True Genocide

I awake shortly after, bursting with energy. My body is completely healed after sleeping. After very little time I start prepping for night time once more. I have to get around 800 some odd kills to be able to finish the quest. And all I have is 5 days left to accomplish that. After a short period of time the night falls as I ready myself. After a few trots through the forest I see massive hoards of the Wretches. They seem to be on a goal today, other than traumatizing me. I observe a group to see what exactly they are doing. I see a large group of 50+ Wretches moving through the forest, they slowly move, keeping track of everything going around them.

They seem almost paranoid, though the wretches seem to show no emotion whatsoever. After awhile the Wretches move on, and while they move they destroy the forest around them. They clear out massive amounts of trees. Though they do so all by physical force a strange magic seems to come over the land after they destroy it. The grass withers as the trees are ripped out of the ground. The few dead trees that are not destroyed become gnarled and filled with a chilly presence. The air seems to pick up as a newfound freezing cold atmosphere enters the area. The area also seems to darken slowly, the clouds seem to darken in this strange magics presence.

I study the group of Wretches for around 20 minutes before discovering something much more useful than the previous information. In each group there seems to be one muscled hulk of Wretchedness. There also seems to be a single Wretch who stays in the center of the group staring coldly into the surrounding forest. Strange Blue holes are drilled into the head of this wretch, chills surround me as I think of the strange creature I had fought the other day. Maybe this thing is from earth too? I need to stop thinking about this it is truly making me doubt my entire world view.

After I finish watching I decide killing the cloaked Wretch would be of the greatest importance. The Wretches with Eyes seem to be much more powerful than the Wretches without eyes. I activate lightning boost as I sprint trying to approach the hooded figure. After about half the distance I find a wall in front of me. The creature raised his hand casually as he easily began to cast another spell. Another magic caster? Though I had seen magic before this is very similar to my way of casting magic. With little to no time I start prepping 3 magic spheres and 3 magic spikes as well prepping a few mana walls as well.

The Strange Wretch opens up his mouth as a strange ice orb shrieks through the sky towards me. The ice sphere seems to have a strange amount of magical energy in it. I quickly finish my mana walls as I try to stop the ball from reaching me. The ball simply passes through my mana walls dispersing them. With a last ditch attempt I dodge to the side, but the ball seems to follow me as it remains by my side the entire length of the run. After a while I begin to prep a new spell. Water Wall, though I haven't really been using the other spell types since lightning magic seems to be very effective, but water magic specifically states it is the best at protection. The wall comes surging up with a fierce energy to it.

The ball bangs into the wall and the orb seems to battle with the wall for a second before the wall slowly starts to freeze. After a few moments the ball is gone and is instead replaced by a very large wall of pure ice. At this moment the Muscled Brute thinks it is the perfect time to enter the combat. He makes a slow swing at me that catches me off guard landing a heavy hit on me. The pain starts to make it to where I start to lose control of my magic but through the use of dodging I try my hardest to get into physical distance of the Robed Wretch, completely disregarding the muscled Wretch.

I continue my mad dash towards the robed figure and find a wall appear before me, a strange scene fills my mind as a memory resurfaces. A man jumping over one of my own mana walls. With little hesitation I 'jump' over the wall to the best of my ability. More like springing after coiling myself up. I manage to get over the wall and find myself a few metres away from the Wretch. The Wretch seems to freeze up, quite literally as I approach him closer. The Features of the Wretch change slightly as it's eyes turn a bright green. The Wretch opens up it's mouths and speaks in a familiar voice. "I suppose you had fun with my Butcher earlier? After you killed the poor boy I decided it is time to buff my exploration groups a little. You seem quite keen on stopping me----" The voice of the old man cuts off as I sink my fangs deep into the throat of the Wretch. My venom working through it's strange body.

The strike sends the Wretch to the ground and it dies shortly after words. The muscled Wretch Twitches slightly as a green wreath covers it's head as it opens it's mouth. "YOU ARE AN INSUFFERABLE WRETCH OF A HUMAN. KILL THIS MAN JUGGERNAUT."

The creature starts to grow slightly as it's legs become more muscled and it's shoulders become much larger a dull blue glow appears in it's eyes as it starts a charge directly towards me. I don't have enough juice to cast any lightning spells so I guess all I can do is use my remaining lightning boost. I charge towards the beast as it starts to move closer to me. I dodge past him as he rips past me. The Wretch takes it's time to slow down, just enough time for me to launch onto it's back. I bite deep into it's flesh as I feel my poison get to work. Though this creature seems to be tough on a forward encounter it definitely wasn't meant for this kind of fight. It slumps to the ground in a huff as it dies quickly. I quickly finish up the rest of the Wretches who are easy in comparison.

After I kill the Wretches I gaze at the systems notifications wondering what I got from the combat.

Well though the gains are not great it for sure is a good thing that I could get the level ups in the skills. I quickly move on to another group but find it devoid of the mage. After around two more clears I finally clock out for the night at a total of around 172 Kills. A great pull for this situation, it is easily catching up higher and higher. And as a plus I seem to have really pissed of the wretch king or at least that is who I assume it is at this point. It would only make since after all. I head back to the cave to see Double awake for the first time since we got to the cave. He sees my injuries as I enter and he looks at me with black circles under his eyes.

"I thought you were as good as dead." Double says almost devoid of emotion "I can hear the Wretches moving around outside now. For some reason I really doubted you when you said the Wretch king was real, but now I think it is as clear as day. Why would they be destroying the forest so methodically if this is the case" He looks at me directly in the eyes and continues "There dead aren't they?" he looks at me sadly. After a few minutes of silence he speaks once more "The People from the Keep are all dead aren't they? and I can do nothing about it." Shortly afterwards he drifts to sleep while staring at the decaying fire in front of him.

I look at double and sigh 'I don't want them to die, I will try my hardest to kill the king before they can get that far.'

After resting for a little while I open up the evolution screen for the skill.

Speedy Manipulation LV:1

This skill allows you to cast the spells much faster. The ability is improved upon leveling it up.

Mana Thief Manipulation LV:1

Use the energy of dead foes to resupply you of your mana. Depending on there tier and level depends on the amount of mana gained, this feature is upgraded by leveling the skill up.

Channeling Manipulation LV:1

This skill allows the user to make the spells increase in power through casting them for longer periods of time. Current maximum casting time is 10 minutes with a 10 X potency. Level up the skill to improve the efficiency.

With little thought I absent mindedly pick Mana Thief Manipulation. My thoughts seem to drift off and it numbs almost. The pain comes but I don't really seem to notice it as I slowly drift into an unusually active sleep.