Wretch Slayer

I awake a few moments later with new information surging through my mind. Though I don't feel that confident in killing 200 wretches tonight I have a feeling 100 will be no problem. After sluggishly waking up I go out in the forest during the day to practice my new skills. I specifically want to try out my vital poison strike skill, I don't know exactly how it will work but it seems very interesting.

After a short dash through the forest I start to find the bigger creatures of the forest. But something seems to be strange as I approach the larger forest. The creatures seem larger than before, but there seems to be much less than before. I then see the corpses of the smaller creatures. They seem to either have been picked off by the Wretches or others of there kind. I suppose this must be some sort of natural selection in a strange sort of way.

After going through the forest for awhile I see something I could consider my prey. I find a cave, similar to my own but much larger. I see a sleeping bear lying on the ground. The bear is absolutely massive, its fur gleaming with a metallic glint. This creature is by far the largest Bear I had seen. I slowly work my way towards it and ready my self to coil around it's throat to bite and choke it out to death. I pounce quickly as I bite and hurriedly move my body in an attempt to strangle the beast. The Bear reacts quickly almost instantly awaking from it's sleep as it slowly stands up and moves it's arms up to my frame. I feel claws dig into my skin, a feeling of pain sears through my body.

The feeling of my venom releasing through the bears body feels much faster than before and almost more concentrated and almost.... directed. After a few seconds the bear tries to wrangle me from it's throat and after a little while the bear manages to firmly rip my body from it. Though I bit near the throat I ended up biting the back neck, though it is quite damaging bite, it definitely didn't cause the damage I was looking for. The bear looks at me coldly as it picks my tail up as it walks slowly, making great care to make sure that I can't bite it, to a wall.

After a few moments I hear a voice through Beast Speak, "You should not have messed with Grom. Grom will now make you feel bad." The Big Bear then proceeds to slam my body against the wall back and forth multiple times. The pain was immense as my body felt like it was truly in danger. I underestimated this bear as it seems to have reacted to the situation with at least a semblance of knowledge. After about a minute of getting pounded into the wall my spell I have been struggling to piece together flings itself at the figure of the bear. I have enough mana to cast two Lightning spikes, though I think that amount would surely be overkill for this bear. The lightning spike launches its way into the head of the creature but the creature reacts strangely.

The bear smirks slightly as he reaches up with insane speed and the lightning spike is nullified by the shimmering black claws of his. "Grom respects you, even though you backstab him. Leave or I will kill you and eat your family." the bear says in a voice that reminds me of someone who is giving me the most gracious gift ever. After very little thought I dash outside the room at an incredible speed. This bear is just too strong. What evolution could he possibly be? Tier 5? Tier 6? I honestly have no clue. The bear not only had great strength and physical defense but also had a way to deal with my magic attacks. I quickly head home to regenerate my missing mana for the night.

After about 2 hours of meditation I am surprised by a notification from the system.

'...' WHAT? After a little bit I calm down and consider what might of happened. '..' the dots are finally connected. The skill vital poison strike is much more useful than I thought it would have been. It targeted his vital points, and even though there was only a little in his system it made it to where he died after an hour or two. This is just insane. Though it kinda makes me disappointed by the small amount of EXP it gave me it still leveled me up 3 times which is great for where I am. I plug the three points into strength as I disregard the Evolution points.

After a little bit more time I finally regenerate all my mana as the sun has truly fallen. After a little bit of meditation I managed to level up my meditation skill.

After a little bit more and I can evolve it I look greedily at the skill thinking of the possible evolutions to pick from. I head outside to do my job and slay some wretches. I kill about 80 without incident, though I haven't been getting any EXP my physical skills are going up tremendously, though still not as much as a creature that could put up an actual fight, the minor wretches almost seemed to serve as training dummies for me now.

After I hit 80 Wretches killed the situation changed. It seemed like after killing this amount the entire forest was a buzz with Wretch activity. More than 20 Wretches were in my view, all of them seemingly hunting with a single purpose, to bring the corpses back somewhere. As strange as it is, I slowly follow them through the forest deeper into the forests core. The howls of animals slowly begin to distance them selves from me as I follow a hoard of around 2000 Wretches of all shapes and sizes slowly moving through the strangely dense forest carrying carcasses of animals. Some of the Wretches carry not an animal corpse but a corpse of there own kind.

After the hike through the dangerous forest I start to see a large hill approaching. The hill was completely black, and all the plants seemed to wither the closer we got to the strange hill. After approaching slightly closer I could see a massive cave entrance filled with strange black lamps. The Wretches filed in single file almost completely docile from there normal form.

I quickly decide this is probably where the big bad is and make a beeline exit towards the outer forest. After awhile I continue hunting. Though fazed from the sight of the horde of Wretches, I still need to kill more. If anything I can think of it as if it is the perfect situation to whittle that massive hoards numbers down just a little bit. I get around 150 Wretches killed through the night. Though my mana is running thin by the end of the night I need to sleep. My stamina is completely out and I feel exhausted to my long bones. After a long nap I wake up and start to meditate once more for the night to come. After a few hours of meditation I am notified by the system exactly what I wanted.

After little to no thought I click the evolve button that glared by the meditation option.

-Insightful meditation lv 1:

This skill allows the user to think perfectly clear while meditating. This means that you will be able to easily gain insight while meditating. This effect scales with it's level.

-Restorative meditation LV 1:

This skill allows the user to recover stamina at the same rate as mana recovered. This skill scales the same way as before.

-Meditation of sleep LV 1:

This skill allows the user to sleep while meditating, allowing recovery of health and stamina, though slightly slower than the Restorative meditation. This skill scales as usual.

Well though Insightful meditation is neat and all I think it really comes down to Restorative meditation or Meditation of Sleep. Though Restorative Meditation is nice I really wish I could recover mana while I sleep. It is something that is required for me to do and this makes sleeping a more proactive time. So after a little bit of decision I decide it is time to choose meditation of sleep.

I give up on the pain.... It didn't hit me? Whats going oOOOON OH GOD WHY IS THE PAIN SO BAD THIS TIME, IT TURNS UP A NOTCH EVERY SINGLE TIME.