Friend Feature

The man leaves the room after leaving some food for us to eat. Big Ape seems to love it as he digs in heartily but I look through my system notifications. After a few moments the notification pops up.

I open up my status to see what I have to work with.

Name: Alex

Level: 2 (0/600)

Species : Advanced Bloodline Snake (Tier 4)

HP 200/200

MP 192/192

SP 141/141

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Storm-dragon 50% Unknown 50% current percentage unlocked: 6%/100%

Strength: 20 ( + 10% Physical damage )

Agility: 20 ( + 10% physical speed)

Endurance: 21 ( + 21 SP )

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20 ( + 10% magic damage)

Willpower: 32 ( + 32 MP )

AP: 7

Improved Infrared Vision: LV 1

Stealth: LV 3

Burst Dash: LV 1

Evasive Movements: LV 1

Climbing: LV 1

Venom Strike: LV 3

Improved Venom: LV 1

Iron Jaw: LV 2

Sharpened Teeth: LV 1

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

Tough Scales: LV 4

Energy Manipulation: LV 3

Mana Absorption: LV 1

Mana Formation: LV 1

Meditation: LV 2

Mental Boost: LV 3

Mental Strength: LV 2

Mental Speed: LV 2

Lightning Magic: LV 1

Water Magic: LV 1

Wind Magic: LV 1

Mana Efficiency: LV 1

Forests Hatred: LV 1

Evolution Points: 15

None have been chosen currently

I slap the AP points into Wisdom and take a glance at the evolution menu after deciding to screw saving any Evolution Points for evolving skills.

Combat skills:

Vicious Bite LV: 1 / cost 3

Steel Bite LV:1 / cost 5

Steel Fangs LV: 1 / cost 10

Dragon scales LV: 1 / cost 50

Movement Skills:

Tunneling LV: 1 / cost 5

Gliding LV: 1 / cost 10

Flight LV: 1 / cost 20

Magic Skills:

Mana Summoning LV:1 / cost 20

Magic Sight LV:1 / cost 20

Magic Contract LV:1 / cost 30

ETC skills:

Skin Shed LV:1 / cost 3

Improved hearing LV:1 / cost 5

Improved Vision LV: 1 / cost 10

Size increase LV:1 / cost 20

'...' Dang I have been focusing on magic way to much. Though it sure is useful I need to round out my physical stats. After a little time I decide that I should probably purchase a bunch of bite skills to increase my power. Vicious bite seemed useful and was pretty cheap and Steel Fangs. Though Pricey they definitely make me a combat force to be reckoned with.

Vicious Bite LV 1:

This skill provides a strong physical attack though can only be triggered when below 50% of health. This attack deals 1.5 X damage, it costs 50 Stamina per bite while using this(can be stacked with other attacks). This skill when leveled up will provide greater damage and less stamina cost.

Steel Fangs LV 1:

This skill provides your bite attacks with a penetrative punch. When using a bite attack your fangs will rip through enemy armor ignoring armor under a certain point of durability and dealing increased damage to armor. This skill when leveled up will increase penetrative ability.

I settle down and after about a few hours the monkeys are brought into our wooden room. The Monkeys are the exact same small size as before but now they are an pure azure color as they move much faster and energetic towards Big Ape clinging and jumping on him as though he was there personal Jungle gym.

I ask the system for another mission to see what is in store for me, though I'm a little traumatized from the last time I took a mission the rewards are just to go to pass up.

-Wretch slayer (do to previous actions)

Description: The wretches are invading the lands of the world, though slowly they will quickly come in many armies and swipe life as we no it from the humble land of Yrin.

Requirements: Kill a general rank Wretch

Rewards: One special skill

Penalties: your highest level skill will be taken away(2 week deadline)

-Slay the Walking Fortress ( do to previous actions)

Description: One down, three to go, and the next one on the list seems to be your old acquaintance The Walking Fortress.

Requirements: Kill The Walking Fortress.

Rewards: Title: Hated Slayer

Penalties: lose 5% of your bloodline ( if you lose the first combat with him)

-Save the town of Jura from the incoming wave

Description: The town of Priests and paladins are not ready for the incoming wave of Wretches, save them from there incoming demise.

Requirements: The Town of Jura is alive by the end of the wave

Rewards: Special A.I upgrade

Penalties: Lose A.I. (The requirement is not fulfilled.)

DANG, why do these quests get harder and harder. The penalties are just insane. Though I think I may be able to do the first quest the second quest is outrageous and though the third quest seems dangerous it seems to be the best moral decision here. I choose the last quest, the rewards seem to be quite intriguing as well, though the penalties are unbearable if I can't save this town than how can I live on, plus the Wretches are pretty easy to fight in the first place.

After the mention of the A.I I remember a function I still haven't checked out in the first place, the Friend Feature. "Shell what is the Friend Feature?"

{Master the friend feature is a feature that allows complete understanding and communication between friends, as well as the ability to view there stats and skills.}

What the heck is this skill, this thing is overpowered. Having the ability to tell whats wrong with any of my friends could be useful. It would also be cool to be able to speak with anybody no matter what race just depending on if they are my friend or not. "Shell please open up the Friend Feature"

{No Problem Master :D}

{Friend Feature LV: 1}

-Big Ape

HP: 300/300



-Little monkeys (13)

HP: 50/50

SP: 120/120

NM: 100/100

Wait so this skill can level up? Though I thought it would be cooler It's still awesome to be able to see there health and stuff. I guess I could tell if they were in danger or not by just looking at the Friend Feature.

I try my hardest to open the door to the small room but with this snake body it just isn't possible and after asking Big Ape all he could do was look at me blindly not understanding what a door was in the first part. After banging on the door a couple times I manage to make a hole big enough for me to crawl out and I am surprised to find a guard sweating and shaking profusely with his shortsword drawn half the way. He stares at me with utter fear as I try to make contact with him.

The only downside to Beast Speak is that it only works on actually beasts, though some would argue that human where beasts that doesn't seem to be the same here. After hissing at the poor boy he started going crazy as he ran away at full speed bolting and leaving his position unguarded. Well I guess I will have to look for that mage guy by myself.

After going through the strange wooden building that seems to be a manor of some sort I manage to sneak past many guards as I arrive at the one place I would expect a mage to be at, the library. I go inside the poshly decorated library in search for the white robed mage and in his stead I find another man dressed in the white looking robe as he seems to be focusing the books on his desk very intently. I mean if he has a white robe like the other dude than it should be possible to talk with him right?

I slither up to the dude and bang my head on the ground trying to get his attention. Though the man seems intent to keep his focus on his books, after a little decision I climb up to the top of the wooden desk and after reaching the top the man finally notices me. The man lets out an unearthly shriek after seeing a bright blue and green snake appear out of no where. Though I was trying to get his attention I didn't think he would react this harshly upon seeing me.

I look at him trying to give him the most peaceful look possible though it's pretty hard seeing as i'm a snake and all. The man calms down as I just lay there watching and slowly gesturing my head in a peaceful attempt. The man then looks at me with a new feeling, intrigue. He approaches me slowly and after I make up my mind not to bite him he starts to pet my head like some kind of pet. Though the urge of biting him becomes truly strong at this point I instead motion hurriedly at the staff in the corner of the room. The man looks between the staff and me as his face of curiosity turns into one of true amazement as he goes to fetch the golden staff.

He slowly approaches once more, staff in hand, and starts to cast a spell. Though this spell is very different than the previous spell I saw the other white robed mage cast, I sit through his strange incantations. After a few minutes he grabs chalk and slowly starts to draw a circle around me. Then draws strange runes sprouting from the circle. After what seemed like forever the man leaned down looking slightly out of breath and a notification was sounded from the system.

'...' Who does this kid think he is trying to make me his familiar?