
The grassland was peaceful as we rested, though hunting was difficult in this non competitive environment, it was definitely not impossible because we managed to get quite a bit of food through out the next week or two. A few days before the monkeys were estimated to evolve something awoke me and Big Ape from our rest. A sound of a war horn.

The land vibrated as something seemed to be coming. On one side of the grassland was the forest in which Wretches of all shapes and sizes were coming out of, then there was the other side, a strange group of humans seemed to be standing guard. Though they only just came in view this seemed to be a predetermined battle.

The Wretches out numbered the humans by about 4 times. The humans had iron armor and seemed to be packing quite the arsenal of spears and swords. I could even see a few staffs in the distance. Me and Big Ape almost instinctively start to move but Big Ape stops for a second after noticing that the monkeys were still sleeping peacefully on the ground. Though Big Ape usually carries the monkeys it isn't with out the monkeys help themselves.

I look at the ape who looks at me as if out of options, and then I get a notification from the system.

{Master, you are in danger, please hurry and find a way out}

Without listening to my A.I. Friend I feel renewed vigor as I settle down and ready a spell. Lightning boost as electricity surges through me. And I make the only decision that seems logical. I charge at the Wretches with as much force and speed as I can possibly get. I zip forward like a lightning bolt and strike into the legion of soldiers, they seemed confused at first, almost unwilling to hurt me, but that changed after I ripped 3 Wretches throats out with a few bite attacks.

A feeling of strength overwhelms me as I make my way through the army of Wretches, only about 5 hundred Wretches were here so far and I need to kill them all with Big Ape, but the thing that doesn't work out is that Big Ape is watching and protecting the monkeys. So that leaves 500 Wretches to myself. Though none of them seem to special it's still a lot of bodies and I'm not sure if I can deal with them all.

The first 20 or so fall easily. but after that it was one of the most difficult and grueling experiences of my life. The wretches bodies seem to slowly pile up around me as I cut through them with ease but something strange happens. All the Wretches I killed are slowly crawling together, and they seem to be growing as there pale skin mixes together. A massive creature was created after about 100 of the Wretches were done and this Wretch could easily be one of the strongest creatures I have seen. The Gigantic bone monster slowly stares at me in it's 10 meter tall height. The Creature has massive horns and spikes lining its brute like body as he lumbers his way towards me, almost as if intent to kill me.

It was at this time my lightning boost finally ran out and most my stamina was depleted. The creature lumbered forward and lifted it's massive foot in an attempt to stomp me. Though I managed to dash out of the way almost all my stamina was gone and I couldn't do that for much longer. But just as the Wretch lifted its leg to stomp on me once more a gigantic golden hammer flew through the air and sunk deep into the Wretches chest as the creature fell down, pinned by the massive weight of the hammer.

The Humans had only just now arrived, and are truly geniuses when attacking the Wretches. The humans weapons fall upon the army as the numbers dwindle down, after each corpse falls a flash of white light would appear as the body would disintegrate. The army that used to be 400 became zero in the short span of ten minutes. Pain filled my body as it decided it was time to pass out from over exerting my body.

I awake in a strange wooden room, the first house I had ever truly been in, with my good old friend Big Ape. Though as I woke up from my strange stupor I felt something different happening. I was trapped in a strange silver manacle, while Big Ape wore massive Iron cuffs that locked him to huge lead balls. The monkeys seemed to be out of sight and Big Ape seemed to be unconscious. Out of one prison and in another. After trying to meditate for a short period of time I realize that no mana is getting absorbed.

The silver manacle seemed to be glowing after I tried to gather mana, it seemed that it absorbed the mana I tried to garner. This Item seems to be something like the magical items in the story back on earth. Something clicks in my head as I ask Shell to do something. "Can you please examine this Item?"

{No Problem master, give Shell just a second.}

{Magic Locking Cuffs}:

Rarity: Rare

Cost: 1000 Gold

Uses: This Item steals mana for when someone tries to use mana. It has a maximum amount of mana that it can store before the cuff stops working.

10/100 mana.

Dang this ability is quite useful. I guess it will only take a couple of hours to be able to kill these cuffs and get out of here. Though it takes some more time than expected, no one came into the room during the few hours of me charging the mana into the cuffs, and after I finished the mana in the cuffs exploded and started to get rapidly absorbed my my new mana absorption skill.

The skill of absorption was pretty bad but at least I got around 60 mana to my pool. I then decide it is time to wake up Big Ape. The ape seemed to be in some sort of magical sleep as I tried to look at the iron cuffs attached to him.

{Weights of Sleep}

Rarity: Very Rare

Cost: 5000 Gold

Uses: This item weighs down the mind and the body. This item causes a massive amount of mental and physical fatigue when used on a creature.

Dang these items are broken, whats even going on. Why did these people lock us up for no reason. We are monsters of the forest but we helped them, why do they want to imprison us. I launch up a water spike and send it towards him as the chains are severed and a large bang is heard. 'uh oh' This seems like a bad situation as I hear bangs coming from outside of the wooden building.

Big Ape struggles awake swaying from side to side as he just woke up from a deathly sleep. The world outside the room seemed to quite down before the door slowly opened as a tall human wearing white robes approached the me and Big Ape. He held a tall golden staff aloft in the air as he mumbles words as the air seems to shape into a glowing warm path towards me. The light gently enshrouded me as a strange sound entered my mind. "Hello?" a warm voice tentatively asks. The voice was similar to the communication I had with the Guardians of the forest so I answer quite quickly.

"What did you do with the monkey?!" Though a little bit of hostility escapes from my thoughts I try to keep my voice as civil as possible. The man quickly replies "They are being tended to, fed and slept. They were not as powerful as you and your friend so we decided it was not necessary to lock them up." The man smiles warmly at me trying to ease my anger.

"What do you want with us". The man looks at me and slowly says "we are not sure. Answers perhaps, maybe an ally, but all is uncertain. All we want right now is to keep you here for a little while, we need to decide what is going on out there" he gestures in a general direction. "You killed the Wretches like they were nothing, you, one snake killed over 100 wretches, that is unheard of."

"what is going on? why are the Wretches leaving the forest?" I asked hurriedly as I worry about the amount of Wretches in the forest, more than I have ever seen before. The man replied "Were not sure, we were hoping you could answer that question for us."

"..." it seems like me and the man are in the same boat. We are both stuck here and we have no clue whats going on.