana Spike as Big Ape started to be enshrouded in a vicious armor of wind.

The Bears hide seemed to attract the surrounding stone as they prepped for battle. The tiny monkeys on Big Ape didn't run this time as they started throwing dozens of small wind blades heading towards the bears making them grimace as they cut into there skin. The bears decided at that moment it was time to attack two of them pummel forward while one slightly larger one remains in the back as his armor further develops becoming much stronger. I focus on dodging not getting hit once as they one savagely attacks me.

The Bear that rushed Big Ape was in a sorry state. The armor around Big Ape was much more dangerous than the earth armor, it cut into the bear each time the bear attacked. Big Ape slowly lowered his fist as I saw a massive whirl of air start to concentrate on that fist, he reared back his fist and like a tornado the fist shot forward blasting the bear to shreds. I then finish casting Mana Spike as the spike launches forward piercing through the bears skull as the bear dies quickly.

The final Bear seems to in cased in steel spiked armor as he moves forward. His fists seemed to be spiked gauntlets as he throws a punch at Big Ape taking him as the most threatening out of the two of us. The strike lands squarely as a large hole appears in Big Apes torso. The Bear Roars in blood lust as Big Ape loses more and more blood. The smaller monkeys wind blades seem to be doing nothing when shot at this impenetrable Armour. I cast a skill I rarely use, The Great Turtles Disciple, I feel my scales toughen up as the skill takes hold. I dash into the combat rather sluggishly do to the speed debuff from the skill. After reaching the bear I wind up it's leg as it rears back for another strike at the Big Ape, I then take this opportunity to take a large chomp out of the bears armor.

My jaw hurts tremendously as I chomp through the steel like stone, after a few bites I can finely see the thick hide of the bear and I take a large Bite latching down as the bear almost hit's Big Ape. After I bite into the bears skin the bear misses Big Ape narrowly and roars in discontentment, the bear Then takes it's spiked gauntlet and slams it down onto his leg as I detach my self from the wound and drop to the floor.

The bears strike was in no way light as he mutilates his own leg in that moment. Big Ape prepares one more of the Tornado like blasts as the bear roars in pain. The fist makes contact with the bears head as the bear gets blasted apart. A feeling of silence enshrouds us after the combat. We look around us and find that all the animals that were fighting are now kneeling down towards the mana pool.

A Gigantic Glowing Blue crocodile looks at us, the only two people who just finished fighting. The Crocodiles eyes narrow as he sees my face. "A DISCIPLE OF THE FOREST DARE DEFIES THE MANA POOL TREATY?". A feeling of fear washes over me as the creature rests it's eyes on me. "Treaty?" I ask as innocently as possible. The Crocodiles face is filled with anger as he opens his gigantic maw and shouts "YOU INSOLENT LITTLE WHELP I OUTTA KILL YOU OUT RIGHT FOR THIS". The Beasts words run though my head like a megaphone sounded right next to your ear.

"AS PUNISHMENT YOU AND YOU LARGE FRIEND ARE BANISHED FROM THE MANA POOL FOR THE REST OF THE TREATIES EXISTENCE." A feeling of fear fills me as the Crocodile Takes A gulp from the water as me and Big Ape are sent soaring through the forest after being blasted with water.

Big Ape stares at me happily after we land as though he had accomplished something great. After a little while he starts giggling and saying "We killed Bears hahahahaha, bears are bad and we killed them". I look at the Ape realizing the mistake I have made and slowly start to leave. After a few moments I realize that he and the small monkeys are following me quite closely. I look around him and ask rather angrily "What do you want?!". The Ape starts to lose the joyous look on his face and says solemnly, " Mana Pool was Big Apes and Little Monkeys home. Now we have no home, only Little Snake Friend ". The monkey looks at me seriously then lowers one hand and almost pets me on the head to comfort me.

"..." What does this stupid monkey mean, does he want me to give him a home?? After a little consideration I realize that my home could actually accommodate the big fellow quite easily. I then slowly look at the monkeys and say " Ok you can live with me for a little while. BUT ONLY A LITTLE WHILE OK?" Directly after the ape slams his fist on his chest and says with a reassuring smile "Yes thank you Little Snake, Little Snake is my best friend."

What have I gotten myself into?

After We arrive at the cave the little monkeys hoot and holler excitedly as they dash and climb up the ledges up higher in the cave as they seem to be resting quite avidly. The big ape goes to the small puddle and starts slurping up the water happily. I settle down as I look at the systems notifications. A feeling of happiness wells up inside of me as I see the many notifications pop up.

Looking at the notifications I open up my status page to see all the changes.

Name: Alex

Level: 5 (20/1000)

Species : Adult Bloodline Snake (Tier 3)

HP 150/150

MP 60/60

SP 70/70

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Unknown Dragon 50% Unknown 50%

Strength: 7

Agility: 11

Endurance: 21

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20

Willpower: 20

AP: 4

Improved Infrared Vision: LV 1

Stealth: LV 3

Dash: LV 5 (max level, please spend 5 evolution points to evolve)

Climbing: LV 1

Venom Strike: LV 3

Improved Venom: LV 1

Iron Jaw: LV 2

Sharpened Teeth: LV 1

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

Tough Scales: LV 4

Energy Manipulation: LV 3

Meditation: LV 1

Mental Boost: LV 3

Mental Strength: LV 2

Mental Speed: LV 2

Lightning Magic: LV 1

Water Magic: LV 1

Wind Magic: LV 1

Forest Guardians Candidate: LV MAX

The Great Turtles Disciple: LV MAX

Evolution Points: 12

None have been chosen currently

I slap the Four AP points into strength raising the low 7 to an 11. After I do that I open up the evolution Store page. I have 7 points to purchase with as I greedily open up the list.

Combat skills:

Vicious Bite LV: 1 / cost 3

Steel Bite LV:1 / cost 5

Steel Fangs LV: 1 / cost 10

Movement Skills:

Evasive Movement LV:1 / cost 2

Tunneling LV: 1 / cost 5

Gliding LV: 1 / cost 10

Magic Skills:

Mana Efficiency LV:1 / cost 5

Mana Absorption LV:1 / cost 5

Mana Formation LV:1 / cost 5

ETC skills:

Skin Shed LV:1 / cost 3

Improved hearing LV:1 / cost 5

Improved Vision LV: 1 / cost 10

After looking at the list I decide it's time to purchase Mana Efficiency and Evasive Movement.

Mana Efficiency: LV 1

This skill lowers the cost of spells by 10 percent. By leveling this up you will gain better bonuses.

Evasive Movement: LV 1

This skill teaches the body how to dodge and weave through the users surrounding, helping in combat with dodging and getting away from enemies safely. Increasing this Skills level will increase it's ability.

I quickly look at activate the dash evolution as the familiar Blue page appears in front of me.

Magic Dash: This skill infuses the users previous dash skill with mana, making it many times more effective but costing mana as well. This skill costs one mana per minute of use. Leveling up this skill increases the speed in which you travel.

Unrelenting Dash: This skill makes the Dash Skill free of charge stamina wise. Leveling up this skill increases the speed in which you travel.

Burst Dash: This skill makes the Dash Skill much 10 times as fast as the previous skill but costs 10 stamina per minute of use. Increasing this skills level will increase speed.

After brief consideration I choose Burst Dash, this skill would be great if I need to get out of combat or finish a combat quickly. Though it becomes very draining in stamina later on, I think it is much more worth it compared to the other two abilities. Without even waiting for a conformation the system sends me a notification.

WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME. THIS PAIN IS UNBEARAB- sleep fills young Alex's mind.