
After awaking from my rest I felt invigorated with energy, the energy seems to almost be boiling within my blood. Dang this new skill is really useful. After a little bit of preparing I head out combat. After a little while I find large groups of Wretches. They seem to be packing together more recently. After some preparation I activate lightning boost and watch my new abilities compound off of each other. My magic conduction skin seems to be doing a charm as I zip towards the group at a high speed. The creatures easily die in this form. After a while I kill them all before destroying there corpses.

I find a few more groups nearby with exactly 20 Wretches in them. Strange, now that I think about it I got around 20 notifications for killing the previous group. Though they are really easy to kill it is taxing my mana do to how expensive Lightning Boost is, at this point I can only use it for about 20 minutes before it runs out. One casting of the spell only lasts about 10 minutes so in total I can only cast it two times, my mana is the only thing that is stopping me from being really good at combat.

After killing about 60 Wretches in total I noticed something strange. The groups don't seem to be out hunting. They idly walk around, seemingly without purpose and they don't seem to have a real reason. Yesterday they seemed to be hunting, today they seemed to be.... Baiting? As soon as I think that I hear laughter echoing through the forest. I see red and black liquid slowly lifting out of the recently killed Wretches and slowly make it's way to a point in the air near me. More vibrant liquid seems to be coming from all around the forest.

A strange and wizened old voice seems to belittle me in a strange tone "Yes, You are the one slaying your brothers. I finally found you. You killed my son quite ruthlessly earlier, though you did a crappy job since you decided to keep the cloak on you. This is your gift from your dear father." The Liquid started to spread out creating a form. The creature was tall, an armored vanguard. The Liquid seemed to form a rough bone outline, after a little while longer muscles bulged as the strange outline quickly filled in. Bright red skin was all over the outside of this creatures body. It seemed much different than the other Wretches I had seen before this. This is, for one, Bright blood red. The Flesh begins to harden and turn into almost steel like armor, the skin turning to Bright Red Iron. The head slowly forms and it seems to be a large helmet, a bloody visor covering two glowing white eyes.

"I hope you enjoy your gift killer" the man says before laughing manically. A Bright Blue light flashes as a strange glow descends from the sky as it fills the visor changing the red glow to a haunting purple in an instant. The Creature seems to be getting used to it's form as it reaches into the air. Blue energy escapes his hands as a gigantic battleaxe fills his hands. The Axe seems to purple around the grips of his arms but blue everywhere else. The Double Edged Battleaxe menacingly took on a red glow as the axe seemed to glow slightly.

It looked at me, not with madness but with intelligence. After a moment it struggles to lift it's heavy leg up and sends it crashing forward, slowly making it's way closer and closer to me. "What the f*** is going on?". With little to no time to react I start darting around looking at the strange beast for a weak point. Though it seems it has almost none as I look at the completely armored creature. Other than the holes in it's visor everything else seems to be a strange mix of moving metals.

I decide maybe magic is the only way for me to deal with this. After starting a lightning spike the creature picks up speed as it slowly moves towards me, slowly moving faster. Almost as if it is getting used to it's huge new body. After a while of getting used to it's body it begins sprinting at an insane speed directly towards me. It seems like it is time for me to dodge. Though I am used to dodging, I am definitely not used to dodging such a quick creature. After a short while my stamina starts to dwindle. After around a minute the spell is cast, directly spinning towards the helmet of the visor. Though The armor seems to stop most of the impact the creatures armor begins to be cracked with strange yellow lines of energy that fluctuates through it's steel outside.

The mana I sent at him seems to be fluctuating. This is very strange, after a little while I can actually feel my energy enter this strange blood construct as it seems to fight this strange blue and red energy through it's body. Though my lightning seems to be winning it starts to lose the fight. The creature is immobilized during this time, after a little bit of thought I start readying as many standard mana balls as possible. Though they won't be as powerful as the lightning spike it will be way more mana. After prepping around 10 I send them flying with ease. The previous hard to master ability soars through the air into the armor. A notification pops up as I ready more spells.

The armor seems to be made out of mana, maybe the entire creature is made out of mana but it is certain that it's armor is. Because if it isn't made out of mana than how does my mana have a direct affect on it? So after my mana is in it I should be able to screw with it's armor at least a little bit by making my mana fight with the creature. By my estimation it shouldn't be able to move for a couple of minutes with the current amount of energy in it's system. I slither forward at a fast pace ,the remnants of my boost skill still active, and attack the creatures visor viciously. After around ten strikes the visor gives way for me to see the strange form inside. It is a blue human. The creature seems to be slightly transparent, and wears clothes somewhat familiar to an old memory of mine.

The figure resembles the figure of a blue jeaned teenager from back on earth. Shock fills me as I forget to attack him. The figure seems truly afraid at the sight of me, shrieking back in the small shell it is in. After a while I still don't attack but the creature regains it's control as it drops the axe and reaches for my form. A feeling of danger fills me as I make one last minute decision. I Strike the blue human in the armor with a feeling of pain gripping through my mind. The creature seems to be shrieking in fear as I ripped into the strange figure. It seemed to slowly dissipate after I ripped into him. I feel mana being released as the husk of the creature slowly melts into blood that drips onto the ground.

The system notifications start to pass by my eyes as I hear the bells.

Name: Alex

Level: 25 (700/3400)

Species : Advanced Bloodline Snake (Tier 4)

HP 91/200

MP 27/326

SP 42/141

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Storm-dragon 50% Unknown 50% current percentage unlocked: 6%/100%

Strength: 25 ( + 10% Physical damage )

Agility: 20 ( + 10% physical speed)

Endurance: 21 ( + 21 SP )

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20 ( + 10% magic damage)

Willpower: 63 ( + 126 MP )

AP: 16

Improved Infrared Vision: LV 1

Stealth: LV 4

Burst Dash: LV 2

Evasive Movements: LV 1

Climbing: LV 1

Vital Venom Strike: LV 1

Vicious strike: LV 1

Improved Venom: LV 1

Crushing Jaw: LV 1

Steel Fangs: LV 1

Sharpened Teeth: LV 1

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

Mana Conductive Skin: LV 5

Energy Manipulation: LV 4

Mana Absorption: LV 1

Mana Formation: LV 1

Meditation: LV 2

Mental Boost: LV 3

Mental Strength: LV 2

Mental Speed: LV 2

Lightning Magic: LV 2

Water Magic: LV 1

Wind Magic: LV 1

Mana Efficiency: LV 1

Evolution Points: 8

Wretched Genocide: 141/1000 Wretches killed 5 days left

Dang that was kinda traumatizing. So many theories fly through my head as to why there was a human being in that shell of armor. Though I have no clue why it happened, I am sure that the strange man did it. He is probably the Wretched King from the way he sounded. After some difficulties I slap the AP points into strength hoping to increase my physical strength as quick as possible. After that I look at the Evolution Points. Sadly the standard evolution points gained from leveling are quite small, as it only gives me about one per level now a days. I really need around 20 for them to be of any real use. And as of right now, saving them for evolution is probably the best bet.

After I rush home I lay down. Though Big Ape and Double are still sleeping they look rather cute as they huddle together for warmth. I rest poorly do to the strange events that had happened the previous night. But something puts my mind to rest, the thought of killing the Wretched King!