Ancestors Gift

The days passed by uneventfully after that. I killed and I killed groups upon groups of Wretches. No strange occurrences occurred through out the other 5 days of the week, I did manage to scrounge together a total of 5700 EXP though which is awesome. It provided one level up which I quickly dropped all the stat points into Strength. By now my strength has reached a whopping 43 Score. The increase has been phenomenal, enemies fall much quickly with my increased strength, I wish I had added more to strength previously though I don't really regret focusing on magic. Magic is useful and all but man does it take a lot of time and effort to use, physical combat is far easier to use. While Magic is powerful I only have enough mana to cast a few of those high damage spells. Physical skills are far more long lasting to say the least.

At the end of the week I had reached around 1200 Wretches, after I reached the 1000 marker I kept fighting in hopes of increasing my combat prowess against the beasts. After killing around 1000 I got two system notifications.

The week marker was up and my quest was complete, though the system states a body evolution is going to take place I really don't know what that will truly entail.

I go to the cave a little bit before schedule and wait for the evolution to take place. After a short period of time my vision darkens as the system sends one final mission.

I fall into the inky black abyss that is my consciousness as I fall asleep. I awake to a strangely calming vibration. I find myself floating on a loose piece of driftwood among a huge emerald green sea. The waves calmly move me as I feel my body relax as If I feel at peace. Though my mind doesn't seem to want to relax as a thousand thoughts race through my mind of what is going on, my body does. I find myself staring at the sky where clouds peacefully stroll by. The sun shines beautiful rays of crimson gold upon my scales as I feel the wonderful heat warming my almost cold and bitter soul.

I seem to be without control of my body as it strangely goes through these movements. I feel a nice warm gust on me almost as if smothering me with warmth. A feeling of happiness wells up inside of me as well as a feeling of not having any bonds to this world, almost as if all I have to do is drift in this beautiful sea endlessly. But after awhile something changes.

The wind seems to pick up as the waves get more vicious. The sky almost fills with dark clouds after a few moments. My head swivels around to the sun, the last amount of warmth left in this strange chaotic land, and it to is slowly being eaten away at by the dark clouds. After the sun disappears the surroundings darken. And then I feel it. The pitter patter of rain on my scales. The feeling strange, the sea seems to pick up as it rains. The soft caress of the rain seems to ramp up after only a few minutes turning from soft drops to steel bullets as they rain down on my body and the sea.

The wind whips my small piece of driftwood across the ocean as I feel my body spinning. The wind cuts into my skin almost making me feel stripped of any protection as the rain rips into my skin. A bitter coldness slowly works it's way through my body in the first true time of my life. The cold seeps into my muscle fibers as I feel almost numbed by this intense cold. It seems to burn my skin, the rain, as it hit's me with a beady frost.

Then the lightning came. At first it was a low rumble with distant flashing illuminating the sea for mere seconds. But the distant rumble soon came to a close explosion. The surrounding sea almost crackles with lightning as it hit's the sea constantly. The lightning a frightening golden color as it rumbles fiercely. It feels like an eternity of being thrown through the waves as I see it. Almost in between lightning flashes I see a giant shadow from the sky. Illuminated by the lightning for a brief second at a time. The creature an incomprehensible shadow as it moves through the sky at seemingly random.

The creature grows larger as it becomes more and more defined, almost as if it is approaching me. A huge winged beast that I could only describe as a dragon almost. It fits the criteria but seems to be much more similar to a snake than a dragon. The Creature is completely black except for huge golden eyes. Lightning seems to follow it's trail as it gets illuminated in second montages. As it approaches I get to truly admire the massive size of the dragon. I am only a couple meters long, while much less thick, this creature has to be at the very least 10 meters thick and incomprehensibly long. The many wings on its body seem insanely large. The wings buffet cutting blades of wind every time they flap. Destruction seems to be left in it's path wherever it goes. This beast might have been hundreds of thousands times more powerful than anything I had ever seen in this world.

A voice echos through the sea almost like lightning it's self "A TRACE OF MY BLOODLINE YOU HOLD, FOR THIS I WILL GIFT YOU THE BODY OF A DRAGON. A TRACE OF ANOTHER BLOODLINE YOU HOLD, MUCH OLDER THAN ANY OTHER. FOR THIS I GIFT YOU A POWER." The creature cryptically screams.

Then the lightning gets truly close, it almost inches forward, increasing in speed every other second. It seemed to be a great distance away, slowly arriving towards me, but I was mistaken as the lightning strikes me seemingly out of no where. The pain is insane, my body burning from the impact. Then another flash of lightning this one blue while the other was gold, it seems to hold a strange freezing effect as what I could only describe as freezing lightning strikes me with intense power. My body seems to be giving out as the pain overwhelms it, my mind seemingly unharmed by the strange effects. Then the final lightning bold came, an azure bolt that seemed much more powerful than any of the previous bolts. The bolt struck me and my mental state was destroyed, it felt as if someone had taken needles and inserted them through my eyes with laser precision, going deep into my skull killing my brain in one attack.

The pain was truly incomprehensible, my mind couldn't even think as the pain stunned it. Then darkness overtook my vision.

I awake out of breath in the cave with a strange itching sensation all over my body and two new notifications from the system.

The notifications sent a strange feeling through me. I look around at my body to see I had grown considerably longer, to about 10 meters long, and much thicker though it is a bit harder to estimate how thick. My body is now an inky black filed with almost lightning strikes going down it with different colors to each bolt. Then I notice the 6 strange looking wings on my back, completely black they menacingly sit on my back.

"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?" double wakes up in a sleepy stupor as he looks in my direction to try and see what is wrong. The young boy seemed a little different than the last time I had seen him, the boy now had a slight stubble and his body seemed to be lean and filled with muscle as he seemed to have ditched his previous robe for some animal hides. He stares at me for a second before rubbing his eyes almost as if trying to test his vision. After a few seconds his eyes begin to widen in shock as he starts casting a spell almost out of fear.

"DOUBLE IT'S ME YOU IDIOT" I yell at him, my voice seems much louder than it was before as he stops the spell while dumbfound looks at me. He then asks in a strange tone "Alex, is that you?" After seeing my body nod slightly he replies "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU?!". I shortly yell back at him "THAT'S WHAT I AM TRYING TO FIGURE OUT".